
Devouring Mage

The world is chaotic, the strong rule over the weak and the weak has nothing to say. Magician rule this world with different affinity. Children at the age of 16, awaken their affinity to fight against the human general enemy the magical beasts. What happens when you don't show any affinity to any element, will you just wait to be devour by magical beast or be bullied endlessly by your peers and have nothing to say. No........... I will devour and stand at the top

Salami_Favour · Action
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4 Chs

Death door

I go to school but student were already flooding into the school premises I quickly follow up with the crowd, so Steven that used to bully me will not see me I went to the locker room to pack up the things in my locker before I heard the voice of the devil son, Steven.

Steven comes from a well-known family that is known for their affinity with fire. So Damian you have been hiding from me with your weak ass, i knew you couldn't make it in life, I know if your parents were alive they will be weak also who could give birth to trash like you, dragon give birth to dragon and snake give birth to snake Steven said.

If it were all the day I would have hold my anger and walked away but today was different, it was the last day so I didn't know where the courage came from I turned back and give him my middle finger before turning around and flee with my fastest speed.

5 minutes has passed with Steven still chasing after me with his gang, I was still thinking what to do to escape from them before I saw a very dense Forest ahead of me so I rushed into the forest but I underestimated Steven and his gang there was a wind Mage among them.

Wind mage are know to be able to increase their speed with the wind element some can even fly when they have enough control over the wind element.

I was getting tired before I felt scorching heat coming towards me before I can think of dodging I was blasted I fell to the ground Steven and his gang surrounded me. you sure know how to run Damain said Steven. But where can you run to without any element powering you up.

Steven let's just use this guy to test our elemental attack said someone from the group, Steven nodded and said that will be great let's tie him up on that tree so that we can try it out. I was tied to the tree I couldn't even resist because I was weak I was still thinking about my life before I heard.

Wind slash

Fire ball

Different elemental attack coming towards me I close my eyes waiting to close the death door, the next thing I felt was scorching heat on my body and internal organ. I was slowly losing consciousness