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Transmigrated, Elon finds himself, in a medieval fantasy world. Trapped in his new body, belonging to that of a socially depressed youth, through an obscene ritual. Upon receiving the memories of the previous body owner, Elon was fraught with righteous indignation. Swearing to take revenge on his behalf... But there was more to this world than it seemed. After being mystified by the several change in his body Elon discovered he had r18 abilities, thanks to the mysterious system like tablet in his soul. And so... Starting from a small revenge , a conquest began. ... Kindly support this book. I hope to write something different and super thrilling. B Erotic Conquest. By Absolute_Solitude

Absolute_Solitude · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 28: Sweet Revenge(2)°°

Opening her mouth in shock, her eyes filled with surprise, while her brain tried to comprehend the monstrously shaped object in Elon's hand…

For the first time in her life, Amelia was completely bombsmacked,not even the series of shock,fear and surprise she experienced so far could compare.

One second… three seconds… four seconds…

While Elon allowed Amelia to stare in complete admiration and fascination , the vile evil smirk on his face quickly alerted her from her dazed state.

"Fascinating isn't it?" Elon said, reminding Amelia once again that she was half-naked and tied to a bed by him.

Upon hearing Elon's words, Amelia's face instantly had a shade of purple, feeling both ashamed and embarrassed by how she lost her composure.

"Bastard! let go of me!" hissing hatefully , Amelia struggled even more to untie herself, making Elon smile as he watched her futile struggle.

"Not so high and mighty anymore huh?"

"Although you're not the culprit,you are still an accomplice…"

"Starting with you,Susan,Hera,Henry, Williams,and of course the main mastermind…"

"... I'm gonna give you a taste of your own medicine."

Switching to a less solemn tone,Elon continued without a moment of pause between his sentences, except for now.

"You know… you can play with a man's feelings, but not his heart."

"Oh… you lots didn't stop there."

Bringing out a leather whip as he dropped the dildo,Elon glanced at Amelia with that same cold smile on his face, making her squirm with discomfort at his gaze.

" Deprivation", speaking in a much more solemn tone,as his expression quickly turned dark, Elon revealed the last of his tool, a wooden mouth gag.

Being cultured on earth, Elon once rejected the idea of BDSM. well… not after reading All My Toys,the novel that broke the last bit of mental resistance he had toward such ideas and thoughts... Too bad he never experienced it back then though.

Unlike Elon's excited feelings, Amelia was starting to get horrified by what she saw, leaving her in a state of fear.

But Elon, unconcerned, continued with his acts…

Unclasping the last hook beneath her back,Elon slowly took off Amelia's white bra, the thrill and excitement in his eyes instantly set ablaze as both familiar nipples he once had a glimpse of, were revealed right before his eyes…

Ignoring Amelia's futile struggle as she tried untie her limbs by squirm and twisting on the bed, Elon smiled at her… only for his next action to quickly throw her thoughts into disarray…


Unbelievable as it seemed to her, Elon instantly smacked her face with his palm while having the same eerie smile on his face, leaving Amelia more than stunned, because for the first time in her life someone dared to hit her,and not just that,but on her face.

One could imagine just how much shock she felt… compared to the fact she was about to be raped, the fact that she had been smacked on the face was even more terrifying.

Feeling the sharp painful waves traversing towards her brain, Amelia felt the innate need to touch her face and suppress the hurtful itch she felt… Gnashing her teeth with a painful hiss, she stubbornly kept on struggling hoping whilst knowing just how futile her actions were in this situation.

With her eyes tightly closed shut in pain,Amelia failed to take note of the fact that her chest was exposed before Elon's gaze,her two pink nipples reflecting themselves in his eyes.

Whilst struggling to suppress the painful itch on her face, -a tingling moist feeling suddenly traversed towards her brain with unimaginable speed, hitting her brain waves as she was instantly thrown into a world of ecstasy.

Amidst the violent struggle and tossing, Amelia suddenly jerked upward, her waist raised as a sharp soft moan escaped her lips before she could react.

Unsurprised by her reaction, Elon kept his head steady to meet her sudden jerk, swirling his tongue around the tip of her nipple and covering it in his saliva as he suddenly gave it a tight suck, sending Amelia who was still trying to comprehend what just happened, jerking upward again. Filling her brain with ecstasy whilst her formerly closed eyes widened to their limit…

Unable to control herself, Amelia suddenly released a louder moan than the previous .

