
Devour (Mythicae and Astral Arts Academia)

* WARNING; Strong dialect and violence * Flint Anderson was your average Mainer kid who spent his days selfishly for himself. Until his world fell apart. He discovers he’s not just a human when he sets a home ablaze, but half dragon. Struggling with his newfound abilities, Flint is sent to an academy for supernatural creatures hiding in plain sight from society across the country. Despite being half-human, Flint discovers that he’s seen as valuable among his peers. He’s determined to live his life as a human and dragon to honor his parents. Yet many dangers are lurking in the shadows while a naive dragonling is trying to find himself in a world he knew so little of. Two communities pin against him, and look for every way to tear him apart. Lies become truths, and promises become curses.

onedaysomedayy · Urban
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25 Chs

Keep One Abreast


Keep One Abreast


Minnow screams, pointing at the aldarar that is now reaching for Verity's astray hair. The swirls of blue draft between the beast's claws, and somewhere in the lingering death, my senses diluted with logic. Lifting myself from the snow, I race to stop the blackened monster. Merit and Jax are closing in on it, but high winds and soulless beasts slowly surround them. The others from the sky have fallen now with Maverd and the rest of the Farouts from before trapped in their bubble. Verity's last-ditch effort to protect her members. She couldn't bare the thought of losing anyone else even if it meant she'd have nothing to break her fall.

With that haunting thought, I aim the blade at the aldarar's arms that wiggle their long fingers in her hair. The red fire turns ragged and boils out of the blood as I swing the blade into its thick limbs. The creature cries out, attempting to pull away from the fiery blade as I drag the weapon deeper into the flesh. I watch, in horror and amazement, when the beast's arms are severed by the blade. The blackened tarp of flesh gushes at my feet as its flesh spills over exposed bones. Strands of blue hair are caught in the black liquid. I watch as the aldarar falls back, exposing a swollen belly when Minnow aims another light trick in our direction. Its body convulses from the light until its mass implodes from the magic. All that's left of it is decayed bones and long luscious strands of blue.

I turn to Verity who's still in a trance unaware of the chaos unraveling around her. The force from slashing the aldarar and cutting her hair has sent her onto her back. But Verity remains paralyzed and staring into the looming sky. Minnow doesn't hesitate to signal for help, but rather, she sends a jolt of light to Verity. The aldarar before Verity hisses, jolting backward before it turns its hideous head to an illuminating Minnow. Bright yellow hues pulsate from her body and she aims for the aldarar as the creature flees.

Verity remains still with jagged breaths. Her hands begin to tremble and I find myself in front of her. Kneeling down between her legs, I brush the strands of hair from her face. She doesn't acknowledge me. In my attempt to spare her from being torn apart, I managed to chop off one side of her hair. The gorgeous hair that used to trail past her spine is now jagged with uneven edges and a half-ass haircut to her collarbone.

Her strained eyes are coated in blood and her chest slows at a terrifying pace. Her breathing is strangled. Like air itself refuses to enter any longer. For all I know, the aldarar could've been the only thing keeping her alive after a fall like that. Even in this state, I can't ignore her beauty.

Minnow lowers her hands, and the vibrant hues die with the sudden movement. I can hear the shield capturing Maverd and her winged followers shatter above. It won't be long before her faithful Farouts surround her.

"Verity," I grip her wrist to feel for a heartbeat and linger for too long when I feel the rhythm pulse. "Snap out of it, please. Verity-"

Verity lifts her hand and drags her fingers slowly against the exposed thin chain of my necklace. For a moment, I could see a small glimmer in her eyes when she found the heirloom. Verity's gaze is lazy, out of touch, and disoriented as she holds her touch to my skin. I'm intoxicated with her, her fingertips on my body send chills down my spine. I don't even care if blood drips onto my skin as her finger traces my father's wedding band. Verity moves her fingers forward, holding a bloody palm to my chin before brushing her fingertips to my ear. She swallows air feverishly, and for a moment, I think she's about to say something. Verity lifts her fingers to my hair. Her touch is electrifying in itself. I'm unsure why it doesn't bother me, but rather it excites me as she runs strands of waves between her fingers. There's something about this deranged woman that captivates me. She's all I can think about.

Verity grips my hair, yanking my head down to her chest. She's trapped me under her strength but I can't complain when my face is full of plump breasts. Loud crackling hisses linger behind me, and my blood runs cold at the corrupted sound. I'm frozen against the woman who hates me more than anyone I've ever met with a venomous creature ready to attack from behind. This is pretty fucking great, I swear in satire.

