
<91> Everyday Life and the Opening of the Autumn Tournament

Chapter 91: Everyday Life and the Opening of the Autumn Tournament

Talent is the most unreasonable thing, and geniuses are the most unreasonable people.

After the sprint tests, it was time for a soccer match. The match was set up as a competition between two classes, but due to time constraints, the game was kept short.

The result was no surprise: the class Sendo was in won every game with ease. Sawamura followed closely behind Sendo, constantly shouting for a pass.

But soccer, as a sport, is one where a significant skill gap can lead to one player single-handedly taking on the entire team.

Sendo instructed his teammates to spread out, ensuring the opponents couldn't fully ignore them.

Then, he took on multiple defenders on his own, using absolute speed and agility to tear through their defense.

The other team could only watch helplessly as he dribbled past one player after another.

A game with such a huge gap isn't enjoyable for either side, whether you're the stronger or weaker team.

However, once in a while, the stronger side can have fun showing off. Today, Sendo thoroughly enjoyed dominating the match.

"Game over!"

"Alright! We're undefeated! Not that we had much to do with it."

"Sen-chan is amazing! He scored all the goals by himself. Is soccer supposed to be a one-on-one sport?"

"Well, whatever. Doesn't matter."

"So cool!" Some fangirls were already gushing over him.

"Sendo! Why didn't you pass the ball to me? I was in such a good position!" Sawamura complained to Sendo.

"Even if I passed it to you, it wouldn't have mattered. They weren't even paying attention to you, baka!"

"What did you say?! Sendo, say that again!"

"Clumsy and always getting in the way of teammates!"



"Save your energy for club practice! Besides, you've already run quite a bit today—it's been a decent workout for you."

"Arrghhh!" Sawamura's resentment was endless, but considering their difference in strength, he had no choice but to let it go.

"Good job! Here!" Wakana handed him a towel as they returned to the sidelines after the match.




"Eijun!" She called again when he didn't seem to hear her.

"Huh? Wakana!"

"Here! A towel!"


"Wakana!" After a brief pause, Sawamura called out to her.

"Hmm? What's up, Eijun?"

"Do you think I'm weak? Sendo ran way more than I did, yet he didn't even seem tired! Meanwhile, I'm already exhausted. The most frustrating part is, I run every day, but that guy only does the basic training routines and then lazes around!"

"I'm not sure, but isn't he a big eater? Maybe all that food just turns into energy for him?"

"Is that it?"

"Who knows? I'm not a doctor!"

"Oh, sorry."


After PE class ended, it was time to head home. Everyone packed up and got ready for club activities.

Sendo's massive lunchbox from earlier had been commandeered by the group, and they agreed to take turns bringing something tasty to share.

Sendo didn't mind, so he didn't say much. After changing into his uniform, he walked onto the field and finished his practice in under 48 pitches before sneaking off.


Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, it was the weekend. Today marked the first match of Akagi Junior High School's Fall Tournament.

Though Nagano is a somewhat remote area with few baseball fields, there was a decent one available for the game.

Despite it being an autumn tournament, it wasn't a particularly busy time, so there were quite a few spectators—quite rare for junior high school soft baseball, which usually doesn't attract much attention in other regions.

True to form, there was no elaborate opening ceremony.

The teams entered the field when it was time to play—a simple and straightforward approach.

The field was good, the crowd was decent, and commentary was never in short supply.

During warm-ups, the roster was announced, much like in the summer.

"Now announcing the starting lineup for Akagi Junior High School:

Batting first, shortstop, Ohno-kun!

Batting second, right fielder, Aoki-kun!

Batting third, second baseman, Kondou-kun!

...(opposing team's roster omitted for brevity)..."

"The match is about to begin. Let's get started!

Top of the first inning, Suimoku Comprehensive Academy at bat. Leading off…"




"That was fast! The air-raid siren hasn't even stopped!" Sendo commented.

However, the game wasn't as easy as everyone expected. Neither team scored during the first three innings.

In the fourth inning, starting with Ohno in the second rotation, Akagi managed a series of hits to score two runs. Those two runs were maintained all the way to the end of the game.


"That was such a strange game!" Wakana remarked on their way home.

"Everyone was probably nervous," Sendo replied, glancing at his teammates, who were all deep in thought.

"There were a lot of spectators. In the past, we played games where winning or losing didn't really matter, so no one cared too much. But this was the first time we played a game we truly wanted to win. That probably made everyone stiff."

"So what do we do about it?"

"It's fine. They started loosening up in the second half, and they've realized the issue now. Honestly, I'm so glad our team's ace is that baka; otherwise, we might have lost the first game!"

"That's true!"

"Hahaha! Don't worry about it. Tomorrow's game is the real deal!"

"Didn't you say the gap is too big and we have no chance of winning?"

"Well, yeah, but… reality can be a bit different. You never know the outcome until you actually play. Maybe their team will be in bad shape tomorrow, or they'll all get food poisoning! Haha, just kidding.

What really matters is seeing how much of an impact Sawamura's pitches, which aren't at full power, can have and how well our batting lineup can perform against their pitchers."

"I see."

"In any case, we should go into the game with the mindset that we can win and fully enjoy the match. And we don't have to worry about that idiot getting discouraged."

"That makes sense! So that's why you kept insisting there was no way we'd win earlier. Eijun was so angry at the time!"

"That's good. I didn't know if it would work, but it seems to have had the desired effect!"

"So you really want to go head-to-head with Tokugawa Junior High School, Coach-sama?"

"Of course! It's not my style to admit defeat before the game even starts. If I give up, that means we've already truly lost."

"At the end of the day, you're just too stubborn to accept losing!"


"Fumino told me everything about your personality!"

"Huh? What kind of judgment is that? That's baseless nonsense!"

"Never underestimate a girl! A girl's heart is very perceptive, especially when she's carefully observing someone."

"…" Sendo had no way to respond to this. He didn't understand girls at all, and he wasn't about to pretend he did.

That's just how it was.


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