
Chapter 9 Door to Door

After casually dealing with the two seemingly interesting young ladies for a while, Wang Yi walked alone to the rest area for a drink. The treatment for senior students at the martial arts academy was different from that of junior and intermediate students. The setup here resembled a small bar, and the academy provided complimentary energy drinks to replenish the students' stamina.

Wang Yi poured himself a glass of water and suddenly felt someone approaching behind him, so he instinctively stepped aside.

"Hmm?" He patted an empty space on Sun Ge's face, showing a slightly surprised expression.

"Wang Yi, your reaction speed is quite good," Sun Ge praised.

"Hehe, you flatter me, Sun Ge. Is there something you need?" Wang Yi said.

"Not really, it's just that we haven't gathered for a long time. We're planning to meet up at Li Ji BBQ on the street later. Are you coming?" Sun Ge asked.

As the backgrounds and identities of the senior students at the martial arts academy were similar, their relationships were generally good. Although gatherings like this weren't daily occurrences, they happened frequently.

Wang Yi tactfully replied, "Sun Ge, I think I'll stay behind to practice a bit more..."

"Ah, Wang Yi, you work hard every day, but you also need to pay attention to balancing work and rest. After all, your health is your capital, and if you want to become a warrior, you need to pay attention to scientific training methods," Sun Ge said earnestly.

Wang Yi felt a bit awkward, but he understood that Sun Ge meant well, so he ultimately didn't refuse.

After a while, the group of senior students from the martial arts academy who agreed to go for barbecue began to pack up and head downstairs. Even though it was evening, there was still plenty of activity in the courtyard of the martial arts academy. Seeing such a large group of senior students walking out together, many students passing by greeted them politely.

"Hello, Sun Ge."

"Senior Brother Sun."

"Senior Brother Sun, are we going to have fun somewhere tonight?"

Surrounded by people, Sun Ge, leading the way at the front, had a spring-like smile on his face, feeling quite enthusiastic.

As the strongest among the current group of extreme martial arts academy senior students, Sun Ge enjoyed being at the center of attention, like a star among the masses.

Meanwhile, Wang Yi, dressed casually among the crowd, appeared rather inconspicuous.

"Boom..." A deep sound of airwaves caused everyone to glance sideways.

At this moment, the gates of the extreme martial arts academy were raised, revealing a white, magnificent sports car slowly driving in.


"Is that an Aston Martin? Or is it the latest and most expensive thr-191 with flight capabilities?"

"That's the instructor's car!"

After seeing the car approaching, all the extreme martial arts academy senior students were astonished, not daring to be impolite, and stepped aside.

Wang Yi, like other students, looked with envy and amazement as the white, magnificent sports car slowly passed by. Such a car must cost at least 36 million Huaxia coins.

What concept was this? With Wang Yi's current family background and salary as a tutor, he couldn't afford a car like that even if he worked for a lifetime!

The sports car stopped at the entrance of the senior students' teaching building. The door opened, and two men in loose martial arts suits stepped out. One of them, with a square face and a tall stature, was Wang Yi's instructor at the martial arts academy, 'Chen Ying.'

Accompanying him was a man whom Wang Yi had never seen before, with a well-built body, a thin face, and a scar, giving off a sharp aura.

"This is also a warrior!" Although he had never met him, Wang Yi could tell from the unique aura belonging to warriors, just like his instructor.

Every warrior had been through real life and death trials, battles! Their aura and demeanor were completely different from ordinary martial artists.

Just like seasoned soldiers on the battlefield, sometimes just a glance could make people unable to look directly at them!

Wang Yi watched as the instructor and the slim man chatted and laughed as they walked into the senior students' teaching building, while the white, magnificent sports car remained outside, attracting attention.

"Ah, the instructor's Aston Martin 191 is really enviable. I wonder when I'll be able to afford one," sighed a senior student in the crowd.

"As long as you become a warrior, you'll have the chance to buy one."

"Yes, become a warrior!"

"Work hard! We all have a chance!"

Everyone seemed to be inspired by ambition.

And Wang Yi's heart was also full of hope.


In the blink of an eye, it was May 18th.

On this evening, Wang Yi followed the agreement and arrived at the neighborhood where Lin Youyu lived.

Looking at the beautiful and quiet neighborhood in front of him, with exquisite luxury villas, Wang Yi couldn't help but sigh. Although he had already been surprised when he got the address, knowing that his usually quiet desk mate came from such a wealthy family, seeing it with his own eyes was still astonishing.

The villa community in front of him was probably the most luxurious in the entire Guqing district.

In the era of the Base City, where over two hundred million people lived in the Jiangnan Base City alone, land was naturally scarce. Even wealthy people found it difficult to afford standalone villas.

Without status, even if you were wealthy, it wouldn't be possible.

From this, one could tell that Lin Youyu's family was definitely extraordinary.

However, with Wang Yi's current strength, he naturally didn't care about that.

There were uniformed, imposing security guards at the entrance, and with Wang Yi's eyesight, he could tell that these guards were all very strong, although not as strong as the senior students, they weren't far off.

"Hello, I received an invitation to attend my classmate's birthday party at her house," Wang Yi smiled as he approached.

The security guard's quality was very high, and he was polite. "May I ask for your classmate's name and specific location?"

"It's..." Wang Yi quickly replied.

"Please wait a moment."

Wang Yi didn't have to wait long before the security guard quickly confirmed and checked Wang Yi's ID card before registering him, showing a polite smile.

"Sir, please come in."

Walking on the shaded road in the community, Wang Yi muttered, "It's quite troublesome to get in."

He looked around.

"But the environment here is quite good. I'm sure it's very nice for parents to live here."

Wang Yi didn't envy because he knew that in a while, after passing the warrior assessment, he would soon be able to have these and more.

On both sides of the small road, dense and lush bamboo stood in rows, swaying gently in the breeze, bringing a sense of natural tranquility.

"Living in a place like this is enjoyment," Wang Yi thought to himself.

Following the instructions on the roadside, Wang Yi quickly found the place mentioned in the address.

Looking up, he could see a three-story villa with white walls and red tiles in front of him. The combination of white plaster walls and light red tiles was dazzling in the brightly lit courtyard under the night sky. Wang Yi, who had lived in a rented house for over a decade, couldn't help but feel envious again.