
Devouring the Apocalypse

The world evolved into another stage. Monsters invaded causing destruction and chaos. How will Alex survive the sudden change that he wasn't prepared for? Will he be able to protect his sister from the unknown dangers that lurk in their shadows? Join Alex on his journey to find his origin and the truth that the world hides. **** Disclaimer: This story is not based on real life but on pure imagination. Any facts in this story is not necessarily true in real life.

GreaterLord26 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: The Start

In a grand city called Letis City, a New Year Festival was being celebrated.

The City was covered with countless beautiful decorations. Several stalls selling various things were set up.

Laughter and joy can only be seen in the surroundings, this day was a happy day for everyone.

Yet, one person was not delighting in this occasion.

"Alex! I'll give you 10 bucks so help me serve my customers here, we don't have enough waiters." A middle-aged man wearing a Chef uniform shouted.

"Coming!" A young man answered the middle-aged man.

This young man was drenched with sweat and a haggard look on his face, a big contrast to the happy and laughing expressions of other people.

Working different jobs for hours is really tiring, right, I should introduce myself, my name is Alex Vorax, a 21-year-old young man.

"First, wipe off your sweat and come with me to the kitchen. Be prepared, I'll make you work through the bone." The middle-aged man said before coming into the restaurant.

I followed after him and opened the door.

Inside the restaurant, many people were eating, making clicking noises from their spoons and plates.

"This restaurant is the same as last year, nothing changed huh?"

This restaurant was built by that old man, Chef Jeff.

Though I don't really like him because of his grumpy attitude, he has been nice to us ever since, so I tried to get used to it.

"Hey, brat! Just how long are you gonna stand there!? Stop daydreaming and help me prepare the ingredients, more customers are coming."

"Yes, yes I'm coming!"

I first cleaned myself and changed into a uniform. It was a bit tight since it's been a year last time I wore it but I can manage it.

I left the room and headed for the kitchen.

While I was going there I heard a feminine voice behind my back.


I looked back and saw a familiar but also an unfamiliar girl.

"Jean? Is this really you? You've changed so much! I thought you were a person working here." Really, I was so shocked.

She is Jean Keller, daughter of Chef Jeff. She is 3 years younger than me, one year ago she was still in high school so I didn't dare try to take a move to her but now. wait, isn't she developing so fast?! I mean, I don't remember her breasts being that big. Ahhh! Stop, my brain, don't think about it! It's just puberty. Just PUBERTY!

While I was thinking nonsense, I heard a small chuckle, causing those two bells to jingle.

"Jeez, Alex you're always exaggerating things, I didn't change that much you know. Anyway, why are you here? And that uniform... Are you going to work here again?"

Jean questioned me with an unusual excitement in her eyes, I could even see them sparkling. Did she miss me? No, no that's impossible, if she's this already beautiful, she must have a boyfriend already. And I don't think I am worthy of her at all.

"Yes, I am going to work here for a while, need to save money for a gift" I answered her question.

"Ah, Sorry Jean I think I need to go now, it's nice to see you again. See you later." I bid farewell to her and immediately go to the kitchen, worried about Chef Jeff's earful sermon.

Jean was left behind, she just stared at the back of Alex, deep in thought.

"A gift?... For who?" She muttered.

"Is Jean alright? Her sparkling eyes seemed to be deemed a bit earlier. I wonder if she's sick. I'll ask her later, for now, let's just focus on the work."

After a while, customers keep coming to the restaurant.

In the evening, the restaurant's ingredients ran out so they had to close for the day.

"Good work! You guys can leave already, remember to come early tomorrow!" Chef Jeff talked to the other workers.

"Yes, Chef" They responded.

The workers departed one after another until Jean and Alex were the only ones who were left.

"Alex, come here and receive your payment for your help." Chef Jeff said.

The Chef handed Alex an envelope, Alex, gratefully took the envelope and bowed down.

"Thank you, Chef!"

Chef Jeff just nodded.

"Just go home already. you're li'l sister must be waiting for you right? Don't make her wait for too long."

"Ok, old man. See you later! Bye Jean, I'll come again another time!"

Alex hurriedly ran off and exited the restaurant.

However, instead of coming home, he detoured to the crowded market that he passed by and looked for food and gifts.

