
Diaries Of Dark Entanglements: Balance and Power

Our story begins on a planet called Gieă in a Continent called 'Eclispe of the Oceans' where chaos slowly unfolds with its influence slowly spread to the entire world. This is a slow-paced story that follows multiple characters shaped ruthlessly by desires and passion. Some fight for power, some fight to destroy, some fight to save, some fight for freedom, some fight for love, some fight for vengeance and some fight from duty. They all bleed, some of them fall, some grow and some lose sight of their purpose while consciously or unconsciously trying to find one thing,.. Balance. In a world riddled by chaos where 'good people and bad people' have been replaced by the terms 'winners or losers', where greed determines justice and vanity replaces passion, where energies conflicts, wars emerge and ruthlessness gets imprinted by experience into the hearts of even the most innocent and brave heroes, a riddle left unanswered from the very beginning of time,.. "What truly is balance?.." Follow our main characters in this struggle for answers as the choices they make influences themselves and their world. THIS IS A SLOW-PACED STORY AND THERE WOULDNT BE LOTS OF ACTION SCENES AT THE BEGINNING BUT AS TIME PROGRESSES, SCENES LIKE THIS WOULD BE MORE COMMON. TRUST ME, THIS IS A STORY WORTH THE INVESTMENT OF READING

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The Eclipse of the Ocean is one of the five first-order continents located on Planet Gieă. Gieă is a Planet whose ecosystem is know for its ruthlessness towards the weak and submission towards the strong, it was a fantasy like world filled with intelligence creatures that rules not just their various portions of the world but also various portions of its energies.

     The mystical elves, known for their affinity towards life, earth, fate and nature are known for their noble purity or atleast those with enough power to protect it as even among these 'pure' creatures there is a distinct status order and gap between the powerful, influential and the lesser part of the awfully tilted scales.

     There were high elves, true elves, elven Kin and hybrid elves who were despised by most and lastly the lesser elves who weren't even viewed as elves but rather slaves with pointed ears, a pure embarrassment to the lineage.

     Apart from the elves stood their rivals yet allies, humans. The humans aren't known for special affinity to any of the elements nor do they have any powerful bloodline lineage but even with these disadvantages, they still became a major power in this dog eats dog world because of a single ability, accommodation.

     The humans were the only species on the vast plant Gieă know to be able to accommodate other elements, bloodlines and affinities with the highest fluidity and flexibility and so they had the highest numbers of successful hybrids and sometimes even tri-brids of elements and races.

     Due to this blessing, humans had much more choices from a variety of elements, cultivation techniques and even spiritual arts without as much worry of stagnation or incompatibility as the other races who had limited paths.

     A less talented human with enough resources might be able to accommodate the affinities of both wood and fire, this doesn't apply for a wood elemental elf. A wood elemental elf would have to be extremely talented with dual cultivation techniques, excess resources and guidance in order to successfully accommodate both the fire and wood elements.

     Even with this, there is still a notable percentage of failure and rejection which would lead to backlash, stagnation of cultivation and in worst cases, death.

     The elves are notably more powerful than the humans in their elements but the humans had much more diversity, this kept the balance between both parties.

     The Continent 'Eclipse of the Ocean' is one fundamentally ruled by humans or rather, the Imperial Court. On this lands, they were the highest ruling authorities that determines the day and night and they had enough powers to hold and maintain this authority.

     The Imperial Court is made up of seven major hands and at the top of this power mountain stands the true Imperial Family that carry the surname – 'Andruv -ö- Niel' with pride and responsibility.

     This Imperial family were the first and last line of defence of the Continent against other Continents, powers, demon raids and so much more. Although there is hidden and unhidden racial discrimination, the continent 'Eclipse of the Ocean' is know to be open to all other races on paper as about ten percent of its population is made up of foreign races and a good thirty percent is made up of human hybrids.

