
Dexters Cafe

meet dexter and his friends. Kitty, May, and max. Dexter is the head of the cafe they work in. and of course. their all robots.

MysticJamie · Video Games
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11 Chs

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Mary: ######!!! $#%!! *she is trying to get him off of her while trying to keep the blanket on her*

Jeffery: *kicks dexter off her* Dexter, be nice!

Mary: *She stands up and runs to the nearest corner*

Jeffery: *leans against the basement door* your okay. He wont hurt you or touch you anymore.

Mary: *when she looks at him he can hear her gears working* ###?

Jeffery: you must be all kinds of messed up.

Mary: *nod then points to the door* #####$$??

Jeffery: this is the basement. Not sure if thats what you asked.

Mary: *shakes head, then points at herself and back at the door. She then runs back to grabs the parts she dropped*

Jeffery: *shrugs still by the door*

Mary: *she comes back and tries to go through the door*

Jeffery: what do you think your doing? *stands in her way*

Mary: *points at herself and then points down*

Jeffery: why do you want to go down there? Is there something down there?

Mary: *slightly nods clearly unsure wether or not she can trust him*

Jeffery: alright. *moves opening the door for her*

Mary: *she runs down careful to not drop anything and he can hear some voices*

Jeffery: *tries to walk down but the first step breaks and he falls through* *beep*!


Jeffery: *rolls stuck in a box* ow…

Charlie: *he walks over and lifts him out of it* you good there?

Jeffery: yeah, thanks. *he brushes the bust off himself*

Charlie: *he walks back to where he was and sits down* so what do you need man?

Jeffery: curiosity got the best of me. *he walks over* looks like i got to fix the stairs to.

Gomez: Intruder. Intruder. *robotic voice*

Charlie: *stands and walks over to gomez* buddy hey, its alright he nice. *looks at jeff* your not gonna hurt us are you?

Jeffery: nope. But i might try to fix you all. If jack's up to it.

Charlie: ah alright, see gomez, he is friend, not intruder.

Gomez: *He goes to a corner and stands*

Jeffery: *he makes his way back up the stairs* jack should be here tomorrow.

Charlie: alright.

Mary: *she follows jeffery*

Jeffery: *he makes it to the top*

Mary: ###?

Jeffery: *looks at her* follow me. *he walks towards his office*

Mary: *she follows*

Jeffery: *he walks in and grabs a bag* go put this on. So then you dont have to hold that blanket.

Mary: *she leaves and puts it on and walks back*

Jeffery: if you want you can hang out up here but im going to go home.

Mary: *nods*

Jeffery: alright see ya tomorrow. *he walks out* I'M HEADING OUT BYE EVERYONE! *he leaves*

Kitty: BYE!!!

Dexter: i dont really like that human.

Max: you dont like him because he enforces rules.

Dexter: that and hes weird.

Max: ssuurree..

Dexter: *he walks away*

Mary: *she is grabbing parts and fixing herself with them*

Dexter: what do you think your doing?

Mary: *looks at him* #####

Dexter: *takes the parts from her* dont touch things that arnt yours.

Mary: *rolls eyes* ##########

Dexter: *he puts them down and walks away*

Mary: *Grabs them and runs off*

Dexter: *does not see her and he goes to charge*