
Devourer's Defiance: A Renegade's Ambition To Devour The Gods

In a realm where obedience is demanded and individuality is suppressed, one cultivator dares to shatter the chains of conformity. Miao Ying, a freethinker with a rebellious spirit, refuses to bow to the oppressive authority poisoning every corner of his sect. Unwilling to just be cog in the machine, Miao Ying orchestrated his own expulsion from his sect. Guided by an insatiable hunger for freedom, he willingly accepts banishment, ready to forge his own destiny in a world that seeks to suppress his very existence. But fate has other plans for this audacious renegade. A chance encounter grants Miao Ying an ancient and cracked amulet, the legendary Devourer Art. With its power, he gains the ability to consume the very essence of his enemies, fueling his own cultivation and granting him unparalleled strength. Armed with this terrifying and exhilarating might, Miao Ying sets forth on a journey, he vows to consume the might and affluence of the self-proclaimed "heaven-chosen" elites, stripping them of their undeserved status. He vows to strip them of their wealth, their influence, and even their most cherished possessions - the beautiful empresses and princesses who symbolize their power. With the Devourer Art as his weapon and an unyielding determination as his shield, this renegade cultivator will stop at nothing to achieve true freedom.

CosmicPrime · Eastern
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44 Chs

Attune To The Heavenly Sword

Within the sanctity of his private chambers, Miao Ying settled into the lotus position, the flickering glow of candles casting dancing shadows across his face. 

In his hand, the Cracked Amulet pulsed with an inner light, its surface alive with eldritch energies.

He had been waiting for this moment, had been counting the seconds until he could delve once more into the artifact's mysteries. With his cultivation having reached the vaunted realms of Qi Establishment, he hoped that new secrets might be unveiled, new techniques and arts that had lain dormant until now.

With a deep breath, Miao Ying plunged his soul force into the amulet, probing sensations and insights that danced at the edge of his comprehension. 

The world fell away, fading into an indistinct blur as his consciousness expanded outward, seeking to grasp the fundamental truths of existence.

And then, like a bolt of lightning from a clear sky, understanding dawned.

The amulet began to glow with a blinding radiance, tendrils of razor-sharp Sword Qi wreathing Miao Ying's form in a halo of deadly light. They intertwined with his soul force, drawn forth from the deepest recesses of the ancient artifact, resonating with something primal and fierce within his Qi Seed.

An incomparably keen sensation whirled through Miao Ying's body as if a divine blade was pressing against his very skin, testing his limits, seeking his breaking point. 

It was not pain he felt, but a sense of raw, untamed power, straining against the boundaries of his mortal flesh.

And at that pivotal moment, a chime rang out within the halls of his soul, a clarion call that set his spirit to thrumming. It was the song of a sword being drawn from its sheath, the pure and piercing note of a blade poised to cut through the very fabric of reality.

With a gasp, Miao Ying seized upon that sensation, grasping it with all the strength of his will. He pulled, and the amulet answered, a surge of energy racing up his arm like liquid fire.

There was a flash, a burst of silver radiance that seared the eyes and left afterimages dancing in its wake. And when the light faded, a second scroll lay unfurled before him, its surface adorned with shimmering runes that seemed to dance and flicker in the candlelight.

Miao Ying's eyes widened as he beheld the title etched upon the ancient parchment: Heavenly Cosmic Sword Art(?)

Once again, a question mark punctuated the end of the name, as if to underscore the enigmatic nature of this cultivation technique.

It was a pattern that Miao Ying had seen before, with the Speed As Supremacy Art. That particular technique had proven to be a revelation, amplifying his combat prowess to heights that defied belief, eclipsing even the legends whispered about other Heavenly Arts. 

If the Heavenly Cosmic Sword Art followed suit, then he stood on the precipice of a power beyond reckoning.

With reverent hands, Miao Ying unrolled the scroll further, his eyes devouring the secrets laid bare before him. The description spoke of an unfathomable art, a technique that could rewrite the very laws of heaven and earth. 

A single slash imbued with the might of this sword could cut down ghosts, tear immortals asunder, and decapitate gods with terrible ease. It was a power that bordered on the obscene, a level of mastery that few could even conceive of, let alone attain.

The first layer of this art, the foundation upon which all else was built, was known as Sword Intent Condensation. It was the stage at which a Sword Dao cultivator could manifest their indomitable will as a blade in the world, an invisible saber forged from the very depths of their soul. 

This phantasmal sword could be unleashed as a devastating projectile or merged with a material weapon to amplify its cutting power to unimaginable heights.

