
Diamond no ace world new life

Sunny_Singh_2695 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

chapter 6

( after my first game inside Tokyo giants dugout )

head coach - hahahah.. bakayaro .. ken you brat you just had the most fantastic debut in pro world .. no hit no runner , 4 at bats 4 home runs ... now was my decision correct huh.. assistant coach ?

assistant coach - yes head ( embarrassed)

head coach- hahaha.. oye where is today's star . Ken.. Ken.. where did he go ?

Thomas- ah head .. Ken went to meet his wife straight after the game ended..

head coach - wife ? Ken you brat .. didnt even inform me .. ( sad ) .. sigh forget it .. just remind him to get in time for the interview time..

Thomas,- dont be sad head .. that brat didnt tell anybody about his marriage . he didnt even have a reception ... ah .. then I'm going to tell him now.. that idiot will probably forget if I dont remind me about interview time ..

( after a while in conference room with media )

Ken- sorry guys , I was busy and to be honest forgot about interview time until Thomas reminded me just now ..

media - ( speechless)

Nippon TV- cough cough .. Nippon TV goro is my name .. sigh please dont forget in future Ken senshu . now let's start the interview. but I think your fans will be interested in the important matter that even made you forget about interview.. care to tell us about it Ken senshu ..

Ken- oh nothing.. my wife hikari was here to watch the game so I went to meet her .

media- ( shocked )

Nippon TV- ehh .. cough cough.. you .. when did you marry Ken senshu ? it's been just a week since our last interview time ..

ken - oh .. just day before yesterday . ( embarrassed ) things got hectic so I didnt have time to inform anyone.. even my club sorry .. just meet my wife hikari and my sweet mother in law now ..

( after half an hour )

Nippon TV- what to say .. hikari San was just like any ordinary beautiful young lady . cough cough .. sorry .. I mean Ken senshu please tell us about the time when you first met her ..

Ken- hahaha.. well you're right . my darling wife is just an ordinary girl . hmm.. let's see yes .. I met her inside mother in laws restaurant about a year ago .. ( smile ) well love at first sight .. yes that's it .. after that fateful day I just daily ate dinner at the restaurant and somehow got hikari chan heart after a lot of hard work. well , she is just right wife for me ..

Tokyo sports - thank you Ken senshu for your honest answer . now next question .. how did you accomplish the feat of no hit no runner for full 9 innings against the powerful line up of Osaka gunners .. I think this question is on every fans mind right now ..

Ken- interesting question.. let's see . you see I'm just an ordinary person with average athletic talent .. so unlike pitchers who have talent for throwing MAX 150 or more balls , my type of pitcher who have average speed , focus more on control than speed .. maa.. after that its trade secret so sorry ...

Japan times - now last question Ken senshu . what is the best way to win a game according to you ? I mean like strategy , practice etc ..

Ken- well for me things like strategy, past data etc are only for some reference . I believe that observation skills and respect for opponents is important.

Japan times - observation skills I understand somewhat but what does Ken senshu mean by respect for opponents?

Ken- hm.. it's simple. if you respect your opponent , it means that you acknowledge that he maybe stronger than you . so you observe small details during your matchup clearly because a pro doesn't like losing . if we lose once , it can effect our salary and future in the team so its important to respect your opponent in my opinion.. that's about it ..

Japan times - I get your meaning now Ken senshu . thanks for your time. now if you will please allow us to take a photograph of you with your wife . we want it for our newspaper..

Ken- it's alright with me . thanks for your support everybody ..

( at the same time in coach meeting of Tokyo giants )

pitching coach - so Tanaka ( starter pitcher ) got demoted to 2nd string due to injury . according to the doctor , it may take 2 to 3 months for his leg to heal fully and the time for his rehabilitation sigh .. head what should we do now. ? Tanaka is our rotation starter pitcher .. it's not easy to find his replacement easily ..

head coach - hmm .. yosh I have decided. let's use Ken in Tanaka place for a while and see how it goes.. I have high expectations for him that's why I scouted him myself . i believe he can handle the pressure of a starter pitcher but for how long i dont know...

pitching coach - after watching him today , i can see that head was right about him . sigh .. let's do this then . it's not like we have any choice in the matter .

head coach - okay then . announce the news of Tanakas injury and Ken's promotion as our starter pitcher tomorrow morning.

coachs - yes head

( at night inside bedroom )

Ken- ne .. hikari chan .. you looked too cute in the photo . are there any rewards for me today?

hikari - ( deep kiss ) you can let loose tonight in the bed my dear ( blush ) ..

Ken- hurray .. I love you dear . sigh .. you should be happy today after my grand debut but sigh .. ( wipe her tears)

hikari - but but .. that quack doctor told me that I cannot give birth to your child... ( crying )

Ken- good wife, just cry tonight and reward is postponed till your mood improves.. ( life is not always easy sigh . . )

today the gynecologist told us that due to hikaris childhood operation , her body cannot give birth to a child in the lifetime . of course she will have to bear the fact her whole life and I will bear it with her .

oh yea , next day news about my marriage with hikari chan was released and I was told by head coach that I will be starter pitcher now in place of Tanaka San. well I guess life is just the good and bad luck .