"Arrrghhh!!",she moaned.

While reeling from the series ecstasy , Amelia was able to see Elon's conspicuous jet black hair, with his head pressed against her breast,from her lower view.

Even though she hated him with all the hatred in her heart, and wished she could stab him… that didn't stop her nipples from hardening even more…

But then…

Just when she was about to release another loud moan of exclamation,it suddenly turned into a painful shout.

"Ahh!", Amelia screamed.

Twirling his tongue around her nipple,Elon suddenly bit it…

Sucking it again, Amelia inhaled a mouthful of air in ecstasy, unable to contain herself any longer and was about to release a soft moan until she suddenly gnashed her teeth, releasing a painful hiss. Whilst struggling to mutter the word bastard as she tightly grabbed the edges of the bed in order to hold back herself.

Unfortunately Elon wasn't done yet.

Switching to the other breast that had been ignored, Elon roughly folded it, squeezing it as hard as he could to an orange before suddenly twirling his tongue around its nipple like he did to the previous , making Amelia release a hiss alongside a moan.

Roughly grabbing the mold as he sucked on her nipples, Amelia jerked up.

With a wicked grin as he paused to look at the squirming figure beneath, Elon mercilessly bit her nipple, leaving behind a bright red mark on her areola before twirling it within his mouth.

Amidst pain and ecstasy, Amelia struggled and tossed.



Elon slapped her; the feverish pain instantly drove away the last bit of ecstasy she felt and leaving her devoid of nothing but the stinging feeling on her face,which already became reddish.

Elon stared at Amelia,his other hand still folding her breast as he looked down at her bright red cheeks.

"What a bitch you are."

Before Amelia could wake up from her reverie of pain, she heard Elon's mocking voice . Instantly,her already reddish cheeks turned purple,her eyes squeezed tightly shut as she imaginatively covered her face since her hands were tied down.

In that instant, Amelia wanted nothing more than to find a hole and bury herself forever, realizing the one person she hated the most was making her moan ,sucking her breast and biting them…

Gnashing her teeths, Amelia cursed "Bastardd…!"


"Don't worry you'll soon get wet down there." Elon said, squeezing her breast even more as Amelia released a painful hiss while grabbing the bed frame tightly.

After having played with breast for a few minutes while ignoring her several hiss and moans,Elon finally gave her hard nipples one last deep suck, making sure to twirl his tongue around them several more times than he did before.

"Arrrghhh!!" Amelia moaned,the last bit of mental resistance she had toward the undeniable pleasure shattered.

Biting her lower lips, lust invaded her sanity.

Not denying the fact that he felt the same pleasure; as there was already a huge bulge beneath him, Elon released his palms from her fair,mush, soft plum breast .

"Felt good didn't it?" Elon said, licking his lips as if in reminiscence of just how good her nipples tasted.

Picking up the bottle of oil, Amelia's eyes widened even more as she saw him grab the huge wooden dildo with his other hand.

Squirming as she watched Elon slowly pour the oil on the dildo, Amelia suddenly released a loud moan…

"Arrrggghhh!!!" much louder than she had ever screamed before,her legs quivered even though they were laid on the bed,as she held the edges of the bed tightly for support with her eyes shut while she exhaled deeply. Leaving her mouth hanged open before releasing a series of rapid breaths.


Knowing what that sign meant,Elon laughed, spreading her legs wider as he shifted her soiled undies, before inserting the tip of the oiled dildo inside her already dripping cave hole with bits of cum from her orgasm.

Feeling the sudden thrust of the tip much larger than a child's fist lay its dominance outside her entrance, Amelia jerked upward, wanting to meet its thrust and take it in.

Inhaling as she released a soft moan, Amelia had head twisted abnormally with her eyes tightly shut,the vivid lust she emitted permeating the atmosphere further enhanced by her flowery perfume …

Unexpectedly, she had another orgasm, this time dumbfounding Elon who never expected it as he saw the sticky white liquid dripping through her cave hole towards the tip of the wooden dick…

Smiling even more at this sight, Elon picked up the leather whip; his movement too sudden and instant,the sound of something traversing through the air silently reverberated through the place amidst the series of elicited moans and hiss…

Kpaa!! The sudden sound of leather trying to pierce through flesh resounded, leaving behind bright red marks on her fair skin. And following was Amelia's sudden scream, unable to contain the sharp pain with gritted teeths.