Her freed hand sticks out, and small streaks of golden pigments spill before us. The magic returning to her body brings a burning heat to her skin. It's as if the magic brought back her color. She casts at something I can't see until I hear a subtle thud at our side. I turn my head as much as Verity's grip would allow me to see what fell at our sides. I stare dumbfoundedly at the aldarar that rapidly decays beside me. I'd recognize its empty eyes and forked tongue anywhere. Especially since I'm the one that cut its arms off. Its skin crumples into ashes until nothing remains from its mutilated corpse.

I lift my head from her soft breasts. I began to ask if Verity was okay until I felt something plump and round in my hand. I squeeze the surface in my hold feeling a subtle small pebble under my palm. Horror rakes over me when I see my hand firmly grasping her tit. Then, our eyes met, and I couldn't ignore the subtle blush creeping on her cheeks or the sound she released from my touch. Verity mumbles something that I can't comprehend. My core tightens at the thought of being this close, breathing in the smell of rosemary and her blood. I shouldn't think this way, but a new horror slips into my mind when I realize what she's saying. I don't have to glance down at my pelvis to know she can see it- or rather feel my hard display.

Sweet molasses.

Verity mumbles once more, and before I can decipher what she said, she slams her knee into my groin. Pain shoots through me and a groan slips from me. The overwhelming ache shatters my ass into ribbons, and my hands aim to cover my testicles. Verity drives her knee into my stomach, sending me flying from her side.

The pain is indescribable. I can feel tears spring to my eyes as waves of nausea hit harder than Verity. After a blow like that, I can kiss the idea of being a father goodbye. I'm pretty sure my kidneys are blown, hanging off of Verity's boots at this point. The aching blunt force is enough for me to curl into a fetal position in the snow and die with my knotted insides. No more 'balls of steel' or 'macho man'. I'm going to be sitting on frozen peas for weeks after this.

My vision is filled with stars. The dull horizon is covered with dark fluids splashing into the snow followed by a blue blur slicing into any creature that dares to enter her proximity. The golden rays of the sun spill effortlessly from her hands, and for a second, I mistake it for her sword. Verity moves freely with immense speed that I can't fathom after a crack to the skull that she's endured. The crisp crackling streaks of sunlight in her hands liquefied, spilling into each beast like the crack of a whip. Somewhere along the way, Verity's sword was flown from her body. I nearly left the sword when I spotted its gorgeous steel body, yet caressing its thin glory is a rich feeling. But none of that matters at the moment. Honestly, I wish she'd slice me in half. Finish me off so my nuts and I can rest in peace.

Merit rushes to my side with Jax, lifting me to my feet and holding me upright as I catch my breath. I think I heard Merit ask if I'm alright while Jax laughs at the shitshow entirely. I didn't mean to grab Verity's boob. If anything, touching her is the farthest thing on my list. No matter how attractive she is. No one's tits are worth dying over. Not even hers.

"What in the bloody hell were you thinking?" Merit shouted, gripping my arm.

My knees wobble, and I'm nearly falling over in crashing waves of agony. I'd prefer death over everything right now. "Tried to…" I really hate this place. "Tried to help you guys."

"Well," Jax laughs in my ear. "If you were aiming to amuse us, you've outdone yourself. Gotta say though that's not the approach I would've gone for."

Minnow rushes to join the three of us, limping along the way as she hopped in the duvet of snow. She stops abruptly before reaching us with large fear consuming eyes, watching a hand grasp my shoulder firmly. Merit nearly jumps back, falling into place with Jax. I stagger on my feet under the pressure of a strong arm before glancing at whoever is holding me into place.

Maverd Clennings in the flesh. The same guy who Robyn gushed over on my first dominous training. Robyn could've gone on for hours about Maverd's bravery and exceptional strength. The same guy who I've never spoken to but found myself covetous of when he held Verity. I clench the handle of Verity's blade possessively at the realization. Maverd's height staggers mere inches from my chin, and the winged chap has to look up at me with a blinding smile.

Maverd's voice is low, the praise he offers is muffled in its wake. He's afraid of Verity for hearing his gratitude. "Thank you, Flint. For…" Maverd's voice dips, the syllables of his words quake. "For being there when I couldn't. I'm in debt to you."

The four of us stare at him longer than I'd care to admit. Even if I tower over him, his wingspan easily engulfs me. The guy could be horrifying on his own, but something tells me he's softer than Verity could ever be. I missed my cue to speak so I quickly nodded my head. The guy doesn't owe me shit. I would've done it simply because it's what my father would've done. I know it.

He watches, intrigued by my mannerism, before releasing my shoulder. We watched Maverd's wings, either awestricken or captivated, retract into a curled state at his spine. Maverd's dark eyes sweep over mine for a moment. As if he's trying to pull a meaning behind my actions before dipping his abdomen into a rich low bow. When Maverd rises, the soldier is fast to turn back to his queen.

