
Devourer In Marvel

Gluttony and greed. A concept every being is accustomed to. Some in greater form or less. But for me,… I'm deeply influenced by these both. During my entire life, no matter how much I ate and feasted upon, I was still hungry.  I ate, I ate, I ate, and I ate but I never lost this constant torture of hunger. I was greedy for more, I needed more! No matter what it was, be it bugs, animals, or even humans themselves, I ate them all! But eventually, this curse I've been stuck with all my life has put me to an end. I thought I was finally free from my curse. But alas, I transmigrated into an alien's body, and the curse never left. And the universe I got transmigrated to, which we called marvel, would cause me great misfortune and agony. Luckily I received a gift upon my arrival here, and sure enough, it fits right with me. I may have started at the bottom of the food chain but soon, I'll make the entire universe my feast and become its devouerer! **** Story will be mix between slow and quick, you won't see a hero in marvel in the first 30 chapters or possibly 40. He needs time to familiarize his powers and what not. So if u don't like it then I suggest ignoring this one. doing this for fun Disclaimer the Marvel universe isn't owned by me except for my OC so yeah. ah also the universe will be an AU Another disclaimer: this story has gore and torture in it that will seem disturbing to others so read at your own risk!

Good_Job_Bud · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

A Good first day -1

-Thrid POV-

"Huh? Where am I? I thought I died of hunger" Alex said while having a confused expression on his face

"Wait why does my body feel different" He then look down to his waist and could tell this isn't his body at all

Then all of a sudden, he could feel an extreme pain he have never felt before subdue his entire head. The pain was so extreme that he banged his head onto the ground as hard as he can, making his forehead bleed immensely

After a few minutes of immense pain, the pain that was coming from his head finally calm down

"I see... so I'm not human anymore and the previous owner of this body was name Gogkuak"

Alex could then feel a wide sinister smile appeared on his very face that would make people who saw his smile shiver just from looking at it

"This is fucking great news. I can now eat a new species that didn't even exist back on earth. Ahhhhh, I can taste the food I will hunt down and receive already" Alex said in a lunatic tone while his mouth went all watery from all the dishes he could eat

'Hmm? it feels like my forehead is almost halfway healed already. I'm guessing the species I am currently have a somewhat fast healing ability' He thought while laying on the ground and staring at the beautiful night sky that was even better than it was back on earth

He could also see the 3 moons shine brightly and beautifully in the night sky, making almost no place dark except inside the deep forest

"I guess this is a different planet as Earth never had 3 moons"

"Actually who cares about the stupid ass night sky. Also what kind of name is Gogkuak, I just stick with Alex as it's much easier to pronounce"

"Now then, let's escape this forest as I could see those fuck tards left me here to die as they didn't like me and saw me as a gluttonous demon. Well they did succeed in their plan in killing the previous host of this body but sadly for them, I'm the new host of this body and soon I will feast on their bodies"

"And if my memory serves correctly, they only left a few minutes ago so they are definitely nearby as they would be heading back to the Tribe"

Alex then started heading towards the direction where the other tribesman were at. While he was currently running, he could feel himself going at speed no average human could come to which would be a whopping 29 miles per hour, but compared to others in his race, his speed wouldn't even able to catch up to the fastest man of his tribe

While sprinting, Alex tripped a few times as the speed he was going wasn't something he have ever gone before and it was difficult to adjust to his new speed right away

But that didn't matter to him as reaching those 3 was his only goal at the current moment. After tripping multiple times and hit his face onto the ground, he could finally see 3 silhouettes that were standing side by side walking

Then Alex's mouth started to get watery as he gets to try a new food he had never tried before once he kills all 3 of them

Alex was smart though, he wouldn't go charging in and hope for the best that he would win against 3 people. No, that was a stupid thing to do as the 3 of them have the same amount of strength as himself with one of them being slightly stronger and quicker due to him going on hunts with his father

Alex quietly follows them while making the stick he picked up as sharp as possible so he can stab into their skin. Even though their race is stronger than even bodybuilders, they can't stop a stab going through their neck