     The person at the current seat of power is a Mountain of a man with the name - Andruv -ö- Niel Tyrea. He wears the crown and holds the authority even though it never belonged to him in the first place.

     He wasn't a son of the previous empress but rather an overly talented son of the previous Emperors third consort. Born with a high concentration of their family's 'Eclipse flood dragon Linage' as well as his mothers pure 'Ash Phoenix bloodline', He immediately caused a state of unrest across the Continent the day of his birth.

     His Father saw him as a protégé and someone who may one day be worthy of competing for the throne and so he kept him under a safety net despite the countless attempts to snuff out his life before even the age of three!.

     At three, he unlocked a celestial physique and even though he wasn't born with one, he was lucky enough to bound himself with a willing and powerful shadow warrior.

     Shadow warriors are one of the biggest blessings any one born in the imperial linage could ask for. It is one of the gifts of their powerful bloodline which involves fate.

     Some rare members of the household are born with fate already bound with their shadows but the rest aren't so lucky as they would have to settle for a weaker bond with the most talented and willing shadow warrior they could find.

     People born with bonds to a shadow warrior would have a bond with them like no other, they would be able to use and share the powers of a instinctively loyal and incredibly powerful shadow warrior. They would have synced spirits that would double and sometimes triple the rate of cultivation, they would be able to master cultivation arts learnt by their shadows in minutes and even share life-force and energies in life of death situations.

     Most shadows are loyal enough to die for their masters without even giving it a thought and in a world filled with power struggle, loyalty like this is worth more than anything.

     Sitting in a seemingly relaxed meditating position as his body stays enveloped in layers of distinct Gold, blue, red and black robes. The Imperial Emperor takes in soft and barely noticeable breaths as he sits at the centre of a faintly glowing maze like circular array that spans as wide as sixty feet's in radius.

     The room he sits in seems to have no walls as small fog like energy rests lightly over the surface of the array.

     A few candles can be seem in different spots of the array as the carried multi-coloured flames dancing gently in light embrace of the fog.

     Still in meditation, the Emperor hears a voice in his head. "Your Eminence, Imperial 13th Consort Tamara has given birth to a princess, the Princess born has the star signature almost identical to your Eminence, My lord.."

     Hearing this, The Emperor's formerly closed eyes slowly opens revealing a pair of sharp yet cold deep blue eyes that seem to have almost invisible dark stars scattered in them.

     Without a need for response, the person on the other side immediately recognises what is needed as he continues speaking, "..The Princess star signature reads the Trojan Horse, the Last Man standing and finally The Eclispe of Doom"

     Hearing this, The Emperor's face contorted into a small frown. The first two star readings were identical to his own as the meant an occurrence not supposed to happen similar to him becoming Emperor and a strong orientation towards survival just like he did despite the hardships.

     But the last one is a star reading that have only been seen just four times within the last three millennium and every time it appears, something completely unpredictable occurs because the reading is one of the few without a clear meaning, infact it has three interpretations.

     The first being someone that would bring doom to a setting, the second being someone that would block doom from a setting and the last means someone who would block doom from a setting but brings darkness instead.

Although star readings are nothing but inaccurate predictions, the fact that there's a strong probability for it to happen makes people take it very seriously.

     It is of no surprise that the world would dislike the appearance of such a possible wild variable thus leaving the Emperor in thought for a while.

     "Does she have a shadow?..", The Emperor asks evenly with his voice laced with authority and majesty.

     "She does, your Eminence and she is,.. I dare say as talented as you are".

     The Emperor casually raises a bro at this comment as he suddenly considers such a daughter an interesting figure worth nurturing.

     "Put her under a net of protection for now and make every one know that I favour her,.. I will deal with the rest after my cultivation session", The Emperor calmly orders before closing his eyes once more.

     "Yes your Eminence..", The voice responds before drifting off.

Thanks once more for reading, I would truly appreciate comments as it keeps me inspired and motivated.

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