
Diane's reincarnation

VictoriousMage · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Training Begins

Diane was unsure what to expect as she walked into the dojo. She had been given directions to this secluded location by her sensei, a tall, muscular man named Sensei Akira. As she entered the dojo, Diane felt a sense of tranquility that she had never experienced before. The air was filled with the sounds of rustling leaves, birds chirping, and the faint sound of rushing water from a nearby stream.

She was greeted by a group of students who were all dressed in traditional white gis. They bowed to her in unison, and Sensei Akira approached her. "Diane, welcome to our school. I hope you're ready to begin your training," he said warmly, extending his hand. Diane shook his hand, feeling a rush of excitement course through her body. "I'm ready, Sensei," she replied eagerly. "Good, good," he said, nodding approvingly. "Before we begin, I'd like you to meet some of our students." Diane turned to see a group of students gathering around her.

One of them, a tall, muscular man with jet-black hair, stepped forward. "Hi, I'm Kaito," he said, offering his hand. Diane shook his hand, feeling a jolt of electricity run through her body. She couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. Kaito began to introduce her to the other students, but Diane's attention was pulled back to Sensei Akira as he began to speak. "Today, we will begin your training in basic techniques," he said, motioning for her to follow him. Diane followed Sensei Akira to the center of the dojo, where he began to demonstrate a series of moves. "Now, I want you to try it," he said, motioning for her to try the move herself. Diane attempted to mimic the moves, stumbling a bit as her body was not used to the motions. "Relax, Diane," Sensei Akira said gently. "Allow the movements to flow naturally. Don't fight them."

Diane tried again, this time allowing the movements to flow freely. She felt a new sense of power and control wash over her as she practiced the basic moves. As the training went on, Diane found herself becoming more and more at ease with the movements. She even began to help other students who were struggling with the techniques. Kaito approached her as the training came to an end. "You did really well today," he said, smiling at her. Diane blushed, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her body. "Thank you," she replied shyly. "Don't be nervous, Diane. You did great. We'll be training together again tomorrow," Kaito said, before turning and leaving the dojo. Diane watched him go, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation for the days of training ahead.