
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 321: Everyone has made a choice

What I heard from Master Merlin last night was crazy... Basically, she was going to trap the two dukes inside her specially made marionettes... Basically, she wanted to kill them, put their souls into the marionnetes, and then have the marionnetes make a public confession before being executed. That way, she can control everything from how they behave to who exactly is responsible and involved in her plan. Of course, Nar, Sas, Khamisah and Dana agreed, and as for me...

"It's kind of scary how... Basically, the two dukes will die twice. Once when they leave their original bodies and another time when they're executed in their puppet bodies" [Diana].

"And you disagree with that?" [Hanging Treant]

"Kind of. I mean, if the two Dukes succeed, our lives and the lives of our loved ones will be in danger, and if we succeed, their lives will be thrown away at the mere whim of Master Merlin... Kind of cruel... Both sides will inevitably make a bloodshed" [Diana].

Of course, if I have to choose, I will choose Master Merlin's side. I'm sure that she's not someone who would want to do something cruel. Even with her vast knowledge of souls, I'm sure she'll still choose the one who's suitable for the operation. She could easily corrupt the two souls of the dukes and make her life easier, but she doesn't.

"That's why I am venting to you. I have already chosen my side, but..." [Diana]

"You know I was killed by my people, right..." [Hanging Treant]

"I know" [Diana]

"I was the same. Torn between multiple choices. Each one involving a life that can be saved. Each involving a life that must be sacrificed. No matter what I choose, it is like choosing a grave either in a behemoth's stomach or a dragon's stomach" [Hanging Treant].

"This is... Worse than mine" [Diana].

Basically, no matter what he chooses, he will have to pay a heavy price. For someone who was once revered as a saint among the elves, this must be a very difficult decision to make, but in the end.

"I failed to make an early decision, and that caused me, my people, and Farhah's life to go to hell. I was executed. Looking back, I don't think it matters what I chose" [Hanging Treant].

"Why is that?" [Diana]

"The Goddess works in mysterious ways. Sometimes you would understand the path she makes you choose, and sometimes you wouldn't, even all your life, but looking back, maybe this is her plan for me. Maybe by having me executed and hanged from a tree, I will one day meet you and serve her and the world once again. Looking back, if I make a different choice, maybe I'll inevitably meet you at the end of the day and have this very discussion" [Hanging Treant].

"Then couldn't she have made one where you die in peace?" [Diana]

"She can, but if she's the one moving everything around, we mortals will just lounge around, not even bothering to move a muscle. That's not life. Everyone has made a choice. Whether the choice is to eat rice or bread. Whether the choice is to betray for power or to remain loyal for protection. Everyone, even a slave, has made a choice. At the end of the day, all we can do is pray that our choice is one that she approves of" [Hanging Treant].

"And how do I know that my choice is approved by her?" [Diana]

"You don't. It's the same as not making a choice. That's why you pray and ask for guidance, for she will surely guide you" [Hanging Treant].

A religious sermon by The Hanging Treant. To be honest, my head is still all fuzzy. Maybe that's why Saintess Rumia always said that the Goddess doesn't answer everything you ask, and that you should ask Saintess Rumia to find the answer herself. She will surely guide us if we are serious.

"That is, this decision of mine, whether I know of its significance or not, may be a cog, a small or large one, and that, whether good or bad, will be known only later, or as you said, I wouldn't even know of its significance" [Diana].

This is all too hard for me... But...

"I'm not going to sit around and do nothing. Whether I like it or not, lives will be lost. In the end, this is her mysterious way. We can only trust her and hope for the best." [Diana]

At least my heart hurts less now. Letting off steam sure feels good. For now, let me go to the castle and hug Aunt Amleth as I promised yesterday.