
devouring uchiha shisui at the beginning

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). When he woke up, Sato found himself transported to the world of Naruto, a world filled with powerful ninja and bloodline abilities. However, to his dismay, Sato discovered that he had become an ordinary civilian without any bloodline inheritance. It felt like a nightmare. But soon, Sato stumbled upon an extraordinary ability he possessed—the power of devouring. This ability allowed him to consume both the living and the deceased. By devouring the dead, he could absorb their blood and memories, gaining valuable insights and knowledge. And when he devoured a living individual, he could acquire everything they possessed—their skills, powers, and more. This is the incredible tale of Sato's transformative journey, starting with his fateful devouring of Uchiha Shisui's body. Orginal: https://wap.faloo.com/1288210.html

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105 Chs

Chapter 17: First C-Ranked Mission

Arriving at the Hokage building, Team 8 quickly received their first C-rank mission from the Third Hokage.

As mentioned before, C-rank missions usually involve guarding and delivering confidential documents or dealing with large beasts and bandits blocking the road.

After completing these tasks for two months, the transition from being students to becoming full-fledged ninja was complete. Their Jōnin leader, Kurenai, deemed them qualified and capable of handling C-rank missions.

The mission assigned to Team 8 was a common escort mission for a local caravan. Sato couldn't help but feel a little disappointed upon learning the mission's content. It seemed that only the protagonists of this world received special treatment.

Team 7, with the first and second males, had their first C-rank mission escalate to an A-rank mission due to an accident. They ended up facing an Elite Jōnin. In contrast, Team 8 was assigned a regular C-rank mission.

Sato secretly wished he could have intercepted Team 7's mission in the Land of Waves. By defeating Zabuza and Haku, Sato not only would have increased his strength but also unlocked the second bloodline limit.

Although Sato's chakra reserves had reached the level of an Elite Jōnin, his overall strength had been stuck at the Jōnin level. Acquiring a second bloodline limit or mastering a second nature transformation would elevate him to the level of an Elite Jōnin.

Unfortunately, Team 8 didn't encounter such an opportunity. But Sato didn't dwell on it for too long, knowing that time was running out for the Third Hokage.

Once the Third Hokage passed away, a new era would begin, and Sato could make his moves without restraint. The thought lifted his spirits, and he walked out of the Hokage building.

The members of Team 8 dispersed and headed home to pack their belongings. Sato, on the other hand, had very little to pack. He only brought two sets of clothes and toiletries.

Sato didn't possess any high-end gadgets like explosive tags or soldier pills. Although Chōji had sent him some food pills, Sato had already used them up during training.

Arriving at the meeting point, Sato realized that Shino had arrived before him. Curious about Shino's lack of luggage despite his cool appearance with a windbreaker and sunglasses, Sato asked him about it.

"I brought everything, and it's stored in this storage scroll," Shino replied, taking out a scroll from his pocket.

Impressed, Sato admired the storage scroll. It seemed that ninja children were treated quite well. He made a mental note to buy one as soon as he earned enough money. The storage scroll functioned similarly to a space backpack in the game, making it incredibly convenient.

Shortly after, Hinata and Kurenai also arrived. Like Shino, they didn't carry any luggage, presumably storing their belongings in the storage scrolls as well.

Observing the backpack on Sato's back, Hinata rarely took the initiative and offered to pack his belongings. Sato accepted her offer, handing her the backpack.

Taking Sato's backpack, Hinata felt a burst of joy in her heart. She also thought of a birthday present she could give Sato this year.

With the team gathered, Kurenai led them to meet the client for the mission. The client was a local caravan from the Land of Fire, in town to sell materials to Konoha's ninja shop.

Concerned about encountering bandits or rogue ninjas on their way back due to the large sum of money they carried, the caravan always requested Konoha ninjas for an escort. The town where they resided was relatively prosperous and not too far from Konoha.

Of course, the term "not too far" applied to ninjas. A ninja using the Body Flicker Technique could travel from the Land of Fire to the Land of Wind in a day, but it was not the same for ordinary people. The technology in this world was peculiar, with electrical appliances and computers existing, yet the best means of transportation remained horse-drawn carriages.

Having studied the geography of this world, Sato knew that if the mission proceeded smoothly, they would return to Konoha by this time the following day.

After finalizing the details with the client, Team 8 departed Konoha with the caravan. It was the first time in twelve years that Sato stepped out of the village gate and experienced the scenery beyond the village, a feeling shared by Hinata and Shino.

The three of them looked around curiously along the way, appreciating the beauty and fresh air of the less polluted environment compared to Sato's previous modern life.

However, Sato understood that the Land of Fire was an exception among the five major countries. The Land of Fire possessed fertile lands, unlike the other countries, which lacked such resources. It was no wonder that three ninja wars had erupted in the past sixty years, with the Land of Fire and Konoha actively participating in each war.

As the afternoon sun blazed, Sato, wearing his black windbreaker, put up his hood and donned his toad-shaped sunglasses from his pocket. Kurenai, Hinata, and Shino were accustomed to this routine. Sato wore the sunglasses to not only shield his eyes from the sun but also to activate his Sharingan without drawing attention when facing formidable opponents.

Although colored contact lenses were unavailable in this world, sunglasses served the purpose. Sato's toad-shaped glasses resembled Shino's and fully concealed his eyes.

As night fell, Team 8 successfully escorted the caravan back to the commercial town without encountering bandits, samurai, or rogue ninjas. They had completed the mission smoothly.

"We'll stay in this town for the night and return tomorrow at noon. Disperse for now, but make sure to come back to the same place to rest tonight," Kurenai instructed after leading them to a local hotel and booking two double rooms.

"I'm going to have some shochu. You're not old enough to drink, so feel free to explore the town, but stay within the boundaries and don't enter forbidden areas. Be back in time for rest," Kurenai added before swiftly disappearing.

"I'd like to take a stroll alone," Shino declared, leaving with his own interests.

"Would you like to join me?" Sato asked Hinata as they stood outside the hotel.

Hinata hesitated for a moment, then softly responded, "...Hmm."

Thus, the two walked side by side, leaving the hotel and venturing into the town.

Sato's intention wasn't to go on a date with Hinata. Dating the current Hinata wouldn't be much fun since they couldn't do much together. It would be more interesting if she were around sixteen or seventeen.

Instead, Sato sought to explore the town in search of several strong chakra signatures he had sensed upon their arrival. With Kurenai absent once again, Sato, who hadn't satisfied his hunger in years, felt a slight craving.

Therefore, Sato planned to find an opportunity to enjoy a hearty meal.