
Devourer in Naruto

The soul of an anti-social sociopathic otaku gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. I'm not a writer just a normal guy that likes Naruto, so expect the novel itself to not be of outstanding quality but I think every Naruto fan would find the story itself interesting if you can overlook the bad writing style. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 19

Uzumaki Mito, the 19 year old Uzumaki clan member, the kunoichi is very impressive, in her short stay in the system space, she's been able to gain a clue on what benefits the food the Hatake clan consumes provides. She theorised the food produced in this dimension somehow enhances chakra pools and life-force, although by a minuscule amount every time it's consumed, and she did this in just 3 days. The other Hatake clan members couldn't even figure it out after months of leaving here constantly, they all attributed their chakra gains to their natural talents, 'what a bunch of idiots'. Only Hatake Yuuta and Hatake Megumi had some kind of suspicion but brushed it aside when they couldn't figure it out. The head of the Hatake clan, Hatake Indra must be ashamed of his clan members.

In the personal training ground of Indra, Uzumaki Mito could be found with chakra chains jutting out of her back, whipping around seamlessly, seemingly with a mind of its own. she has been training here since dawn with the sun now at its highest peak, trying to maximise the gains from her forced vacation in this dimension. In the time she'd spent here, her chakra reserve had increased by about 10 percent, alongside an increase in her life force.



Picking up a towel from the side, she wiped the accumulated sweat from her face, before unpacking her long, luscious red hair, letting it flow down to her butt. Picking up an apple and biting into it, 'I wonder what caused the food here to have such an effect of life-force and chakra, I wonder if Indra-san would be interested in trading,' she thought. Shaking her head furiously as if to send out the idea from it, 'what am I thinking, I'm not even certain he'd let me leave alive. Hmm, although he promised he would, I doubt he's someone to lie unnecessarily.' Sighing in exhaustion, she turned heading back towards her room to clean up.

Her stay here so far had been somewhat of an actual vacation, that's if you ignore the constant fear of her head suddenly getting separated for the rest of her body. As an Uzumaki, she already knows how separate dimensions work, that's how some seals worked, 'by sealing the target in a different dimension,' but she has never heard of a dimension separate from the main world.


[Mito POV]

The moment I left that Indra's office, I ran back to the room I woke up in. 'For some reason, he thinks he can trap me here, me? Uzumaki Mito?, I've learned all the seals the Uzumaki clan has to offer, and some 13 year old greenhorn thinks he can kidnap me and keep me locked up here, so he can extort my clan, and Hashi. What did he think would happen? I'd remain here like some obedient little girl just because he politely asked? Hahaha, what an idiot, escaping would have been harder if I even had guards.' chuckling mockingly at Indra's stupidity and arrogance

'I doubt I'm in a different dimension like he said. I should still be able to sense my chakra back at the clan, once I do all I need to do is reverse summon myself.'

The clan has a sealing formula with the chakra of every clan member registered on it, although it's used to summon clan members back to the clan, high ranking seal masters like myself can reverse summon themselves back to the clan with the chakra registered on the formula used as a guide. I've been unconscious for a while now, so it didn't work when Aniki tried it.

'Kagura Shingan: The Mind's Eye'

"Huh, why is it not working?" she stated astonishingly. 'Did I not do it right.'

'Kagura Shingan: The Mind's Eye'

'It's still not working? no! it is!, I just can't sense anything.'

'Does this mean he was telling the truth, am I in a different dimension? If I am though reserve summoning should still work then right?'

'If I'm truly in a different dimension that no one can access, then probably Aniki can't reverse summon me, and I can't do it myself either.'


"I won't be trapped here, where my life would be at risk every time,

I'm doing it,

I'm doing it,

I'm doing it," saying out loud, slapping my face, trying to muster up the courage for the extremely stupid and risky thing I'm about to do.

Making the required hand seal, 'here goes nothing,' I thought, slamming my palm on the ground.

'Ninpo: Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Reverse summoning Jutsu)'

'Hahaha, it worked,' I thought excitedly at the seal formula that appears on the ground.

The sealing formula lights up intensely before fizzling out and disappearing in a cloud of smoke. 'Huh? why am I still here?'. I thought still in confusion, before hearing a voice directly in my head.

"I told you only I have access to this dimension Uzumaki Mito-san, you should stop wasting your chakra. There's a reason no one's watching you like a hawk, you can't escape, the sooner you accept that, the better for us. Do not misunderstand though, I have my eyes on you constantly so if you have any funny idea, like taking someone hostage and then blackmailing me so id let you go then you're wasting your time. Every important person in this dimension is being guarded constantly, so behave."

