
Diane's reincarnation

VictoriousMage · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Dream

Diane awoke from a restless sleep, gasping for air. She had dreamed of another life, one where she was a fierce warrior, skilled in the art of combat. In her dream, she had a family, a husband, and children. It was all so vivid, so real. But as she sat up in bed, she knew it was nothing more than a figment of her imagination. "Just a dream," she whispered to herself. But the dream lingered in her mind, refusing to leave. As she got dressed and started her day, the feeling of an unexplainable connection to this dream world grew stronger. She felt drawn to it, like a magnet pulling her towards it.

As she walked down the street, she saw a poster for a martial arts dojo. The image on the poster looked familiar, like something from her dream. She couldn't explain the feeling, but she knew she had to go there, to explore this world she had seen in her dream. Without hesitation, she found herself standing in front of the dojo, peering in through the window. She could see students inside, practicing their moves. When the sensei spotted her, he invited her in for a free lesson. As soon as she stepped inside the dojo, she felt like she had come home. The air was filled with the sound of feet shuffling and the whoosh of punches landing. She watched the students practicing, and she knew that she belonged there.

The sensei started the lesson, and Diane followed every move with precision, like she had been trained all her life. She didn't know how she knew these moves, but she did. It was like muscle memory, something deep in her soul that had been awakened. As she left the dojo, she felt exhilarated and alive. She knew that this was the beginning of her journey, the start of her exploration into this dream world that had captivated her. She couldn't wait to see where it would take her. Diane now knew that her old life was gone, replaced by this burning passion to learn and master the art of combat. She felt free, and for the first time in her life, she knew that she was living the life she was meant to live.

Please the main story starts from chapter 5

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