
Diane's reincarnation

VictoriousMage · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Unexplainable Feeling

Diane sat in her room, staring out the window at the passing clouds. She felt a strange unexplainable feeling in her chest, like a missing puzzle piece that could never be found. It was a feeling of emptiness, confusion, and detachment all at once. She had always felt like this to some extent, but lately, it had been getting worse.

Diane was a college student studying psychology. She always had a fascination with understanding the human mind and behavior. However, she felt like she didn't understand herself, her own thoughts, and emotions. Sometimes she would observe the people around her laughing, joking, and socializing, and she would wonder how it all came so easy to them. She felt like she was standing on the outside looking in. It didn't help that her family life was complicated. She struggled to connect with her father, who was always working and never seemed to have time for her. Her mother, on the other hand, was always irritable and quick to anger. Diane's older brother was the only one who seemed to understand her, but he had moved away to pursue a career, leaving her feeling even more alone.

Diane often found herself wondering if this was all there was to life. Was there more to it than just existing? She felt like she was living in a world that was bland and colorless, devoid of meaning and purpose. As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, her phone buzzed, bringing her back to reality. It was a group chat from her college friends, inviting her to a party that coming weekend. Diane hesitated for a moment, then decided to go. Maybe she could try to connect with people and understand what she was missing. Maybe she would finally find that missing puzzle piece. Diane stood up, determined to take control of her life and find happiness. She hoped that this party would be the first step in doing so. But little did she know, her life was about to change in ways she never could have imagined.

Please the main story starts from chapter 5

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