Verity is watching over the ridges of the mountain. She turns on her heels quickly. Snow tracks up to the rim of her boots, but none of that phases her. She makes her way to us and the throbbing ache returns. The Farout members slide to one knee each with a merciful bow when she finds her way in front of me. The entire Academy is watching us by now, I'm sure of it. I'm practically holding my breath when she reaches out to touch me.

Verity's fingers trail down my wrist, and all meaning is lost thanks to her touch. I'll be thinking about this night for days, maybe weeks, because of her. I'm savoring it all; the hot sensation from Verity's fingertips, the way she looks at me, despises me. Running from her would feel like an avulsion. My human instincts should tell me to run, but something more primal is drowning my senses. I'm exactly where I crave to be.

Her fingers slide down effortlessly to my hand and she holds herself there too long. Verity's hair, clothes, and temper are damp from the snow and aldarar chunks that she hasn't bothered removing. She's relishing in the warmth radiating from me. Allowing me to be close to her- touch her but never hold.

Verity's palm reaches the stilt of her sword. The rich iron returns to its rightful master, and the streaks of crimson on its blade dull from her connection. My senses are beginning to come back to me. I hacked her hair in front of the entire school. While my head is in the clouds thinking of fuckery of all things, I wouldn't put it past Verity to count every vital point I've kept unguarded.

"There's no heroes or villains in this place," Verity said, her eyes never leaving mine. "Step out of line for my sake and I'll lacerate your throat myself, Flint."

I smile wickedly, "you remembered my name."

Verity said nothing, dipping her head in a meek bow. Her attention shifts to Merit and Jax. I don't understand the strand of words she spun in a foreign tongue, but Jax doesn't hide his disgust. The distraught expression spoils his face but he never opposes. Verity, covered in muck and grime, retreated into the broken barrier with Maverd following closely behind. The blue coating ripples before being pulled to the ground by invisible hands. I watched her thin out into the crowd too stunned to recognize her.

Jax and Merit lead Minnow and me into the grand walkway. Sasha is the first to reach us. She practically tramples over our peers among us until she flings her hands to my neck with wrecked nails. I'm not sure if Sasha is trying to strangle or hug me but her grasp reminds me that the two of us are both safe and alive. In the end, that's what matters to me. The two Farout members are quick to dismiss us to avoid the spews of curses from Sasha while Piper throws her share of squeezes at my neck into the mix. I can't help but watch Verity reach the podium with Maverd over Piper's shoulder. Grimm looks pleased, with a soul-snatching smile from ear to ear.

"I'm going to kick you in the balls myself if you keep running off," Sasha hissed quietly into my ear. "You could've died out there."

Piper joined in, no longer holding back her sobs. "Thank the stars you're safe, Flint."

Both of them hold on to me like they're afraid of me making a run for it. I can feel the dull ache from before and the reminder to not piss them off or any woman for that matter. Even though it wasn't intentional, I should apologize to Verity for grabbing her. But I doubt she'll lean to converse in class. My roommates make their way through the crowd, and we stand in silence for a moment as drums pierce the air in the distance.

The crowd's silence is refreshing. Each student's attention is pulled to the front as Verity stands in front of the mass of students and staff. Verity doesn't bother raising her voice, and thanks to the lack of gossiping pupils, no one has trouble hearing. If they did, they wouldn't dare admit it.

"Farout is determined to keep each and every one of you safe. To live or die among you all, I will not rest until my last breath to ensure our hands are not filled with vile impurities. This issue is one of life or death, and we ask that you uphold Grimm's law. No one is permitted to walk alone, venture off or leave Mythicae without Headmaster Grimm's seal of approval. The coven will hold no mercy to those who oppose its law." Verity collects her twin blade from the crowd. She raises a sword to the sky with Maverd following behind her. "Our brother, Ayron, shouldn't be the first of the last. But we will avenge our Stiles. For all of our brothers and sisters who have fallen."

The Farout members from forging the shield are quick to fall into place before the end of Verity's declaration. Verity's words are full of emotion and while she tries to deliver a speech of spirit, the sadness clings to every word. By the end of it, every single one of them is shouting at the top of their lungs. I can't say I've seen another team more willing to die for others in my entire life. Mythicae's student body follows shortly behind with candles waving in the air, some lit while others died from the burnt wick ages ago. If an outsider were to watch the crowd, they'd think the entire school was a band of psychotic monsters screaming for fresh blood. Wings sprouted proudly, scales and teeth, and glistening skin shone brightly in the swarm of bodies. Each student was either hollering, crying, or a mixture of both. I watch Verity though as my roommates rush to lay punches into my shoulders or pat them. Their empty threats and snide remarks fall on absent ears as I follow her movements. Then, in her ravenous beauty, our eyes meet. She doesn't break away from my glare.

Verity remembered or- merely acknowledged my name, and something tells me that I've found my sole green card on escaping Grimm's judgment. For better or worse, I'm not sure. That's thanks in itself.