
As I Always Have

Location: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Seoul ; Two Months Later

Jasmine: 당신의 애완 동물은 이제 완벽한 상태입니다!

Patient: 정말 감사합니다 박사님!

Jasmine pets the dog. The dog licks her face and she laughs. The patient and the dog walk out the clinic. Jas' smile then turns into a sad expression.

Jas sits on her desk. Buddy goes to her and Jas picks her up.

Jasmine: Don't worry Buddy, we'll go in a bit.

Buddy barks at something on Jas' table. Jas takes a look at what is it, then smiles sadly.

Jasmine: Yeah Buddy, I miss him too.

Jasmine strokes Buddy as she looks at an old photograph of her and Harlan.

Jas goes to her closet. She gets her coat. She is about to close the closet when she sees something. She takes it out of the closet. A messenger bag with HB engraved on it.

Jas looks at it and remembers how she got it.


Location: Jasmine's House, Seoul ; Five Years Ago

Jasmine runs out the door and sees Harlan opening the door to his car.

Jasmine: HARLAN!

Harlan just takes one look at her, then gets in the car and drives off. Jasmine runs towards Harlan but Harlan drives off immediately.

Jas watches as Harlan drives away, leaving Jas alone.

Jasmine sits down on her porch, alone, and cries.

Buddy barks and barks. Jasmine wipes the tears off her face and walks to Buddy. As she approaches Buddy, she notices Harlan's bag on the pavement which must have slipped out the car.

Jas picks it up and sees HB engraved on it.

Jasmine: C'mon Buddy, let's go back in.

Jasmine and Buddy walk back in the house. Jasmine looks at the bag curiously.


Location: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Seoul

Jas at the present is looking at the bag on her desk. Jas has never looked inside the bag. Jas decides to take a look inside. She takes a breath, and opens the bag.

Jas takes out two things inside. A laptop and an envelope. Jas opens the envelope, and reads the letter inside.

Director Forster,

I, Harlan Oxford Brandle,  would like to turn in my intention to resign from The Human Endangerment Prevention Agency, effective immediately.

Harlan Brandle

Signature of Approval:

Director Martin Forster

Jas rereads the letter over and over again. Jas' mind then goes to what could have been. What could have happened. What if?

Jas wipes a tear off her face. She then puts the letter back. She puts the laptop back in the bag, and as she is putting the letter back in, she feels something.

Jas reaches for it. She then finds it, a small present. Jas and brings out and unwraps it to reveal a small red velvet box. Jas looks at it. She knows what is inside, but braces herself as she opens it.

Jas isn't surprised by what is inside. She takes out the content to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. As Jas looks at it, she can't hold back the tears anymore. Jas puts on the ring, and cries in her office.