
Diaries of Mr. Han’s Sweet Marriage

Gao Xiaoxiao, a secretary and single mom, struggles to support herself and her young son. When her rakishly handsome boss, Han Zhen, offers her a proposal she can’t refuse, she agrees to enter into a marriage contract with him. For him, it is simply to fend off pressures from his prominent family to settle down while keeping up his playboy lifestyle. Forced to live together, the two soon learn that perhaps there is more than just a bogus marriage between them. The enigmatic Han Zhen is generous and affectionate one minute, cold and aloof the next. Unaware of her own growing feelings for him, Xiaoxiao resists his flirtatious overtures as she navigates their strange marriage. Meanwhile, pressures—from emotional blackmail to direct ultimatums—are mounting from the Han family for the couple to produce an heir. Her own son is growing up fast and asking questions about the father he has never met. Her step-sister threatens to turn her world upside down by exposing her dark secret. A lover from the past shows up unexpectedly. How will Xiaoxiao salvage the situation? Is divorce the only way to get out of the mess she finds herself in?

Su Zihuan · Urban
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40 Chs

I'm Not Coming Home to Sleep Tonight (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Seeing that Gao Xiaoxiao was silent, Gao Zhenning started coaxing her again. "Xiaobai is four years old this year. He's going to start kindergarten, right? Educational expenses are not small. Your monthly salary is only that much, and you have to pay the rent… Little Xiaoxiao, I've saved up some money these past few years. Although it's not much, mom really can't bear to see you and your son living such hard lives…"

She took out a brown envelope from her branded bag and stuffed it into Gao Xiaoxiao's hands.

Gao Xiaoxiao measured the small stack of money in her hand and suddenly smiled bitterly.

She still remembered when she was pregnant, Gao Zhenning had asked her to abort the child with a look of disgust on her face. Otherwise, she would not lend her a single cent to support the child!

After that, Gao Zhenning really carried out her threat and never cared about her and her son. Gao Xiaoxiao did not expect that after four years, GaoZhenning would take the initiative to give her money, all because of the Gu family…

Seeing that Gao Xiaoxiao had accepted the money, Gao Zhenning said with satisfaction, "Xiaoxiao, your Uncle Gu asked about you a few days ago. Actually… he's quite concerned about you and the child. If you have time, bring the child home to visit. That's your home too. Also, it's your grandma's death anniversary in two days. There's a lot of work going on at home recently, so I won't be going back to Chongcheng…"

Since the matter had been successfully resolved, Gao Zhenning was in a good mood. She reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear, picked up her bag, and was about to leave.

"Wait," Gao Xiaoxiao said suddenly.

"… What's wrong?" Gao Zhenning looked at her curiously. "Can it be… that I'm giving too little money?" she wondered.

"Take your money away!" Gao Xiaoxiao lifted the envelope, and her eyes gradually turned bloodshot. "Since I've already cut ties with you three years ago, now… I won't take a single cent from you!"

Gao Zhenning was dumbstruck as the envelope was shoved back to her.

Before she could react, Gao Xiaoxiao's voice sounded cold again. "As for Han Zhen's matter, go back and tell Gu Liqing. I'll talk to her personally tomorrow."

• • •

In the end, Gao Zhenning left, feeling uneasy.

Gao Xiaoxiao sat quietly by the bed, feeling lost.

Everything that had happened over the years flashed across her mind.

In the end, all the scenes disappeared as a young face appeared in front of her.

"Mommy." It was Xiaobai.

Gao Xiaoxiao came back to her senses and forced a smile. "What's wrong, Xiaobai?"

"That woman is gone."

Gao Xiaoxiao's mood gradually improved. She did not forget to remind him, "From now on, whenever 'strangers' knock, don't open the door, understand?"

"Got it."

"Be good." Gao Xiaoxiao rubbed his face. "Hurry up and change. We'll go to the supermarket to shop later and have a big meal!"

Gao Xiaobai nodded and walked away.

After a while, Gao Xiaoxiao seemed to have suddenly realized something. She stood up and walked to the small bedroom next door. "Xiaobai, can Mommy help you put on your clothes?"

"…" Gao Xiaobai stuck his head out of the collar of his T-shirt. "No, I can wear it myself."

Gao Xiaoxiao stood at the side and observed him for a long time. Then she shouted in surprise and pride, "Xiaobai is amazing. He can even wear clothes by himself!"

"I knew how to wear it half a year ago," the little guy said coolly. He jumped off the bed and walked out in his small slippers.

Gao Xiaoxiao did not know what to say.

Alright, she was really not a good mom. Ever since she married Han Zhen, she had not spent much time with her son…