
Chapter 11 Of course I want them all

Wang Yi felt a bit uneasy, suddenly realizing that attending Lin Youyu's birthday party might have been a wrong decision.

However, when he turned to see Lin Youyu's radiant and sweet smile, his mood calmed down again.

Forget it.

Wang Yi found a place to sit down and looked around. He felt somewhat isolated here, with the exception of Lin Youyu and Gao Yurong, he didn't know anyone else, which made him feel a bit out of place.

Wang Yi remained calm.

He had come here simply to wish Lin Youyu well. As for what these people thought, to be honest, Wang Yi couldn't care less about the opinions of unrelated individuals.

However, he didn't enjoy the tranquility for long. Soon enough, Gao Yurong and Lin Youyu came to sit beside him, one on each side.

Wang Yi could feel the curious and intrigued gazes cast upon them from all around in that moment.

Especially when Gao Yurong and Lin Youyu, the two most outstanding girls present, sat next to him, many people couldn't help but start whispering.

"Wang Yi, how did you meet Yurong?" Lin Youyu, sitting on Wang Yi's right side, asked curiously, her eyes big and watery like a deer's.

Wang Yi certainly wouldn't hide it. "I've known Miss Yurong for about a year now. At that time, I had just become a senior student at the martial arts academy and needed a tutor, and Miss Yurong was my tutor at the time."

"So, Wang Yi, are you tired from going to Yurong's house for tutoring every day?" Lin Youyu learned about Wang Yi's daily life for the first time and felt a bit regretful. "If I had known..."

"Hmm?" Wang Yi looked at her curiously.

At this moment, Gao Yurong interjected, "Are you also interested in having Wang Yi as your tutor, Youyu? But I remember you don't like spending time alone with boys and you don't like martial arts, right?"

Lin Youyu instinctively said, "Of course, Wang Yi is different. How can other boys compare to him?" As soon as she said this, she realized it wasn't appropriate, her face turning as red as a shrimp, looking very cute. "If you keep joking like this, I won't talk to you anymore."

Protesting, Lin Youyu's gaze secretly glanced at Wang Yi beside her, but to her disappointment, Wang Yi seemed to be lost in thought, his eyes fixed on the sky, as if he hadn't heard their conversation. Her lips pouted slightly.

"Alright then." Gao Yurong shrugged, this was the first time she had seen this kind of irritated reaction from the boy, but it made her feel his straightforwardness even more.

"Wang Yi, let me ask you something." Gao Yurong looked at Wang Yi, speaking naturally, "If both Youyu and I asked you to be our tutor, who would you choose?"

Lin Youyu felt a slight tightening in her heart upon hearing Gao Yurong's words, her eyes involuntarily glancing at Wang Yi.

Wang Yi was taken aback, then instinctively replied, "I would choose both."

One tutoring session was one hundred and fifty per hour, so two sessions, which would be two hours, would be three hundred. Double the work, double the happiness. Any normal person would know how to choose.

Lin Youyu and Gao Yurong were both stunned.

Gao Yurong followed up, "What if you had to choose only one?" Her eyes fixed on Wang Yi, seeming to want to see through his inner thoughts.

Wang Yi, puzzled, said, "Why do I have to choose? Don't you two get along well?" It didn't seem like it, girls' minds were really strange, always coming up with these odd thoughts. Wang Yi, who had been single for eighteen years, thought.

"That's not the point, but..." Gao Yurong didn't know how to continue. She felt a little annoyed. Why was Wang Yi so clueless, not understanding girls' thoughts at all? He was really a blockhead, why did she fall for this kind of guy in the first place?

Well, he was already a blockhead to begin with.

Lin Youyu also noticed that Gao Yurong seemed to be interested in Wang Yi. However, Wang Yi's clueless response made Lin Youyu feel relieved, it seemed that their relationship hadn't reached that level yet.

Lin Youyu also felt a bit troubled. She had always secretly liked Wang Yi, and with the college entrance exam approaching, after the exam, they might go their separate ways. This birthday party was Lin Youyu's attempt to gather courage and express her feelings to Wang Yi. But she didn't expect that her only close friend for many years also knew and liked Wang Yi. She felt a bit confused.

Wang Yi wasn't stupid enough not to realize that both girls in front of him were interested in him, but he didn't know how to handle this situation. Gao Yurong and Lin Youyu were both good girls, he couldn't deny that he didn't have feelings for them, but as to whom he liked more, Wang Yi himself probably didn't know.

He carried a secret that he couldn't speak to anyone about, and he didn't know what would happen in the future. So, when it came to matters of the heart, he naturally chose to avoid them.

The three of them fell silent, sinking into an awkward atmosphere for a moment.

Lin Youyu, afraid that Wang Yi would feel left out, often came over to talk to him, which made the faces of a middle-aged couple not far away look a bit unpleasant.

In the corner, a middle-aged woman who vaguely resembled Lin Youyu pulled Lin Youyu's hand, "Honey, who is he?"

"Mom, you've already asked twice. Didn't I tell you? He's my friend." Lin Youyu felt a little embarrassed.

She also knew that she had aroused her parents' suspicion. At home and at school, she was a well-behaved girl, but as soon as she saw Wang Yi sitting with Gao Yurong, she couldn't help but lean over, feeling very uneasy.

And Wang Yi didn't know all of this, he just felt like there were always a few pairs of eyes secretly watching him.

Even his keen hearing as a martial artist caught some whispers, making him feel a bit wry.

Alas. Being too popular wasn't necessarily a good thing either.