
Diabolik lovers (Yui's sister) Fanfiction

Yuruki Komori is adopted by the priest and lived in the church getting bullied all her childhood life until an invitation was given saying that Yuruki Komori and her sister Yuki Komori will be living in the Sakamaki's House for a while...not knowing what really was happening...the longer they stayed the more weird stuff is going on and on. Secrets is about to be revealed...

AshlynReadxWrites · Fantasy
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9 Chs

"Something?" Part 1

"Hi...Im new here and this is my first story so if it sucks ...u know why now...but i am doing my best to do a good one for you guys and just so y'all know ....i dont own any of the diabolik lovers character but only Yuruki :) "

"Now on to the story"


Yuruki's Pov

    I woke up in the morning like normal times...*yawns*...morning bunny, while picking up my stuff toy bunny and stretch my body in the ways that i know well more like morning exercise.This kind of thing doesnt really happen but this day while im doing my stretches...someone knocked in my door...well thats something new, i thought.Then i heard a  voice from the door saying, "Yuruki wake up...father wants us to go to the priests room..he needs to tell us something important so you better show up ok?...Oh its yui..Huh? Thats odd, father? in the priests room? Hmm i wonder whats off, i thought.

    Yuruki did you hear me?...Yeah i heard you just tell him i'll be there in a minute..i yelled. Uh..ok, yui replied.Well we better show up in the priests room bunny if its important...i mean father doesnt really tell us to go to the preists room if he needs to tell us something..so i guess it is really that important...i said to my stuff toy bunny while patting it with an emotionless look. Just like normal days...i take my bath,dry and brush my hair, then braid it like the pic from her info and wear her usual clothes which is the crop top jacket, my ripped shorts and my black boots similar to what yui is wearing..mine is just black colored one..and carry my bunny out of my room...now lets proceed to the priests room, i thought while walking to the priests room.

Yui's Pov

    Ugh...whats taking her so long...me and  father have been sitting and waiting for 10 minutes...where is she?...knock,knock,knock.....Come in, said father while me narrowing my eyes in her...she looked at me..but to only give me an emotionless look...* i sighed*. What took u so long?, i asked her in a dissapointed voice.  She stared at me for a couple of seconds and said, " sorry for the wait"...then she seats in the other chair infront of father. Thats all? , i waited here for 10 minutes and all she would say is just, " sorry for the wait" ?...i thought... *sighed*...then father cleared his throat that made me cut out of my thoughts...

(end of povs)

    Seiji then cleared his throat and explained to Yui and Yuruki that he will be going somewhere far away for a very long time and since seiji will be gone, Yui and Yuruki will be staying at his friends house since no one is going to be taking care of them...but then yui chimed in and said, "But where are u going father and for how long exactly are u going to be gone?"...but Seiji ignored Yui's question and said.."Go pack your things because you two are going tonight".

(Awkward silence for 5 sec.)

    Tonight?..like this night?...Kuruki asked in a calm and a little shocked voice. Do i have to reapeat myself...seiji answered in a slow and calm voice...

Yui looked a little sad and Yuruki looked a little good inside but she composed herself as soon as possible and displayed an emotionless look in her face ones again...in a meer(is this even a word? :3) time Yui and Yuruki composed them selves, both stand and yui said, "we will pack our things immidiently before 6:00 father"...then they both exited the room and went to tgeir own rooms and started packing...:3

(6:25 in the evening)

Yuruki's Pov

   *Sighed* i wonder what time are we going now so we can breath a nice and fresh air out of this hell..its already 6:25 and still no knock on the freakin door..*sighed*...Knock,Knock,Knock...Yuruki? Its Yui in the door ..the driver is already waiting outside...yui said. Ok im coming..be there in a sec...i replied...i...i cant believe it we are going outa here...just then i felt ...true happiness? But i ignored it then looked at the mirror, i brushed again my hair so it would look neat and...and..i...i..smiled? I shook my head in shock, i picked my belongings and went outside.

    As i walked out of the church's door i felt nice? I dont know what is that feeling called but it felt good for somewhat reason. Proceeding to the car i saw Yui shes already waiting for me inside the car...as i approach the car the driver took my belongins and put it in the back of the car (sorry forgot what to call it and im too lazy so lets just continue). I went inside the car and so do the driver and started to drive.But then it started to get boring since were in a all trees driveway..and in so bored i didnt know i accidently slept on Yui's shoulder, im glad she didnt get mad about it.