Alex was waiting for the perfect moment to strike and he finally found it as one of them tripped making them distracted for a second, but that's all the time he needs as during those few seconds, he instantly rushed towards them and stabbed the strongest out of the 3 neck, killing him instantly

After that was done, he then stab the other person's neck, killing them as well only leaving the person who tripped

The person who tripped tried to do something but he was too slow to react as Alex stabbed his leg, making him immobilize and scream out of pain in his leg

The man who is currently in pain then look up, only to see a man he clearly recognized

"Wait is that you Gogkuak? Why are you here? I thought we killed you back in the forest. We even check your heartbeat to make sure you were dead"

"Does it even matter for you to even know lusho? You going to die anyway and become my dinner. Ahhhh, I'm getting excited just thinking about it"

"Y-You animal, g-GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER" Lusho screamed while landing a hit in Alex's face but that lead to Alex kicking lusho straight in the face, leading to his face having blood all over

'Wait, why is his healing slower than mine? is it different for everyone? Oh well, it doesn't matter to me anyway'

Alex then grabbed a bit of blood from lushos leg and then licked it from his hand. Once he did, he feel like he just tasted one of the best things in the world

'Such delicious blood, I wonder what his organs will taste like. I can't wait' Alex said internally in an excited tone

While back with Lusho, he was scared to even move, his very instinct told him to not move but he ignored his instinct as he tried to move every fiber of his muscle so he can get away from this devil

But no matter how much he tried to move, he wouldn't budge so he just stay there, waiting to be killed at any moment

Alex saw his scared expression and decided to speak

"Oh don't worry, I won't kill you," Alex said as he took the sharp stick out of Lushos leg

"Y-You would let me li-" he was cut off as he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen and once he looked, he could see the very stick that was in his leg a moment ago

"Instead, I will torture you, down to your very muscle until you beg me to kill you"

"Wh-Why don't you kill me already?"

"Oh no can do bucko, I'm trying to test if the prey I torture will taste better or not. So this will be my first time torturing someone" Alex said with an innocent smile but to Lusho, it was the most sinister smile he have ever seen before in his life

"Don't worry though, the torture won't be very long as I'm getting hungrier and hungrier by the second. But I do need one thing for you and that is to scream"


"AHHHHHHHHH, SHIT MY LEG, MY LEG" Lusho screamed out loud of the pain he is experiencing on his broken leg that Alex broke

"I guess you wouldn't be needing this leg now," Alex said while slowly cutting off Lushos leg off which in turn make Lusho scream

'Yes! YES! Scream out in despair as your fears would make your organs taste even better and your tears will add flavor to your crying face' Alex said internally while continuing to cut of Lushos leg

1 minute later

"*Whew*, that took a minute to cut off, but now I got your delicious leg"


Alex bites down on his leg, tasting the deliciousness of it, and was showing the face of a man who is enjoying the best food they have ever eaten. Lusho however look in horror at seeing his leg being eaten

"What? you want some?"

"NO, I DON'T WANT SOME" Lusho screamed

"Well sorry about that, you were looking at your leg and thought you wanted some. But you didn't have to scream at me so just for that, I'm going to force-feed you some of your leg" Once Alex finished his words, Lushos face turned even more grim as it was before

"Here, take a bite" Alex then shoved a piece of Lushos leg into his mouth




"How fucking dare you waste food like that you piece of shit"

*Smack* x10

"And just letting you know, I know what you have been doing this whole time as you were trying to scream as loud as you can so our Tribe could hear the screaming, but sadly for you, we are quite a bit far away from so they won't hear no matter what" Alex explained while smacking Lusho with his leg


Alex then hears his stomach rumble after a few minutes of smacking Lusho with is leg

"Shit I can't even take this extreme hunger anymore, Well it's been fun torturing you. Goodbye!" Alex said in a cheerful tone

"wait a minute let's talk, WAIT A MINUTE PLEA-"