
Diaries Of Dark Entanglements: Balance and Power

Our story begins on a planet called Gieă in a Continent called 'Eclispe of the Oceans' where chaos slowly unfolds with its influence slowly spreading into the entire world. This is a paced story that follows multiple characters shaped ruthlessly by desires and passion. A young dragon princess thirsty for acknowledgement, A prisoner breaking free from fate, A shadow who would die for his master, A light without a source and a question without an answer. Some of these special individuals fight for power, some fight to destroy, some fight to save, some fight for freedom, some fight for love, some fight for vengeance and some fight from duty. They all bleed, some of them fall, some grow and some lose sight of their purpose while consciously or unconsciously trying to find one thing,.. Balance. In a world riddled by chaos where 'good people and bad people' have been replaced by the terms 'winners or losers', where greed determines justice and vanity replaces passion, where energies conflicts, wars emerge and ruthlessness gets imprinted by experience into the hearts of even the most innocent and brave heroes. They stand for their desire and themselves with a riddle left unanswered from the very beginning of time,.. "What truly is balance?.." Follow our main characters through their dramatic struggles for answers as the choices they make influences themselves and their world. THIS IS A SLOW-PACED STORY AND THERE WOULDN'T BE LOTS OF ACTION SCENES AT THE BEGINNING BUT AS TIME PROGRESSES, SCENES LIKE THIS WOULD BE MORE COMMON. TRUST ME, THIS IS A STORY WORTH THE INVESTMENT OF READING!.

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***In one of the seven great arms of the Imperial court..

***Near the distal coasts of the Coastal Clan's territory(South-East Region)

***In a relatively average province named the Golden Anjing's Province..

***In a Local Tarven..

***Early morning (Dawn).


Unlike the bustling and rowdy environment of drunks that one would normally expect to meet in a local tavern, the activities of the current tavern are almost currently completely silent and still.

There are no stumbling movements or alcohol driven arguments between the customers neither are there any other forms of stupidity or recklessness on display.

Looking outside at the cloudy morning sky that blocks most of the light of the still rising sun: then perhaps a distant spectator who doesn't know better would think the current sober atmosphere is because dawn is still at hand.

Maybe the drunkards are taking it easy on the alcohol and their livers?.

Though noting the stiff tenseness of the current mood then one would probably re-guess that perhaps it due to something entirely different.




Three slow casual knocks resounds from the top of the bar table with these gentle sounds chilling the silence of the space.

These casual knocking comes from the left fist of a robed and rather tall man who can be seen to be lazily leaning against the bar table as he awaits his request for wine.

To the other costumers currently present in the bar, those three casual knocks of the man's fists sounded more like the knocks of sudden death to them.

Tension gripped the souls of these people thus causing them to subconscious swallow while silently trying their best to shrink their postures to occupy even less space than they already do.

These currently petrified tarvern costumers are all drunk on alcohol minutes ago but now under the influence of the passive aura of the awaiting 'customer', the constomers are now drunk enough on fear to not want to be caught 'alive' in this situation.. but what could they do?.

Despite the cultivator's back facing them, these people do not even dare to swallow too loudly talk more try to exit.




Another series on knocks resounds slowly from the top of the wooden bar table but this time, there's is an obvious impatience in the sounds.

The costumers present in the bar are already shaking in their seats from the sounds as they internally pray yet fail to find a means of erasing themselves from this situation.


*Sharp Inhale*.. - By the Cultivator -.

Everybody holds their breaths at the annoyed sound of the cultivator's loud and sharp Inhale and then, the Cultivator suddenly turns around to face the other scattered customers who instantly become petrified by his sudden action.

Most of them manage to avoid the cultivator's gaze but a few people are just too petrified to turn their gazes away from the cultivator's face.

With a polite look, it is almost like the cultivator cannot notice their very obvious discomfort or rather cannot bother with caring about their feelings as he asks with a masculine yet casual voice..

"Does it always take this long to get a few barrels of wine?."

The Cultivator asks to one of the drunks with his tone sounding almost polite. From his casual tone of speaking, it is as if the cultivator is merely trying to pull up a polite conversation to kill time.

