
Devoured by Desire: The Mafia's Possession

"I won't marry you. Leave me." She squirmed in my hold and tried to pry off my hands. The corner of my lips quirked up and I brushed my lips over her ear. "Then see your brother die." The sound of the gunshot resonated and she calmed down in my arms. My princess __________________________________ Luca Vincenzo, the leader of the cosa nostra of Italy has everything he ever wanted. At the age of 14, he had his first kill. And at the age of 18 he had thousand' people's blood smearing his hands. And now at the age of 26, he was ready to conquer his biggest possession. His princess. His sweet obsession. In his dark world, she's his only cure, his only light. He protected her from every darkness to only have her immerse in his darkness. But with every obsession comes dangers and enemies. Luca will die before letting anything harm his princess. A tale of a devil and his angel. A tale of obsession and desire.

Author_mm · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 3


It has been 2 years since I last saw Luca and Gabriel. 2 years since I left everything.

"I'll help you to escape from Luca, Gianna."

I looked at dad in wonder. Why...why...is he being so nice to me? Dad came towards me. His eyes softened and mixed with something so unknown yet known.

"You are also my daughter. I know I'm strict with you. That doesn't mean, I'll let my daughter marry a monster."

My eyes tore up at his words and I couldn't help but hug him tightly. But then something clicked in my mind and I broke away from the hug.

"But dad what if...what if...he kills you?"

"I don't care. I'll protect my daughter at any cost."

That was the last day I saw Luca and Gabriel. My dad and I moved to New York. Last month, I turned 18 and ever since then dad has been on a run to get me married. He said,

"The sooner you are married, the sooner Luca will stop searching for you."

That's what he said last month and today I'm walking down the aisle to marry a stranger my dad chose for me. Apparently he has a good job, a job that doesn't revolve around the cosa nostra.

My hands shivered as I stood on the altar in front of my groom. My hands are all sweaty. My face is covered by a huge veil. As the priest started reciting from the bible, I could feel my heart thumping loudly.

This is it, Gianna. This is what you want and need. A life away from blood. A life away from the cosa nostra. A life away from Luca Vincenzo. The ultimate bane to my existence. All the rumors I had heard about him were true. He kills people because he enjoys it. He hunts down his prey before devouring them. Then why didn't he search for me? Why didn't he look for me? A part of me was restless due to his calm nature.

"Do any of the present guests have any objections with the wedding?"

"I have."

His voice, like an icy dagger through the heart. Luca's voice, unmistakable and hauntingly cold, disrupted the joyous symphony of the day. My breath caught, and I turned to see him standing there, an unwelcome and terrifying surprise.

His presence sent shivers down my spine, and my hands began to tremble. Luca's voice, that voice of darkness and cruelty, had intruded upon the most precious day of my life. It was as though the world had suddenly turned cold and heartless, just as he was.

Fear gripped me, for I knew all too well the danger he represented. The memories of his malevolence flooded my mind, and the uneasiness I had been feeling moments before dissolved into dread. His objection to my wedding, his surprise appearance, all served as a stark reminder that he would never let me go.

I felt the weight of his gaze, and our eyes locked for a brief, agonizing moment. Luca's voice had brought the past crashing into my present, a chilling reminder that my past and future were inexplicably intertwined.

He stood up to his 6 feet and a few more inches. His body fully clothed in a three piece custom suit.

"What's your objection with the wedding, my son?"

I couldn't utter a single word while the priest questioned him. He didn't answer the priest, rather kept walking towards me without breaking eye contact. How didn't I see him before?

He stood right in front of me. A man wearing black suit took a hold of my prospective groom and dragged him down the stage. Luca's hand went around my waist before he pulled me towards him. Our chest collided with each other and my breathing fastened.

"She's my wife."

As soon as the words left his mouth, each and every guest was held at gunpoint. My eyes widened when I saw Gabriel holding a gun beside dad's temple. He looks older and stronger than the last time I saw him.

"What are you doing?"

He avoided me and my question. I didn't even know how I was standing in front of him without shivering so much.

"Start the wedding again, Father. The real groom is here."

My eyes widened.

"I won't marry you. Leave me."

I squirmed in his hold and tried to pry off his hands. The corner of his lips quivered and he brushed my lips over my ear.

"Then see your father die."

The sound of the gunshot resonated and I went calm down in his arms. I averted my eyes to Gabriel who shot the gun in the fire and then again placed it beside dad's temple. Dad wasn't fighting. He wasn't doing anything.

"Be a good girl, princess."

I loathe him. I hate him so fucking much. The fear I feel for him is nothing in front of the hate I have for him.

The priest started the wedding again. His eyes never left mine. My eyes clashed against his, yelling at him. What does he want from me?

"You may kiss the bride now."

My breath hitched at the priest's words. Luca smirked at me before leaning down as he tipped my chin up and brushed his lips on the corners of mine. The scent of his cologne made my insides go crazy.

"Sleep, princess."

I frowned before I felt a sharp sting on my neck and lost my consciousness.


