
Devourer in Naruto

The soul of an anti-social sociopathic otaku gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. I'm not a writer just a normal guy that likes Naruto, so expect the novel itself to not be of outstanding quality but I think every Naruto fan would find the story itself interesting if you can overlook the bad writing style. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 8

"Airi-chan, take these scroll, your job is to deliver them to the clan leader, he needs to know what's on it immediately, I'll deal with the approaching shinobi." A 16-year-old looking shinobi says to his partner while approaching a massive clearing.

"Hai, Indra-sama," she replies while receiving the small scroll.



Twelve shinobi with the standard shinobi armour of this era, that's made out of interlocking metal plates covering the entire upper body, shoulders, thighs, and forearms, just like the samurai armour from my past life. Two shinobi immediately splits off the main team, going after my departing teammate.

"Do you think it would be that easy?" I ask with a slight smirk, as countless black rods appear between them and my retreating teammate.

Looking at the twelve of them in pity, I shake my head knowing they literally came here to die, and I'd definitely grant their wishes, It's my duty as the stronger shinobi to do so. Feeling my teammate leave my 5km sensing range.

'Time to take care of these insects.'

Summoning my chokuto, irides turning white as I activate my 'Byakugan'. I attack the closest enemy with my sword going through his chest and 5 chakra rods appearing in him to absorb his chakra, 'I'm not one to waste-free chakra increase after all.'

Jumping, I send 5 more chakra rods to the farthest shinobi, pinning him to the ground, the fool thought he could run from me.

"2 down 10 to go, I'm going to enjoy all your generous chakra donations," I say to them with a sadistic smile on my face.


"wha....what," Black rods come out of my neck blocking the sword strike, stunning the shinobi intending to decapitate me."

I summoned a chakra rod, that went through his sword-wielding hand, turning around as he lets go of his sword. I held his face in a vice-grip, slamming him against the ground, forming cracks with his head right at the centre.

"3 down 9 to go."

The nine remaining enemies start making seals for ninjutsu, in a futile attempt to extend their lives.

'Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave'

'Lightning Release Bullet: Powerful Breath'

Four of them release the jutsu, spewing out a massive amount of water enough to cover the entire area with crushing waves. The other four thrust their fist outwards unleashing a massive lightning bolt that strikes the approaching water wave, electrifying it.

Leaning slightly forward, I pumped lightning chakra through my body,



I sped towards them, a massive crater forming right beneath my foot as I took my first step. Directly heading towards the last shinobi that's just about to finish making his hand signs.

'Fire Release: Fire Strea...'

"Too late," I say as my sword disconnects his head from the rest of his body.


'Did they think I'd let them finish their combination attack?!' I thought while hissing at the loss of the extra chakra.

Supercharging my cells, I sped towards the closest one, lightning chakra flowing through my sword to increase the sharpness, the shinobi raised his sword to block, twisting underneath his sword, I summoned a black rod to my hand pushing it right where his lungs are, effectively putting an end to his life.

Twisting my sword to my back while its form switches to the gunbai, I blocked the fireball heading towards me. Gunbai absorbing the fireball then reflecting it as compressed wind blades but with increased damage power.

"Wha....," The shinobi couldn't finish his sentence before his body was sliced into human meat chunks of varying sizes.

"The gunbai converts incoming chakra to wind natured chakra and reflects it," I say to the stunned shinobi with fear creeping all over their faces.

Running towards the 7 remaining shinobi, weaving in and out of their midst with every sword swing an arm or leg is disconnected from their body. I didn't strike to kill them as I wanted to add their chakra to mine.


Blood pouring out of their open wounds dyeing my white robe red. Chakra rods appeared ending the lives of the already downed shinobi. I took off my robe using it to wipe off my bloody sword, then setting the robe on fire, another white robe with black stripes and more importantly clean, appearing right back on my body as a replacement.

With my irides returning to their original black colour, I absorbed all the chakra from the black rods before sending it back to my inventory. Looking back at the clearing with blood and dead bodies everywhere, I sighed before stretching out my hand, the ground opens up swallowing all the dead bodies before closing back up, forever hiding the dead bodies.

Hurrying to catch up with my teammate. 'I can't believe I've spent 12 years, 12 bloody years in the world already,' I thought with a sigh.

*Nokizari Clan Compound: 6 years Ago*

"You requested my presence Father."

"Yes Indra, I think it's time you returned to the front lines, You haven't left the clan in a year now. I know you've been training intensely, everyone can see that but you're going to be the next clan-head, you need to show the clan members their next leader would fight alongside them.

The daimyo of the Land of Tea has requested our clan to act as guards for 3 months during a tour of the villages in his territory. And I want you to be part of the protection team. The daimyo in question has a daughter about your age and you're to become her personal guard. I want you to build a connection with her, it would help our clan."

"I don't have the time to play around with a little child," I reply while looking at him with annoyance.

"It wasn't a suggestion Indra, you will act like a cute child next to the daimyo's daughter and make her like you, Do I make myself clear?"

"Fine," I reply to the clan head before leaving his office, finally deciding to kill him and his entire cabinet of elders and advisors when I'm old enough to take over the clan.

"Be safe Indra," My mother says while kissing my forehead.

"I will mother don't worry,"


Walking out of the house not even bothering to give a reply to my father. "What did you say to him yesterday," I overhear my mother asking.

Chuckling, knowing he'd obviously not tell her he's pimping out her son for resources.


Two months into the journey around the Land of Tea with the daimyo and his retinue, the caravan was attacked by members of the Kaguya clan alongside some no-name shinobi mercenary group. They were handled easily by me though.

Later that night I sneaked out of the camp so I can absorb the body of every Kaguya clan member thus gaining the Shikotsymyaku without being seen. The Kaguya clan's ability to control bones works by controlling the osteoclasts, osteoblasts and regulating bones' calcium density, and that is an ability I definitely want to add to my arsenal.

'I could increase the density of my bones, which would increase my overall strength a little bit. Every increase in strength matters after-all.'


[Kaguya Bloodline - 100%]

[Shikotsymyaku ➤ All Killing Ash Bone]

'Oh, this is unexpected, looks like my chakra evolved the Shikotsymyaku to its original form, The All Killing Ash Bone from Kaguya.'

'It's definitely because I'm an Otsutsuki like Kaguya. Would my chakra evolve every bloodline of her descendants if I obtain them?' I wondered.

*End of Flashback*