The man being asked the question suddenly feels his throat very dry and it is definitely not the drinks.

Heaven know just how much curses the people stuck in this tense situation has rained on the bartender who seems determined to extend the terrible experience.

For the last three minutes, the bartender have hurried through the back of the bar to fetch the goods and judging by the current situation, the bartender still is not back with delivery.

'What is possibly stoping that Di*kless Augustine M*ggot from delivering the goods?!.', The man being asked the question rages in his thoughts with his throat bubbling and his heart racing as he tries to form words of a reply.

Tense, the man choose to blame his bad luck later though for now he needs to preserve his life.

"Ern. Young master, pardon my.. um.. pardon me but I haven't bought a wine barrel *Swallow¡*.. before.", The costumer answers with obvious caution in his tone while the polite cultivator nods twice in casual acknowledgement though at that instant..


A small commotion comes from the tavern's door which gets swung open with a messy looking man stumbling inside with a drunk blushed face.

"Hey brothers!.", The drunken man yells loudly as he stumbles back and forth before finally stumbling inside.

A lot of swallowings occurs through the tavern with heads turning to view the unfortunate fellow who has just stumbled inside while carry an aura of very heavy alcohol with him.

The man whom is being questioned by the cultivator is grateful that the attention is off him but looking towards the door, his eyes cannot help but twicth.

"Wh.. why is it all so too quite?!.", The drunken newcomer yells an odd question as he stumbles on the same spot to look left then right.

The newcomer is obvious too drunk to recognize the aura of passive intensity within the tavern nor the dangerous situation he had just delivered himself into.

Causally looking-on with his back against the bar table, the tall cultivator does not look amused nor intrigued as he watches the live spectacle in front of him.

Just then, the back door of the bar flies opens and stepping outside with a small cart filled with three barrels is the missing bartender and the Cultivator's ordered goods.

"Y-young master, I'm truly.. truly sorry for..", The bartender apologizes as he pushes the cart through in a hurry though he soon stops talking as he notices that the cultivator's sight isn't placed on him but rather on..

"Whatever!. This great father.. *Burp!*.. this great father have won quite the gamble at the Fiery Gold Den!.", The drunken man stumbles his limbs around as he announces his words while turning to all directions. Looking around the tavern, the drunk man has expecting a dose of drunken cheers and curses from everyone.

"Still no reaction?.", The drunken man says almost to himself but then he shakes his head rapidly. The drunk stumbles two shaky steps forward as he starts yelling once more.

"Ok!,.. OK!. I know what would get your spirits high. The next two.. no.. no.. three rounds is.. on me!. (*Pats his chest drunkenly twice*). Yes!, It's on me!.". The drunken man says before throwing his hands up in self-amusement but he soon frowns as he obviously does not get the drunk reactions and cheers he is expecting.

"You all don't believe me!. Where is that bartender?!.", The drunk man asks a bit angrily before searching visually as he finally lays his squinted eyes on the bartender who is currently soaked in sweat and internally raining heavy curses all the way to the tenth future generation of the drunk nuisance who is on a very determined suicide mission.

Under the calm gaze of the cultivator and the twitching gaze of the others, the drunken man stumbles towards the bartender before pausing in his steps as he sees the small cart and the three barrels of wine within. Seeing the content of the cart in the Bartender's hands, the drunk man's face blushes even deeper as he reaches towards his own cheeks and neck. With dizzy excitement, the drunk man speaks while reaching to the cart.

"Oh!. I knew you would believe me, you have even prepared the wine for..

*†SHÎÑG†*.. _ A cold flash of light sparks out.

The silent Cultivator suddenly moves or rather remains casually still.

All that witnesses around has seen is a small orange flash that petrified their minds followed by the sound of two dull thuds against the ground that sparks terror filled curiosity.

These witnesses cannot help but stay frozen-still even to their breaths.

Time freezes at that instant and a second later,.. a very sober and horrifically pained scream rings out..


Shivers traveled through people's spines as they finally look towards the result of the flash that are now lying on the floor.

Two hands cut at the wrists are now lying on the ground!.

