
diaries of Chopper and Mr bunny

Kyd_Dee · Teen
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4 Chs

Questioning reality Chapter 1

Today was not like any other day for chopper,infact it was one of her best days of the week. It was a Saturday and on Saturdays she gets to go out. The light shinning through Chopper window was bright enough to wake her up. With a big smile Chopper was ready to start her day , immediately Chopper took her medication.

She saw the delicious egg and bread made by nurse Sarah for her,Chopper laughed cause she remembered how Sarah hate cooking but Sarah had no option but to cook on Saturdays because it was her turn.

After finishing her morning routine Chopper heads out to look for some patients to talk to. As Chopper was running round the Hospital she had an encounter with Dr Icent, Dr Icent had notice how Chopper was running around and causing distractions in the Hospital. Dr Icent caught her by the hand, "Chopper! How many times have I warned you to stop running in the Hospital, it's both bad for your health and my job" Dr Icent said with a harsh tone. "Don't worry Doc I won't get you fired" Chopper replied Icent and walked away.

To Chopper Dr Icent was like an over protective father and his big mustache only made it worst. As Chopper was walking around the Hospital she saw some of the Doctors talking to a patient, one of the Doctors was Dr Alex. It turns out that the patient was involved in a fire accident at home. He was the able to come out with minimum injuries but his wife and three kids were badly injured.

Chopper was used to seeing this kind of senarios it was when the Doctors had to tell someone a bitter news."Am sorry sir we did our best to save your family" For a new Doctor Alex was good at staying bold and calm under pressure during situations like this but he was at a point of mental break down even from a distance Chopper noticed Alex was hesitating to talk.

To everyone surprise the patient took the news with ease, he was more calm than Dr Icent."Thanks for your work I know you did your very best"As the Patient leaves the Doctors Chopper wondered what was in his mind but she noticed the look on his face, it was an expression she was used to. it was an expression she have been living with all her life even up till now, it was that moment someone pretend to be fine but deep down they know everything is falling apart.

The patient was in his ward in the Hospital, he was thinking after the news we was shock but also still in disbelief. He felt pain, undescribable pain, He was questioning reality, even GOD. To him he had only one solution left, he taught taking his life was the only way out , he taught he had nothing to live for again.

As he picked up a knife from a tray he used to eat apples during his time in the Hospital but before he did anything he waited for a sign, anything at all even if it was the smallest sign or a vision. As tears rolled down from his eye, he waited for the hope as he asked GOD to show him a sign.

Chopper had follower him from behind without him knowing, at that moment Chopper had made up her mind to do something, anything to help him. When Chopper opened the door she saw him with the knife but when the patient saw Chopper he felt that at that moment Chopper was the sign he was looking for. He felt that at that very moment she entered was for a reason, by looking at her he knew she was around 14 years in age but she looked so much like his daughter that had just die.

As Chopper stepped in with a big smile and pulled the knife from his hand.It's okay to cry just because you're a grown up man doesn't mean you should man up all the time" Chopper said it with a calm mind but in reality she was scared to death she didn't even know how she had the courage to collect the knife from him."What's your name kid?" The patient asked

"It's Chopper, that's what they call me around here"

"My name is Ayo and you're in the wrong ward"

"I know am here because of you" Chopper said this and gave him a hug, she know she was hugging a stranger but she had made up her mind to help him out no matter what.

"From now on I'll call you Mr bunny