
Diamond Kingdoms Space Mage ( Completed )

A person from earth died and got reincarnated in Black Clover. The twist though is that he is in the diamond kingdom with space magic. ____________________________________________ Go support me on patreon to get extra chapters. patreon.com/Asceanime

Asce · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Chapter 81

Yuno watched as he was dragged away by his captain's world tree magic. He tried to remove it as he cut it again and again but the roots kept regrow at fast speeds to grab him.

He could nothing but watch as he was dragged away while William was captured in a cage of bones before he and Zenon disappeared into a portal.

Zenon appeared in the spade kingdom specifically the laboratory of Moris Libardirt.

" Here's William Vangence. " Zenon said as he gave Moris William.

" Thank you. Place him right over there so I can get him hooked up. " Moris said.

Zenon nodded as he placed Willaim there. He knew Moris was doing this for his own benefit to see what happens so he could trust that much.

If he did anything to betray them, he would die. After all, you can't immediately trust a guy who ran away from the diamond kingdom after experimenting on children.

Zenon felt something was wrong with Dante so he immediately left the lab through a portal.

He appeared at the black bull base as he looked at his brother who was on the ground catching his breath as the hole in his stomach healed.

Zenon widened his eyes as he looked behind him to see Julius above him with his left hand at his face.

" Hello there. "

Julius blasted Zenon to the ground as Zenon landed next to his brother.

Zenon got up as his wounds healed. He then looked towards his brother.

" Yami Sukehiro has already been knocked out and can't fight. " Dante stated calmly as Zenon nodded.

They knew they had to double team Julius to make an opening to get Yami to the Spade kingdom.

" You really thought he was the one. "

They widened their eyes as they looked behind and saw Elden standing behind them.

A red orb was on his finger as he held it in front of Dante and Zenon. A powerful blast from the orb made them both fly backward and slam into some trees before coming to a halt.

" Yo Julius. " Elden said as he waved at Julius.

" You took your time. Did you finish? " Julius asked.

" Yep. " Elden said.

Julius and Elden looked in Zenon and Dante's direction as they floated into the air. Dante's aura was different as he had given his body I've rot Lucifero.

" I'll take care of Julius. You take care of Elden. " Lucifero said.

" Understood. " Zenon said.

Zenon opened a portal as Lucifero reached in and grabbed Julius. He then dragged Julius through the portal and threw up him into the trees below.

Julius then flew up as Lucifero chased after him.

Zenon looked towards Elden as he needed his devil state. He then teleported behind Elden with a bone sword.

He swung the sword at Elden's neck. The bone sword stopped a few inches from his neck as Zenon looked at this with wide eyes.

' All-mighty push. '

Zenon felt something slam into him as he was blasted backward. He got into an up Wright position as Elden appeared in front of him.

He slammed his fist into Zenon's gut, kicked him in the chin, and slammed both his fists into Zenon's face.

Zenon slammed into the ground below as he coughed out blood.

He then teleported away to Elden and stood in front of him.

' Spatial Mana Domination. '

Zenon trapped Elden in a cube that was filled with pillars inside. Elden looked around as Zenon unleashed bone whips to stab Elden.

* stab *

Zenon coughed out blood as he looked down at the bones that stabbed him. He looked at Elden who waved his right arm from left to right as the cube broke.

Zenon's wounds had healed but he stared in shock. His devil who was watching from inside also widened his eyes.

" Zenon. " Lucifero yelled.

Zenon looked at Lucifero who dodge another punch from Julius who appeared next to him.

Lucifero swung his sword straight at Julius who disappeared and reappeared next to Lucifero to strike him with an attack.

Lucifero ha saw this coming and attacked him only for Julius to dodge as his arm got blown off.

Lucifero used gravity to pull down to dodge and then gain distance from Julius. Julis looked at them with blood dropping from his forehead from an injury caused by Lucifero.

Zenon immediately got into the action as he made a portal to Yami as meteors rained down from above towards the black bulls hideout.

Elden looked at all the meteors and cut the space in front of the Meteors.

The meteors went straight into the spaces and got sucked in. They were then destroyed and erased from existence.

Lucifero had kept Julius occupied as Zenon captured Yami and put him in Moris lab before coming back.

As Julius and Lucifero were rushing at each other. A portal opened in from of them.

Julius stopped as Lucifero rushed fright in. Zenon then left as well before Ladle could stop them.

" They left as planned. " Elden said as he floated towards Julius.

" Yes, they did. "

" I'll see you in the meeting room. " Elden said as he teleported away from Julius's side.



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