
diaries of blacklight champion: momoko akatsutsumi

[this is my first writing by myself] we follow the story of one of the many blacklight champions out in the endless existence, let's read their diary shall we?

Blacklight_sun · Others
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20 Chs

Diary entry 2: dementors corruption and becoming a witch

Diary entry 2

My first encounter with dementors was an interesting experience…I also quickly found out that gamer's mind can protect me from any mental influences…once again I decided to be stupid and combined two skills that I was level one in! Luckily I didn't die…I did pass out though. 

The corruption that seems to be steeped in this world is horrible…another stupid thing that I found out is that Dumbledore is a dumbass and a manipulative bastard.

On a brighter note, I got to beat the ever-loving shit out of Dudley.

Sadly I was not able to go after his parents.

-Random park no one knows the name of timeline book five Order of the Phoenix--

Momoko had her eye twitch before she started heading over towards Harry and what she presumed was his cousin and his gang of friends, soon she got within hearing distance of them in time to catch the last part.

'Dudley?':"-edric oh Cedric no~"

Momoko: "hey shit for brains why don't you go back to the all-you-can-eat buffet? Or better yet hit the gym you fat bastard~"

Momoko was pleasantly surprised when she saw Dudley taking on an ugly shade of purple and mentally cheered at the fact that their attention was now on her.

Dudley?: "And who the bloody hell are you!?"

Momoko: "Oh you know just a traveller~"

She then heard one of his thugs.

???: "Why don't we just show her her place before getting back to the freak!?"

Momoko: "Oh how big and tough of you that you need a gang to back you up to beat up a 13-year-old~ does it get your dick hard to beat the shit out of people younger than you?"

Momoko knew she was going too far but she really hated people like Dudley and his entire family, not counting Harry Potter.

She was pulled out of her musing as she weaved to the side to dodge a punch before returning it with a kick to the kneecap causing it to bend backwards.

Momoko: "So I have a question: which of your group is going to run and which are going to stay and get crippled?"

This statement obviously pissed off the entire group and they all charged at her at once, she was happy that she could comprehend things a lot faster than most after getting her wishes as it looked like the punches were coming in slow motion giving her plenty of time to dodge and counter-attack.

One of the remaining group of five threw a punch at her which she once again dodged before shattering the wrist which was quickly followed up by someone trying to kick her which she bent backwards grabbing the leg and elbowed the kneecap once again bending the leg in the wrong direction two more came from each side of her thinking she couldn't defend both sides.

She jumped in the air and did an Uchiha split kick shattering the front teeth of both individuals, finally, all that was left was Dudley, standing there shivering as she sat down on top of one of the people who were screaming their lungs out and using them as a chair.

Momoko: "Soooo, they were braver than I thought…I figured two of them would have run…"

Momoko trailed off as she felt an unnatural cold coming near them and looked to the side, seeing two cloaked individuals gliding towards them.

Momoko: "Fatass. Take your friends and run."

Momoko got up from the bullies and started walking towards the dementors, thanking black light that she got the gamer's mind which kept the mental effects of the dementors from affecting her.

The cloaked hovering soul-sucking demons looked at her in confusion as they could not feed on her emotions, the cloaked monstrosities didn't know what to do, so they went on their instincts and decided to try for her soul.

Momoko: "I wonder how unkillable you bastards really are~"

Momoko knew she didn't have much in the way of skills, the only two she could think would work would either be her white aura or light manipulation.

Momoko: "Let's fuse those two shall we?"

Within the next second, Momoko became a blinding light causing the dementors to scream in agony as they turned to dust… Momoko quickly passed out as she had no control and unintentionally pumped all her energy into one move.

Harry Watched this weird-looking weirdly dressed girl, who came in and beat his cousin up and that was more cathartic than he would ever want to admit, even if he was stunned by the brutal efficiency she showed.

He was so stunned that he didn't even react to the dementor showing up but he did react to the blinding light.

Harry: "Bloody hell!?"

