
Chapter 64: Parents and other inconveniences


"Emma! There you are. Sorry we got held up-the weather! Gah!" Noah's mother, a tiny woman with bright red hair, burst through the doors and hustled over to my elbow. I leaned down to hug her and then glanced up to smile at Mr. Spencer, who was shrugging off his heavy coat.

"I'm so glad you made it. And before kick-off, too." I stepped a little bit away from the group of women who were now watching all of us. "Can I get you both something to drink?"

"I'll take care of it, hon," Mr. Spencer patted my shoulder. "What do you have there? Wine? Need a refill?"

"No, thanks, I'm good." I sipped my still-full glass, relieved that now I had company and didn't have to worry so much about accidentally getting wasted.

The elder Spencers steered me to some empty seats down in the viewing area, anxious to get a decent spot to watch the game.