Her head fell on my chest and I felt fucking empowered. My eyes roamed around the whole area. The guest, the fucking groom who thought he could have my princess and that bastard all are at gunpoint. Good. I bent down and kissed the crown of her head. My dick painfully hard against the zipper of my pants. Her smell, the small taste of her lips was enough for my hormones to go on an overdrive.

Shaking off my nasty thoughts, I picked Gianna in my arms before striding towards


"Gabriel will take care of you till I am back from my honeymoon with my wife. Then I'll deal with you."

Rosette glared at me,

"She will start to hate you after she knows what you did to her father."

"She will never know, Rosette. I'll make sure of that."

He smirked and looked at my princess,

"Good things don't last long, Luca. Everything will come to an end. You, her and your secrets."

Gabriel hit the back of his head with the back of the gun and Rosette's unconscious body fell on the ground.

"Don't worry, boss. I'll take care of him. Enjoy your time."

Gabriel's eyes lingered at Gianna before coming back to mine. I nodded my head and he came forward, placing a small kiss on her forehead.

"The jet is ready."

One of the men announced and I started walking with Gianna in my arms. Everyone's eyes on me as I took away my woman.


As the jet took off, my mind went back in past and I tightened my hold on Gianna,

"She's gone."

Gabriel panted as he ran inside my office room to inform me.

"I know."

He frowned. His eyes darted towards me with confusion.

"Then why are you not going after her?"

I turned my chair and looked at him. My lips take on a sinister smile.

"My little birdie wants to fly. Let her fly before I pluck off her wings and cage her with me. 2 years of freedom for eternity of imprisonment."

That was the day when she made me angry for the first time. She left me just like everyone else. I couldn't even blame her. She was innocent, lured by wolves in sheep's clothing and unaware of my love for her. She doesn't, she's not my love only. She's my most precious possession. My obsession. My reason to breathe. My everything. And I'll make sure she understands that before the end of our honeymoon.

The word made my insides filled with warmth. I'll make sure she knows the depth of my love for her before we take revenge for all the wrongs that have been inflicted on us. I'll set everything right.

When the jet landed on the familiar soil, my heart clenched with the pain from the past. The memories, the people, everything came running back to my mind.

My men went back to their respective positions as I started walking towards the farmhouse with my little bride in my arms. She was still unconscious and I am sure in an hour or so she will wake up and throw a huge tantrum. It will be fun to rile her up.

I deposited her limp body on the bed before walking inside the washroom to take a long shower. The water trickled down my hair and I closed my eyes leaning against the wall.

"Mama, she's so pretty."

"Yes, she is. You need to protect her, Luca."


"Because she will be your wife and you need to treat her like a princess."

"I will mama."

"Always be gentle to her, dear. She will need to trust you before loving you."

I wrapped the towel around my waist and came out of the shower. My hand on instinct caught hold of a slender wrist and I pulled the petite body in front of me, pressing her back to my front.

"Leave me."

Gianna grunted against me and I couldn't help but laugh at her futile efforts.

"So eager to kill me, princess?"

"If I could, I would have killed you when I first saw you."

I laughed out loud.

"You weren't so fiesty back then. What changed, princess?"

I turned her around, pressing her against the wall beside the washroom door. Her throat gulped a lump of saliva as she stared at my collarbones. I wasn't a bit disappointed to see that the sexual attraction was mutual.

"I was naive back then but now I am not. Leave me."

I leaned down pressing my nose against her,


Her breathing hitched at our closeness. I eased out the vase from her hands and let it fall on the ground. She jumped in her place a bit at the sound before I turned her around. I gathered her hair and settled them on her shoulder,

"What are....."

"Ever since, I heard you got a tattoo, I so wanted to see and touch it."

My eyes were mesmerized by the letters on her nape. It looked more beautiful in person.

"To live among the wolves, you need to learn to howl like them."

The words left my mouth and before I knew it, my lips pressed on her nape and I placed a kiss there. Her hands fisted and I forward my hands to catch those small fists in mine.


She mewled as I bit on her nape and then proceeded to suck there. Her body pressed against my hard dick wasn't helping my condition a bit. If it was in my power, I would have ripped her clothes and buried myself deep inside her.

"Go take a shower."

I detached myself from her. Her flustered red face made my heart clutch.

"I won't listen to your biddings."

I didn't say anything, rather I pulled out my phone dialing a number.

"Gabriel, shoot him."

Her eyes jerked towards me.

"Do what I say or watch your dad die live princess."

If looks could kill, my princess would have killed me.

"I don't joke around, princess."

The held back tears in her eyes were making me weak. If she doesn't go inside the shower right now, I'll pull her into my arms right away.

Without doing anymore tantrums, she went inside the washroom making me smile. I kept my clothes on the bed before going out of the room to prepare some food for my princess. My mind wanders around all the things I have planned for us. I still don't know what bullshit the bastard has fed her in the last two years. Did he tell her what I did to her family? Is that why she hates me now rather than fearing me?

Nevertheless I'm determined to bring back her memories,her previous self back. I'll bring my princess back.

My thoughts were interrupted by a distinct sound of glass crashing down on the ground and my heart stopped for a minute.

Did she?


