
Diana Newbie

People usually have rotten luck. Some more than others. Unfortunately Diana falls into that category, she has gone through a lot in the past until she meets a young pastor, Josh. Josh believes that she is the one for him and is ready to venture into her world to bring him to hers. But her past is holding them back and it is looking like thier story might not be a fairy tale. Or would it?

Gaelly · Urban
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12 Chs

light legs

"I have to leave today" Diana announced to Abby, she didn't say anything, only looking up from the television show she had just been engrossed in. It was one of those investigative documentaries where actors play real people's lives and how they died.

"Eh" she said, finally leaning into the chair crossing her smooth coffee legs together, she wasn't in her fake nurse uniform but in a short skirt and olive shirt. It had been three days since Diana had been in the hospital." You're still injured, you know?" she pointed out.

Diana got up from the bed and trudged to the mirror at the left side of the room, she saw her reflection up close recognizing the glowing tint on her face on being well fed and her bandaged shoulder.

" Also.. you're going without saying goodbye to Josh?" Abby continued, she turned off the television. " He has been nothing but a sweetheart. I just can't say the same for his prick of a friend though" she said recalling a certain doctor's annoying face.

Diana paused at her search for a more comfortable wear, while they were talking, she had ventured to her knapsack.

" I.. can't" she gritted out and turned a glare her friend's way. " You know why so why the heck are you insistent on this?" She barked out bringing a startled expression on Abby's face.

" Sorry" she gulped running her hand through her hair" I am just exhausted and tired"

A flash of sympathy passed through her friend's face and her eyes lightened with understanding.

These three days had been the most peaceful ones of her life, but yet the nerve wracking. The police had been of no comfort, politely knocking and inquiring every time that it had been a bother. They still hadn't given up, even taking the initiative to stay for a while and chat with her. She found John agreeable and even skittering Kevin wasn't half bad either. James was still suspicious towards them and had not only reduced but increased.

The core of the problem was the hunter and his minion, Buddy although she hadn't heard him for a while.

That didn't mean he wasn't close. He was just lurking in the shadows, biding his time to attack.

A knock on the door made her almost jump out of her skin, even Abby's body sprang up in alertness. They hadn't heard someone approaching the door which was quite off-putting.

" Shh" she motioned with her fingers, her body already steadily tiptoeing to the door.

" It's me. Can I come in?" They heard the sound of Josh's familiar voice and breathed in relief at the same time, Diana motioned for her to open the door. As she unbolted the locks, she wondered why she hadn't heard Josh's footsteps which wasn't like her.

Josh came in but his face looked troubled, he had in his hands some groceries which Abbie took from him.

" I am going to come clean" he started blinking sheepishly," I was eavesdropping and .." he held out a hand to stop Diana from speaking.

" And.." he dragged out," I think I can be of help. Come stay with me".