Both of the drunken man's hands have been sharply cut off though without sword nor blood!.

It seems almost like the man's hands had just smoothly separated. The molten-orange redness of what remains of the man's arms as well as the faint heat that they all feel tells every mind that something more horrible than they can process had taken place literally in a flash.

The people in the tavern cannot process how to react. Fear fill their souls and chills rocks through their minds. They are not fast enough to follow through with the direction of where the flash has come from but they are all sure about its source.

..The calmly watching Cultivator who is still leaning his back against the bar-table with a relaxed expression.


A body hits the floor as someone faints through the dull sudden sounds almost gives countless more people heart-attacks.

Looking toward the cut arms on the ground, the cut mark of the drunken nuisance looks like his wrists have been sawed off by an extremely heated blade. Small broken and heated pieces of the man's wrist are falling off with light ash.

The now handless man is obviously in extreme pain plus shock but so are all others who are facing mental shocks.


The shock of processing all that has happened in front of him takes the bartender's mind by storm and despite being a Rank one Cultivator, his eyes rolls back as he faints while falling to his side.

After the now handless man's screams and the bartender fainting, silence reigns for a second while being filled only with the breaths of the still shocked handless drunk.

"I'm sorry.", The casual and polite tone of the tall cultivator rings once more though those present can swear that they have only heard the tone of a demon.

Obviously not caring much about the situation, the young Cultivator finally pushes himself off the bar table as he casually takes two normal steps to get to his handless vuctim.

"Truly sorry but my older brother really doesn't like people touching his stuffs without permission.", The Cultivator casually apologies and he is now standing before the handless drunk who is still panting heavily while staring at his cut hands in disbelief.

The drunk have obviously not fully mentally comprehended what have led to his situation though the Cultivator obviously does not mind explaining as he keep talking.

"..And I?,..", The Cultivator keeps talking with politeness still in his tone though this 'polite' gets replaced by 'ruthless' in the cultivator's next actions.

With his hand moving at a normal speed, the cultivator slaps the surface of his right palm against the handless man's lips while pressing his fingers into the man jaws.

The cultivator seems to be doing these actions lightly but judging by the fact that the man's jaw structure is begining to presd inwards due to the cultivator's 'lightly' pressing fingers then one can only imagine the true unleashed physical strength of the cultivator.

A pained and desperate grunt escapes the handless man's throat and brutally deformed jaws as the man starts trying hard to hit the cultivator's hands off.

The struggling man seems truly desperate to get out of the cultivator's grasp though without hands,.. the most the painfully sober drunk can do is to pathetically slap against the cultivator's slave fabric with his cut wrists. Although looking calm, the Cultivator obviously does not like that.

Two more flash of orange light strikes through and the man's upper limbs gets chopped off all the way to his shoulders!.

"Ummgggghhhhffff!.."*Pants deeply and heavily*.

The drunk being held tries to scream in pain but the firm cultivator's hand over his mouth turned that scream into a long muffled groan.

The witnesses within the tavern are shaken to their cores from the scene and another person faints from shock though the Cultivator pays no mind as he continues speaking with an even voice and a casual facial expression.

"..I don't like you.", The Cultivator completes his words with a small tilt of his head as if he's commenting on a product that he was going to buy.

The now completely handless man is filled with fear and tension like no other as his pores leaks cold-sweat. His body tremble in terror but the Cultivator obviously cannot care less.

After the young cultivator's cold words, two chilling flashes of orange ruthlessly cuts the drunk man's legs down into two pieces each. Now, the cultivator is holding up the man's almost lifeless body up with nothing but his deformed jaw.

Three seconds later, two more flashes of orange light tears through the now legless man's torso and chest which falls free to the ground with smoked organs falling through. Another flash of orange frees the man's back from all burdens.

Calmly letting go of the man's jaw, the cultivator allows the man's head to join the pile of his own body parts below.

*Um!-um¡*_(Clears throat)_. "Does anybody know the price of these barrels?.", The Cultivator asks politely immediately after his short scene of terror is done. It seems rude to wake the uncouncious bartender.


Another person faints and hits the ground.



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