To condense one's Sword Intent was to grasp the inviolable principles that lay at the heart of the sword, to resonate one's spirit with the essential nature of the blade. 

A cultivator who achieved this attunement would forge an unbreakable bond with the natural Sword Essence that suffused heaven and earth, drawing upon a wellspring of power that dwarfed mere Sword Qi.

While Sword Qi was a potent weapon in its own right, it paled in comparison to the world-rending might of Sword Essence. This primal energy existed solely to slash, to cut, to cleave through any obstacle with unstoppable force. 

To wield Sword Intent was to become a living embodiment of this destructive principle, to make one's very existence an ode to the act of cutting.

As Miao Ying delved deeper into the Heavenly Cosmic Sword Art, he felt a profound shift within himself, a fundamental alteration of his very being. 

The sensation of a fantastical sword, keen beyond mortal comprehension, began to suffuse his soul, radiating an edge that could slice through the boundaries of reality itself. 

It was a feeling that should have been terrifying, an intimation of a power that could unmake the world with but a thought.

But for Miao Ying, it was a call to glory, a siren song that resonated with the deepest core of his being. He did not flinch from the deadly aura that coiled around him like a living thing, and did not shy away from the razor's edge that pressed against his spirit. 

Instead, he embraced it, welcomed it, and let it sink into the marrow of his bones until it became an inextricable part of himself.

As day bled into night and night into day once more, Miao Ying lost himself in the throes of cultivation, the passage of time losing all meaning. 

His body remained utterly motionless, a statue carved from flesh and blood, but his soul was a maelstrom of activity, a whirling dervish of Sword Intent that grew sharper and more lethal with each passing moment.

The very air around him began to warp and twist, ethereal blades shimmering into existence as his burgeoning mastery of the Heavenly Cosmic Sword Art made itself known. 

Miao Ying's Qi, an intoxicating blend of lightning and sword essence, suffused the room, causing tiny slices to appear on the stone floor beneath him - hairline fractures that spread outward in a web of destruction. 

It was a testament to the sheer potency of his cultivation, a sign that at a mere 1st Stage Qi Establishment, he was already becoming something more than human, a legend in the making.

Miao Ying's Qi Seed pulsed within his dantian like a miniature star, dazzling and incandescent. It represented his spark of insight into the profound Laws that governed existence - in his case, the interwoven Daos of Lightning and Sword. 

Though his understanding was still rudimentary, it formed the foundation for all his future growth and the wellspring from which his awe-inspiring martial prowess flowed. 

With each revolution of his Qi, the seed grew a little brighter, a little more potent, hinting at the heights he would one day attain.


Whispers of Miao Ying's deeds continued to spread throughout the Blazing Sun Sect like wildfire, growing more outlandish and incredible with each retelling. 

News that Miao Ying, a disciple who was once merely at the 9th stage Body Refinement stage, had not only broken through to Qi Establishment but had single-handedly slain Demonic Beasts that routinely claimed the lives of 5th Stage experts, sent shockwaves rippling through the Sect's halls.

In the dusty archives of the Sect library, ancient records spoke of the Crystal Ice Snake and Ice Demonic Beast's terrible rampages, painting them as calamities on par with natural disasters, unstoppable monsters that ravaged entire regions and slew cultivators by the score. 

For Miao Ying to have emerged victorious against such staggering odds defied belief, elevating him from a mere talented disciple into the realm of prodigy. 

Scholars pored over the accounts with renewed fervor, seeking to unravel the secrets of his strength, while aspiring disciples whispered his name like a prayer, a talisman against their own inadequacies.

Nowhere were the waves of his triumph felt more keenly than in the Earth Abode, the inner sanctum of the Blazing Sun Sect where only the most extraordinary geniuses were permitted to tread. 

Here, scions of illustrious cultivator clans and peerless talents schemed endlessly to improve their standings, treating their fellow disciples as stepping stones to be crushed underfoot in their relentless pursuit of power. 

Opulent halls and manicured gardens played host to a never-ending dance of intrigue, where honeyed words and false smiles concealed daggers in the dark.

Once, Miao Ying had been beneath their notice, a trifling existence they would not deign to acknowledge. 

But now, faced with the undeniable proof of his meteoric rise, the status quo had been upended. 

Some, their ambitions crumbling to dust before Miao Ying's ever-growing legend, chose to withdraw, seeking less perilous avenues of advancement. 

Others, their pride and arrogance undiminished, saw him as the ultimate challenge, a Heaven-defying rival against whom they could test the limits of their skills and prove their superiority once and for all.