The very next day, I tried escaping again, I ran out of the mansion away from my captors. I ran for hours on end without stopping, before getting to what looks like the end of the dimension. The sight in front of me is basically just a black flickering wall, seemingly intangible too. I wasn't stupid enough to go straight through it though, if this is the end of this cursed dimension then I know just how to escape.

'Uzumaki Sealing Arts: Spatial break'

'It worked!!!!!' I thought in excitement at the sight in front of me.

The flickering wall opened up, creating a spatial passage with what looks like an abandoned compound right at the other side. 'This is probably the former clan compound of the Hatake clan, so this is where the dimension was hidden right where they used to live. I'm definitely telling Hashi once I get out.'

Running directly into the passage leading to the outside world, I wasn't prepared for an attack from outside as I could sense no chakra around, but I knew I couldn't stop running once I got out because he'd most likely know I left. Stepping foot outside, I immediately increased my speed with my direction been the Senju clan.


"Why am I back here?"

"It can't be!!!!... all ... thos.....hours...it was...re....ahhhhh..." I couldn't make a coherent sentence before I broke down in tears.

'Maybe staying here isn't so bad after all, yeah it's not!!, I have free food, free training ground, I don't even have to worry about the clan.

Yeah, I'm right!' I thought, nodding my head in agreement before heading back towards my room.

[Indra POV]

I stood at my window watching Mito break down in tears, before finally accepting reality. Honestly messing with her was fun, I can passively sense and actively see everything that's happening inside the system space (the dimension they're at) whenever I want, so nothing is hidden from me.I know the dimension is not endless, there's just a black wall-like structure at the end, so when I sense Mito there, I activated 'sight' which allowed me to watch her actions. When she completed her sealing formula, I just created a portal out of the dimension right in front of her, and then created a new portal leading back inside the moment she stepped out. So all she did was step out of a portal out then another one heading right back in.

'I can definitely see Mito and myself becoming good friends. Definitely!!'

*Flashback end*


*Fwoosh* *Fwoosh*

"Ten shinobi with red hair were jumping on trees with utmost speed, slightly ahead of them jumping on trees too was an older looking shinobi with two swords strapped to his back but with white hair instead of the red hair, the other shinobi around him had.

"Hurry up, we have to get to the Senju clan before dusk," the white-haired shinobi said, speeding up ever slightly.

"Hai Ashina-sama," came the reply from everyone else.




Two shinobi were sitting in an office when a knock rang out from the door. The door opened slightly, then another shinobi in the shinobi armour with the Senju clan crest on it walked into the room.

"Hashirama-sama, we still haven't been able to find the current location of the Hatake clan." the shinobi said.


Hashirama slammed his hand on the desk right in front of him in annoyance completely destroying it. The shinobi that just finished giving his report flinched slightly wondering why the clan-head reacted the way he did.

"Calm down Anija," Tobirama said seeing how his brother reacted.

"Hashirama-sama, we have the entire clan looking for the Hatake clan, but the clan members don't know why they have to waste time finding the already finished clan." the shinobi asked, obviously wanting to know the answer too.

"That does not matter, focus on what I ordered and inform me when you find them," came the reply from Hashirama.

"Hai!!! Hashirama-sama," the shinobi replied somewhat disgruntled before leaving the office.

Tobirama hissed in annoyance, his brother had been acting erratic since Mito got kidnapped by Hatake Indra, completely opposite of his usual calm and collected behaviour, and the rest of the clan are beginning to notice. He clenches his fist in frustration at how powerless they've been, the only reason Indra and his clan are in hiding is because, his clan is currently in decline with him being the only known active shinobi, and he's nowhere strong enough to face Hashirama, so for that reason, Mito would be safe for now, Indra needs her as a bargaining chip to keep his life and that of his clan.

Sighing again, Tobirama turned to look at his brother, 'Hopefully, Hashirama doesn't do something stupid that would end in Mito's death. If Indra kills Mito, no one would know, he's proven capable of hiding from the Uchiha and Senju clan.'

"Tobirama, we'd be leaving for the Uchiha clan, they've been allies with the former Nokizari clan for years. Madara has been hunting down the renamed Hatake clan on behalf of the Fire Daimyo, he should have more information on the Hatake clan's whereabouts compared to us," stated Hashirama with conviction in his voice.


"Enough!!!!!" Tobirama wasn't able to complete his retort before Hashirama angrily shut him down.