(20 minutes later inside the car)

    I woke up and realized that i slept on Yui's shoulder..then i looked at her and saw she was also sleeping but in the back of her head...then as soon as the driver noticed that i am already awake he said, "were almost there ma'am"...so i put Yui's head on my shoulder and just waited for our arrival and stared at the trees for the rest of the drive which is so boring and i hate it but i have to deal with it tho.

(5 minutes passed)

    As i was staring at the boring drive way full of freakin' trees at my left car window the driver then again spoked to me saying, "We have arrived ma'am"...Huh? Here?...but then i noticed at the right corner of my eyes...i saw a giant looking creepy old gate and mansion...and the only thing that came to my mind was, oh my god are my eyes deceiving me?..no freakin way...this so cool. Then i tap Yui in her head..when she was opening her eyes i told her, "Hey big sis we have arrived"...as we step out of the car she was shocked. We held our belonging which the driver just left beside us and as we opened the big creepy old gate it creaked..i mean its old so...y'all know what i mean.

    As we passed the garden a dropplet of water dropped on my nose then Yui was running-yelling to go get to the main door of the masion because it is raining and as i realized that i also runned to the main door of the mansion.

   As we face the big door with a scary mouth looking knocking thing...Yui composed herself and gathered up her courage to knock to the creepy door...knock,knock,knock...no one answerd..for the first knock..Me and Yui just thought that maybe the people in this house is far away from the main door so no one heard it since its a mansion..bruh..mansions are wide...i mean theres a reason why they are called mansion...


  For the third time Yui again knocked at the door hoping that someone would hear her and open the door...knock,knock,knock...and i got annoyed of this and i said calmly with a little anger in it, "You know what Yui?..if someone wont be opening this goddamned door i will...but then a the door opened by itself...well Yui was shock...and i said in a emotionless look and voice, " cool~...then Yui went inside...i hesitated for a sec. since its called trespassing but it felt cool and at the same time odd...out of pire quriosity i followed Yui inside and as i saw the inside i felt shocked...

   Wow..i didnt know this oldand creepy mansion looks good inside, the designer of this house has good taste in arts dont u think?, i said in a emotionless voice just to see a hot guy with red hair and Yui about to put his ear on the guys chest...i whispered-yell in her saying, Yui dont...but i was too late...She yelled at me saying," He doesnt have any heartbeat, we need to call an ambulace right now" while pulling out her pink flip phone and when she just already have dialed like 4 numbers a hand snatched her pink flip phone and the hot tomato headed guy said to Yui, "Your so loud, Be quiet your not in your house"..and in shocked and not knowing what to do i walked to the corner of the mansion and hid on the shadows while the tomato guy pinned Yui in the sofa revealing his sharp fangs ready to suck Yui's blood in her neck..

     As i saw those fangs i decided to remain silent in the shadows and observe what the heck is happening...as i observe the guy and Yui...a tall slender figure whos clothes are so neat and wears a glasses like a wanna be butler said, "Whats with all the commotions Ayato?" while ad justing his glasses.

  I was shocked since im being observant and i freakin swear that wanna be butler guy wasnt there before. Hmm...i think i know whats going on...what do you think bunny but i need more evidence to proof my hypothenis i said whispering in a calm voice to my stuff toy bunny. As the wanna be butler asked  the tomato headed guy, as i heared called by a name Ayato replied to the wanna be butler man, "Ugh...your no fun reiji"...as Ayato got distracted Yui got the opportunity to let loose from Ayato's grip and ran to the wanna be butler which is called by a name reiji asking, "please help us". Reiji replied asking, "Us?". Then Yui looked at me from the dark shadow and i sign her with my index finger upon my lips which means quiet and thank god she understand what i was trying to say and replied to Reiji saying, "I meant me...pls help me!".

    And who would you be? said Reiji staring at her with narrow and glowing redbeyes. My father said we'll be staying here...uhh..i mean me, Yui said. Hmm..i am not seemed to be informed of this and adjust's his glasses and said, "Ayato, can you explain?. What? How would i know anything about that and why didnt you say so pancake?, Ayato asked. Its because you suddenly pulled and pinned me out of nowhere, Yui answerd. "Please this is not where we talk to our guests... follow me...". Yui followed and glanced at me and i nod at her while tightening my cuddle to my stuff toy bunny and she kept to follow Reiji. I also followed them but stayed hidden in the shadows to observe more.

~To Be Continued~


*ATTENTION* I dont really remember every detail of the original story but this is just a fanfic story

Its 1800+ words well i cant put 1889 words since the into "Hi" thing is also counted already and im too lazy to erase and see the direct one...anyways see u in the next one.... bye ;3