

Russel: I will die for u Cristine: Go ahead She wants him dead and he will die for her This story involves the dark fate of Cristine and Russel with the opposite personality... Cristine's cold side makes her different from others while Russel's warm personality provides everyone comfort...Will their tragic fate let them be together!??..

itsomega026 · Urban
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31 Chs


We were in flight when i saw Russel thinking something deeply

Cristine: What's on ur little brain??

Russel sighed

Russel: I still think that u shouldn't come with me...what if i failed to protect u??

Cristine: Nothing's gonna happen it's just a week... are u worried about my safety or u really have a little family here??

she said while taunting him .. while he just shaked his head due to her jealousy which she never admits

Russel: I already told u that u r the only one

Cristine: Liar !.

She said while he just closed his eyes and sighed heavily...she kept staring at him..

Russel: No other women can make me go crazy as u do so i don't think i can handle anyone else

Cristine: It means if u could have handled them then u would keep them?? WOAH !!

Russel: Ahhh !! u will make me lose my mind..go on u can stalk me as much u want...go through my phones...u can have my locations...what else do u want to make u believe that u r the only one...

Cristine: i..i didn't mean that...why would i want all these things...i don't want them

She said but her inside self wants to admit shamelessly that she wanna spy on him like a typical possessive wife..

Russel: Fine but u can...whenever u want to

Cristine: Yeah yeah

As they arrived..Russel took her to a farm house..

Cristine: is this urs?

Rissel: Yeah i own many of these in some countries...

Cristine: Do we have one in our locality of Russia too??

Russel: Ofcourse i was born there so why not...u r from Singapore right?? But working in Russia

Cristine: U already have stalked me much tho

Russel: That's how i work..now lets go inside..

They freshened up themselves...they were having their lunch when Russel got a call..

Russel: Yes sir Russel reporting...

??: what about jack??

Russel: Sir he had to take care of some personal business so i am here in his place..

?? : report me in the office after sharp one hour..

Russel: yes sir !!

With that they hung up..

Cristine: Was he ur boss??

Russel: yeah...i am head of one department and he is of all departments..

Cristine: Seems interesting..

Russel: Now i have to go... don't open the gate unless it's me..

Cristine: U r scaring me..

Russel: i already told u it's dangerous here..

Cristine: But how can they get inside ur farm house..

Russel: As i can get ur information they can get mine too..so no matters how much they knock the door don't u dare to open..call me immediately if something like that happens..got it??

Cristine: y..yeah..

Russel: Don't worry no one can lay their fingers on u...i will chop them off..i can be very dangerous person when it comes to kill someone

Cristine looked at him with side eye..

Cristine: You are getting late go now run !!!.

Russel: Yup bye!!

He said and went to his headquarters while she cleans the house...it was all messy as no one comes here except Russel and jack...it took her 3 hours to clean so she slept after that being tired...on the other hand russel knocked on his boss office door..

Boss: Come in !

Russel: Good morning sir..( he said with salute)

Boss: Morning champ! take a seat!

Russel sat

Boss: Someone told me that u r gonna leave our association??

Russel: Yes boss! actually i m gonna marry someone i love and she is afraid of fights and wounds so for her...

Boss: woah!! love is in the air young man but don't u think that u r being selfish??

Russel: yes sir and i m sorry for that but i wanna spend my rest of the life with her..

Boss: okay i will grant u the permission

Russel: But sir i have my last mission left... catching kai

Boss: hmmmm its a different one u know??

Russel: i know sir but i will fight him and kill him...grant me the permission please..

Boss: Okay what help do u want from me...

Russel: Sir i wanna know about his gf..he had a gf in the past who is helping him till now to get out of the jail..

Boss: it's difficult and will take time of about 4 to 5 days..

Russel: yes i know sir because even the cameras weren't able to capture her face...she always comes in full covered burkha and her face is always covered too..

Boss: Maybe we can get about her info through the registers of police station i m sure she made a written entry while coming in...

Russel: That's why i m here to take help from u because i tried taking the registers but they didn't let me..

Boss: no need to worry i m here

Russel: thankiu sir..

Boss: okay u may dismiss now tell me whenever u need something u have did so many things for us

Russel: thanku for this gesture sir... with that he went to his car and drove off...

He reached home and knocked the door but it was strange that no one answered..

Russel: Cristine !! open the door...

*no answers*

He took out the spare key and went inside..it was so dark in there...his heartbeat started pacing with the fear of loosing her...


He yelled but still no one answered... he went to her bedroom and there was nothing but only darkness...

Russel: if something happened to her i will fucking destroy every single person who did anything to her