"Bastard!!!!" feeling the searing pain on her waist, Amelia felt nothing but utter frustration at the inability to move her limbs… Feeling both pain and lust; with other varying types of emotions , Amelia struggled even more, violently tossing and twisting on the bed as both needs to cool the searing heat on her skin and satisfy her craving wet hole held her on the brink of sanity.

Unable to do both, Amelia wanted nothing more than to stab Elon, the perpetrator of all this.


Withholding the primal instinct to thrust his dick directly into her wet hole, thanks to his unusually strong will, Elon successfully completed the first stage of his torture.

Thrusting barely the tip of the wooden dick,Elon rolled it between her slimy dripping clits , purposely withdrawing from a full thrust since that was the essence of his revenge…

Deprivation, wanting but not getting, taken away and left unsatisfied, to put it short, Elon was going to deprive her of sexual pleasure.

Thrusting the 'tip' halfway as it went in too easily,Elon withdrew , bending his head as he sucked on her hard nipples with his tongue latching onto both.

Meanwhile, Amelia could only jerk her waist upward, feeling the primal desire to have something thrusted into her pussy and settle the chaos in there. Gritting her teeths as she released an elicited moan.

Her legs quivering,as her body shook, her pussy squirmed releasing a load of sticky liquid that wet the sheets on the bed…

Lost in unsatiated lust, her mind was sent into chaos.

Unable to suppress the need for a thrust inside her wet hole, alongside the frustration and inability to move her limbs, the last bit of sane consciousness she had finally succumbed to lust as each of her moans suddenly ascended to a higher stave.

With a pleading and wild expression on her face, Amelia let out several loud moans, the frustration she felt totally on a new level after Elon's tongue left her nipples.

Looking at the new Amelia before him, who kept tossing and twisting, wanting to get a thrust inside her pussy, Elon smiled; admiring the savageness in her eyes… But he wasn't done yet,since she hadn't begged to be fucked.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure I shatter the last remnant bit of pride you have." ignoring the numb feeling of his dick pressing hard against his pants, Elon picked up the whip.

The traversing sound of the wind, resounded once more as it landed a sharp "Kpaaa!!!" leaving behind a far more reddish mark than the previous on her waist… but only to end with an opposite outcome.

With her bra removed, Amelia's fair breast had been revealed in all glory, the red bite marks on her nipples illuminated under the flames as they stood firm and hard.

Suddenly after the resounding sound "Ahhhh!!!" Amelia released an elicited , tossing even more while tugging on the ropes that held her bondage with arousing grunts.

"Pleasure?" Elon stared with a dumbfounded look at the unexpected outcome.

"Too bad you won't feel that anymore." dropping the idea of a painful pleasure,Elon picked up the large wooden dick, dildo.

Now instead of a painful pleasure,it was going to be a full geared one.

Watching Amelia continuously twitch due to the instant need of a dick in her wet holes,Elon smiled, rubbing the slime covered tip of the dildo between her clits, making sure that the large head touched in-between them before he withdrew it.

Practicing a few more, Elon suddenly inserted the whole large tip , inciting a loud moan from Amelia whose black pupils instantly rolled into her brain from pleasure.

Her body turned stiff and her legs quivered, unable to take it anymore as her Elon retrieved the tip from her dripping wet pussy, combined with both frustration and lust that was driving her crazy Amelia screamed!

"Ugh ugh ugh Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" throwing Elon into e feat of surprise as he for the first time doubted that the soundproof muteness provided by the underground basement .

Would it be able to isolate their actions?

"Huh?" stuck by the instant silence that reign after, Elon had a confused look on his face, before his gaze suddenly shifted back to Amelia who now laid still and unmoving on the bed with an exhausted faint breath as if totally drained. And down below, the arm that held the dildo was soaked in both orgasms, his hand covered in dripping cum from Amelia's pussy.



Shocked ,Elon jumped in fright from hearing the sudden sound or rather moan behind him.

"WHAT DA???!"

Elon, who hadn't been this surprised since realizing his transmigration into this world, had his eyes widened to their limit, unable to believe the identity of the sneaky peeky bastard behind whose eyes were filled with total lust.

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