Hairy clutched his eyes as the white light blinded him and caused his famous scar to burn. He shook his head as his vision slowly came back, and very quickly drew his wand and looked around for the dementors but saw them nowhere to be found.

He looked and noticed the unconscious girl on the ground, he quickly headed over to check on her.

She looked perfectly healthy, just exhausted, a few feet away he saw smoking black robes that smelled of death.

Harry knew he couldn't leave her on the ground out here, so he quickly picked her up as a voice called over to him, and saw his old babysitter the crazy cat lady Mrs. Figg.

Mrs. Figg: "Harry what happened, what was that blinding light and who is that girl? Is that a dementor cloak!?"

Harry: "I don't know she just showed up and beat up my cous- wait you know about the dementors, are you a witch?"

Mrs. Figg: "Oh no I'm a squib. But back to the question: who is that? We need to call professor Dumbledore!"

-Time skip-

Momoko once again awoke to an achievement.


[Achievement unlocked: let there be light

Description: Destroy a dementor with a light element ability.

Reward: Harry Potter magic.

Achievement unlocked: No kill like Overkill!

Description: use a skill that is way more than necessary for the opponent.

Reward: ability {boost (active)}

Ability description: able to multiply anything this ability is used on.

Chant: boost (insert multiplier here)]


[Harry Potter magic is being absorbed into pink energy!]

After a few seconds, she got another message


[Harry Potter magic is absorbed into pink energy! You can now cast any Harry Potter magic using pink energy.]

Momoko: "Okay note to self do not use the light nuke unless absolutely necessary!"


[Skill has been named {light nuke LVL: 1 pink energy cost: all}]

Momoko: "it was a joke but I like the name!"

Momoko took a look around where she was and saw that she was in what could best be described as a room from a haunted house…but considering this was Harry Potter it probably was a haunted house.

Momoko: [Observe] 

As Momoko said this a screen popped up in front of her telling her the basic minimum of the bed she was looking at. She continued to use the ability on everything in the room, quickly figuring out that she was in the headquarters of the order of the Phoenix.

Momoko wondered why she was able to perceive the order of the Phoenix headquarters but shrugged and figured it had something to do with being a gamer.

System: "Since that's all done would you like to see your rewards?"

Momoko: "Fuck it why not."

Another screen popped up.

[Quest rewards: Three skill points, Five blacklight points, 300 EXP.]


[Level up times 3!

level up rewards: 30 free stat points, three skill points, 15 stat points increased in all stats. ]

Momoko: "I already know what I'm going to buy!"

Momoko said this with a giddy expression as she pulled up her skill tree and quickly bought laser eyes and elemental breath which used up four of her skill points.

Momoko didn't really care about most of the skills The Powerpuffs could use, she just wanted laser vision and elemental breath.

She was interrupted from her inner monologue by someone who looked like gandalf decided to dress up in the most eye-blinding coloured robes he could find.

'Gandalf the Gay': "Hello my girl could you tell us who you are and maybe where you came from?"

Momoko: "Oh I'm just a traveller and my name is Momoko Akatsutsumi!"

'Gandalf the blinding': "What an interesting name! Could you perhaps tell me what happened to the dementors?"

Momoko: "Do you mean those ugly black-cloaked creatures that radiated a darkness that cast a shadow on darkness itself?" 

The Gandalf wannabe nodded his head.

Momoko: "Oh that's quite simple I used what I like to refer to as light Nuke!"

Momoko as you could see was prideful. She didn't really care to keep things hidden and she shared just about anything even without prompt…

'Gandalf the fashion impaired': "A light nuke you say? And where did you learn that?"

Momoko: "Oh I created it by infusing the light Element into my white aura… and then letting it explode."

Momoko said this with a sheepish smile and a rub to the back of her head as if she was an anime protagonist.

Something that was not lost on her though was the fact that behind those twinkling eyes she could see the gears turning in his mind and she practically saw the darkness hidden behind the light.

Momoko in her thoughts: "So I'm in an au where dumbledore's evil or a greater good bastard…well fuck!"