

follow the intriguing story of Casseopia Carted as she discovers herself with the help of Calvin Styles.

Olotu_Ese · Teen
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THINGS weren't always like this when Dad was here,at least that's what my mom told me my dad was an Italian he was handsome with his curly dark brown hair, straight nose, perfectly square jaw and the most beautiful gold irises I had ever seen.

He was a manager at a factory doing pretty well at the time, then he found my mother.


The next school days went by so fast I didn't realize today was already Saturday.

"Casey I need you to wake up for me, c'mon wake up!" My mom shook me vigorously.

"Ughh mom what's today?" Grudgingly replied.

" I know I know don't sleep I'm about to tell you but don't sleep..... it's Saturday

I heard the word Saturday and my brain said sleep so I did.

"Casey c'mon wake up wake up!"

"But it's Saturday". I grumbled annoyed that she was preventing me from continuing my beauty sleep.

"Yes but I really need your help with something now get off that bed, it's an order".

Oooooh she played the mom card on me.

"Yes ma'am".

"Now I'm gonna go make breakfast for us and I need you to be down in ten minutes". Emphasis on the word need.

"What about Zoe isn't she hungry too?

I really couldn't care about Ryan he was always at a friend's place,he avoided his own family like a plague but I really can't blame him I would have done the same but I'm not really good with friends so I stick to family.

"Oh you know your sister,takes after her father she's working on one of those doo-hickeys he left behind and just like him if she's not hungry then she isn't".

My father had a secret passion for gadgets and inventions, I guess Zoe got his brain.... not just his brain though, she had his hair and Golden eyes too! no fair!.... lucky.

"Okay I'll be down in a few".

I waddled down to the bathroom with ease knowing that Ryan wasn't around to fight over the bathroom.

I wrapped my brownish towel around my chest which used to be white.... what? don't judge me, I couldn't get a new one I was already saving for a new phone that's really expensive.

I wondered what mom really needed my help for though, because the last time this happened I got sticky icky gum all over me, you do NOT want to know how that happened.

I got dressed, a blue sweater a REALLY big one by the way, some black sweatpants and black and white flip-flops. What? I love comfy clothes so don't judge me.

I made my way into our small kitchen as the mouth watering smell of waffles drifted in the air with a hint of strawberry hmm my favorite.

"Okay Mom what's going on? You only make this when you need me to help you do something which you already know I won't like so.... what's the catch?" I settled down at the island and eyed her figure trying to figure out what she was up to.

"Well it works Everytime" she giggled, she had her back to me.

"Sigh.... I'm just a sucker for food" I giggled back even though I was really worried on the inside.

"Okay so I need your_____what are you wearing?"

"Clothes mom", I rubbed my eyes I missed my bed already sleep was calling silently

"We've talked about this, baggy clothes make you look old and hide your lovely figure".

"That doesn't matter as long as I'm comfy" I snuggled my sweater.

"You know you're really lucky, even though you're deprived of proper food you still have that beautiful figure, unlike most girls who look like sticks".

I snorted, "I'm still sticking with comfy" I took a bite of the waffles now sitted in front of me just begging to be eaten then took a swig of my orange juice.

She watched me intently before speaking.

"I got a new job"

"Wow mom that's great right? I was starting to get nervous".

"Yeah" she stared into my green eyes as I stared into hers, I looked exactly like my mom  she had long straight hair,but I took my father's curls instead. Her hair, very light chocolate hair and piercing green eyes red full lips she was young, forty-two years isn't old right?

"I don't want to leave my old job but I have to so could you take over for me? I already sorted things out with the manager" she continued, hope written all over her face.

"Hmm well if it makes you happy then okay I guess" I sighed.

"Thank you sweetheart" she hugged me and I felt my poor lungs compress

"You're welcome Mom"I grinned.

"Well I'm going to be traveling more and staying with your aunt Suzie for sometime, things are finally looking up for us this new job pays better and I get to show off my fashion designing skills".

"I'm really happy for you mom". I smiled sadly I wish dad,Zoe and Ryan were here with us. Especially dad

"Speaking of aunt Suzie she invited us for a family dinner over at her place, but we'll talk about that later"

"Ok mom, so when do I start?"

She checked her watch "oh no, now! you start now! You're going to be late",she rushed

"Now? But it's only 8:00am" 

"Exactly, so go there now! you already know the place don't worry once you get there talk to the manager and he'll fill you in on the details of the job."

"Sure thing mom" I rushed out of the house and made my way there.


There I stood in front of a cream two storey building, it had orange finishings here and there with glass windows at the side it had an airy but welcoming feeling at the same time....weird. And a huge white signboard which had purple swirls silver streaks  saying "Anne's fashion house" in cursive, hmm pretty signboard.

I pushed open the door and inwardly cringed at my clothes which were totally in contrast to the elegant yet simple look of the place.

The reception looked warm, orange chairs lined up cream walls on one side "orange? Hm oh well" and on the other side was a brown high desk with a blonde girl around my age sixteen, seventeenish behind it.

I approached her and waited patiently for her to finish the call she was on.

"Hey how can I help you?" Her blue eyes looking at me skeptically.

I wanted to shrink hating myself for my choice of clothes. Oh no no no she looks so much like Molly please not another Molly oh please please please.

"Um my mom Mrs Catherine cartez, she asked me to come here to take over her job she said she already spoke to the manager".

"Oh so you're Cathy's daughter" she perked

"I knew she looked familiar" she murmured to herself"Your mom talks about you alot Casey, give me a minute I'll call the manager right now and see what he has to say" her pink glossy lips stretched into a smile.

Wow she seems to like me, and she already knows my name.

She hung up and stationed the telephone in it's holder.

"Okay so boss couldn't come today but he told me everything you need to know so don't worry I'll put you through, now follow me".

Phew I really didn't like the word manager it always sounded important and I'm not a fan of the 'important' stuff. And since I didn't like the word you can imagine how I felt about managers themselves.

"Um... what's your name"

"Oh I'm Mabel and welcome to Anne's fashion house" she did a dramatic spin flailing her arms in the air. Her spin really made me feel at ease

"Too much?" She asked rubbing the back of her neck embarrassed.

If only she knew

"No no your spin was splendid" I lightly tapped my fingers on my other palm, applauding her goofiness.

"Why thank you" she blushed.

As we went up the stairs I heard distant laughter that meant new people oh boy.....

"And here we are" she pushed open the door and it, it was much more than I remembered I had only come here once before but it wasn't like this. White lights danced all over the place, completely white walls caressed with strokes of blue and pink everywhere. Lots of tables and chairs with soft pink sowing machines situated on them oh I almost forgot and there were People.


Hello guys I know this chapter was a little long sorry I just couldn't stop writing乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ

I really hope you like it

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