
Diana (Her First Kiss)

What happened when you wake up and find yourself ugly? Not only that but your life is also turned upside down!! Diana Delton loses her mother at a tender age, and her father remarries to make his only daughter happy. But her happy life turned upside down when her father got into a ghastly accident. During this period Delton Dyan finds out he had been cursed by a wicked witch, and Diana his only daughter is the only cure to the curse. Diana's first kiss must take away by her soulmate. If the wrong person takes away her first kiss, they we live in cursed life forever. "Did you think Diana will be able to find her soulmate with her ugly face? Get your popcorn ready and find out!!

Lateefat_dauda · Urban
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11 Chs



I stood at the entrance of the school building, watching as different brands of cars enter the school building.

I watch my co-students as they are all looking so elegant and classy. I smile as I see many designer clothes like ripped jeans, armless shirts, bum shorts, and many other transparent designers that are worth millions of dollars.

College is not like high school when you will put on a uniform. Though some colleges in Emperor land make use of uniforms, which I love a lot.

Since Emperor college is a mufti school, students wear whatever they like, and the school authority did nothing about it since only the rich kids can attend.

I enter the building silently and the student did not comment on my ugliness for the first time.

# Did you hear that the crown prince will arrive tomorrow!!

# Yes, I have already ordered the trading cloth online!!

# I can't wait to see him!!

# Me too!! hope he looked at me!!

# Let Claire hear that!! I hear she was betrothed to him!!

# She's so lucky!!

I was really happy that no one acknowledge my present for the first time in this school.

I check the time on my phone, and my lecture is in a minute, so I walk faster than before so the lecturer won't enter the class before me.

I enter the lecture hall and the lecturer enters almost immediately which made the hall suddenly become quiet.

"I don't like your performance in my text at all, it is only one student that got a full mark. "The lecturer said

# It is defiantly, Claire!!

# I know, right, she's not the Queen for nothing!!!

"Silent!!" The lecturer yelled and the class went quiet immediately.

"Diana Delton, you did a great job, keep it up. "The lecturer said with a light smile.

# What!!

# That ugly thing again!!

# I can't believe it!!

# How dare her!!

# I can't believe that ugly witch got the highest score again!!

# That ugly thing must feel on top of the world now!!

# I feel irritated by her sight, she should get to do a face surgery --- ----

"ENOUGH!!!" The lecturer yelled and the class went silent.

"While don't you get a brain surgery before you advise someone. "He added and the class burst into laughter.

I could see Claire and her dogs sending diggers at me with their eyes but I pretend not to see them and I face the board.

The lecturer turn to the electronic board and everyone turned their attention to him.

The lecture come to the end after what seemed like forever. Professor Dan gave us an assignment as everyone has been suspecting.

"It will be easier in a group so I will be splitting you guys into groups." Professor Dan said and started calling names.

"Claire Victor and Daniella John,

Princeton Joy and Diego Smith --- -----

and Diana Delton and Ann Anderson. "He said

"Submit to the class rep on Monday. "He added before leaving the lecture hall.

The Ann girl walked toward me and smirked immediately she stopped at my desk

" Thank goodness you are a bookworm, so do the work alone, I can't stand your look. "She muttered and throw an empty can on me before walking out of the lecture room.

I pack my book inside my backpack before walking to the cafeteria.

I got to the vendor and bought my food before walking away.

I was about to walk out when someone bumped into me on purpose, I look up only to see Claire burning in anger as my food tray splashed on her.

The student in the cafeteria gasps on seeing my food on Claire's body.

# That ugly thing is full of trouble!!

# Why did she bump into the queen? she's dead for real!!

# Am sure that Claire is going to kill her!!

# Must she show her ugly face all the time?

The students murmur among themself and I feel helpless. She's meant to apologize to me, not the other way around.

" I am sorry Claire, I don't mean to bump into you. "I apologize but I receive a thundering slap from her, a hot slap that sends me to the floor.

She forcefully pulled me by my hair and I wince in pain.

"How dare you, ugly thing!!! must you provoke me all the time?

You are on scholarship and you still have a gut to compare with me in class!!

Are you high on something? instead of you hiding your ugly face away from me and keeping silent in class, you even had the nerve to bump into me!!" She yelled and slap me again.

"Am sorry Claire, I will try my best to avoid you. "I plead, trying to hold my tears.

My lips were bleeding already as a result of the slaps I got from her.

"Did you just say sorry?" She asked rhetorically

"Well, sorry is not enough because the clothes I'm putting on can buy your generation. "She added and drag me by my hair to the nearest table.

She took a cup of strawberry smoothies from a student and empty the entire content of the strawberry smoothies on my head,

she picks up a plate of mashed potatoes on the same table, and without thinking twice, she empties the food on my head.

"Next time you bump into me like this, I will make sure you walk home naked. "She threatens and kicks me hard on my tummy before walking away.

Essa and Bekky also smirked and pushed me away before they both followed Claire like a dog.

I looked at my wasted food and tears roll down my cheek. I can't believe Claire run the only chance I have to eat ------ ---

Well, things change at home since the day I started Emperor college, Celine say I don't deserve to eat at home again, so they always give the leftover that is meant for me to Daisy puppy.

I use the money I got from my numerous work yesterday to get food for my dad, and the remaining change to get this food, but I was unable to eat it, seems I was going to wait for tomorrow to be able to eat again.

I clean my tears sadly and stood up on the floor before walking out of the cafeteria.