
Dotting husband.

"She's your mate." Diablo voiced out his thought just to confirm.

"Yes." Aristo replied.

"This means that we are now family." Diablo said to his friend as a smirk played on his lips. He couldn't wait to tease and annoy his friend in the future.

"Looks like we are but whatever cheesy plan you are cooking up, don't even think about it?" Aristo replied as he noticed mischievous look in his friend's eyes.

"Relax, am not planning anything." Diablo defended himself. Aristo scrutinized him.

"You have become a dotting husband in just two days, escorting Ella to the hospital. She has certainly got you hooked." Aristo teased as his lips curled up in a playful smile. Diablo's eyes widened as he wondered how the tables had turned so quickly. He was the one supposed to be teasing Aristo, not the other way around! At that moment he wanted to punch that good looking face of his. He was only escorting Ella because he wanted to meet up with someone at the hospital.