He skimmed around every place to look for a gift. After a while, he spotted something that caught his eye, it was displayed in an antique shop, however, what he spotted was so out of place, it was a beautiful white music box, it had a unique golden line that made the box look mysterious.

"What an unusual way to advertise a product, placing a beautiful thing with a bunch of old things, but it is the most beautiful present that I can currently give her with my budget so I guess this will do."

Now that he's done choosing a present for her, Alex called for the old man behind the counter table and purchased the music box.

"Oh, that's a good choice, young man. This music box was said to be a favorite toy of a beautiful goddess, and that goddess placed some kind of enchantment, though I don't know what it was it will definitely give good health to the one who possesses it."

The old man said to Max.

"Really? I hope that's true since she's not in good health right now."

Alex remembered her health condition and wished that what the old man said was true.

"ku..ku..ku... Don't worry that much young man. Here have this."

The old man tossed something at Alex. He caught it in his palm and when he opened it what he saw was a creepy bead bracelet. Every bead has characters that he can't understand.

"What is this?" Alex asked in wonder.

"Devour Everything"


"That's the meaning of the bunch of characters in the beads."

"Soon, you will have to make a choice, to devour everything or to let them devour you." The old man told to Alex.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Alex was confused and a little bit scared, the old man was talking with confidence and the current atmosphere didn't make it better, he thought of running off to get away from the old man, however before Alex could attempt to he heard the old man's laugh and said.

"Did I scare you, young man? HAHAHA. Forget about what I said earlier I was just mumbling things, anyway, you should go, your sister must be waiting for you and I doubt you want to be late right? Especially today in a red full moon. Don't worry the bracelet is free of charge! Now go!"

The old man pushed Alex out of the antique store in a swift manner and immediately closed the door.

"That old man is strong and fast despite his age. Anyway, I need to go. She must be feeling lonely right now."

Alex rushed and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at a huge hospital. he immediately makes his way to the elevator and then goes into his sister's room.

"SURPRISE! Happy Birthday, Aisha!"

The person in the room was a beautiful growing lady, she had long silver-white hair, a blood red eyes.

Complete opposite to Alex's pitch-black hair, she also has pale skin, a sign of poor health.

"Brother! Why are you shouting in the middle of the night? Some people can hear you!"

Aisha was embarrassed at her brother's antics but also relieved that he was back.

"Haha Sorry, sorry. I was just a bit excited. Here, this is my gift, open it and in the meantime, I'm going to prepare your birthday cake." Alex handed her a wrapped box.

"Really? You didn't have to. I'm okay with you always taking care of me."

"No, No. My little princess deserves a gift on her birthday." Alex wears a face that says as if it was obvious.

"Who's your little princess? And what's with your face? Just go and prepare the cake."

"Yes, my princess" Alex bows down like a knight serving a princess.

"Just go! You're being embarrassing again!" At this point, Aisha's face was bright red.

"Yes~ Yes~"

Alex headed out of the room with the cake.

"I'm glad she's still fine. Just wait a little bit, Aisha. I swear, I'll get you out of here in this suffocating place one day."

After a while, Alex came back from his home after preparing the cake. Just when he was about to enter Aisha's room he heard a scream inside.



He opened the door swiftly and called for Aisha, however, a bright light hit his face forcing him to cover it with his hand.

"Aisha! Are you ok? What's happening?"

Alex was worried sick but since he was momentarily blinded by the light, he couldn't open his eyes.

"It's ok brother, you can open your eyes now."

Alex followed what Aisha said, took away his arms, and opened his eyes.

What he saw was mind-blowing. He saw the music box that he gifted to his sister floating in the air and emitting a kind of light.

"Aisha, what's happening?" Alex questioned AIsha.

"Don't worry brother, this thing is not harming me. I think it's healing me. Look, I don't look that pale right? And I feel like I have a lot of energy to spare."

Just before Alex can respond, a sudden tickle in his nape catches his attention, all of his hair is standing up. Instinctly, he immediately glanced at the window and what he saw frightened him.




At the same time, the world was in chaos. The blood-red moon eerily shone above the sky, black distortions in the sky as if space was tearing apart and a voice ringing inside every person's head.



The world V#3557 has begun reconstruction!

