
Diaries of a Hybrid and Her Mate

R18 ***MATURE CONTENT*** Beautiful Aubrianne Ivanov, The student, the Hybrid, the stripper, and the aspiring Accountant. Raised by her single mom, had a tough childhood. With low self-esteem, she became an outcast and was alone one too many times for her liking. Time spent at her part-time job, she eventually grew into a brave, confident, and determined young woman who walked right into an opportunity that would change her life forever. Will Aubrianne truly feel whole? Will she find what has been missing in her life? Will she allow herself happiness and joy? Will she find love, and most importantly, will she survive what's to come? Join Aubrianne on her journey as she discovers a whole new world and who/what she is. She also navigates all the heartbreak, betrayal, drama, and exciting and thrilling events that come her way... Excerpt: Aubrianne quickly jumped out of the vehicle and ran around to him. Then she heard her father's words, "Take him to the dungeons." Four men from her father's personal security stepped up to arrest Zayne to drag him off to the dungeons, and suddenly, the open atmosphere became charged and suffocating at the same time. Suddenly, the light and breezy atmosphere became still. When everyone under pressure struggled to look at the source, including the security guards, who suddenly looked pale, they saw a calm Aubrianne clutching her necklace in her hand, her eyes glowing that gorgeous blue, indicating Leia was out and very present and feral. "No one touches him." Aubrianne had stepped in front of her mate. The top of her head reached a little below Zayne's chest, and she spoke low and deadly. It was a fatal command that not one of them could refute. If they choose to fight her command, they die.

Sherryann Martinez · Fantasy
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231 Chs

The Legend!

Aubrianne Ivanov

I caught a reaction from him that threw me off a bit. Did he look proud? I questioned.

Nonetheless, this was so surreal I couldn't believe it, I could have just pinched myself, and then l continued my babbling and laid it all on him.

Who in the world told this man to say, "So, tell me a little about your dreams, your future plans, anything."

I told him everything, from my mom dying to me promising to make her proud after all of the sacrifices she made for me, working two and three jobs to provide for us, having a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, my education, she worked hard to give me a certain comfort.

I vowed not to let her hard labor go in vain.

Also, I am working hard to graduate and be at the top of my game. I told Mr. Thornton my plan after graduation is that I would love to work at a top accounting firm.