

Russel: I will die for u Cristine: Go ahead She wants him dead and he will die for her This story involves the dark fate of Cristine and Russel with the opposite personality... Cristine's cold side makes her different from others while Russel's warm personality provides everyone comfort...Will their tragic fate let them be together!??..

itsomega026 · Urban
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31 Chs


As we reached home, he picked me up in his arms as soon as I got out of the car and I looked at him annoyingly

Cristine: I can walk !!

Russel: Then i think i haven't done my job properly..

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness..and let him pick me up...he walked towards my room while i was in his arms .. everyone was sleeping peacefully in their respective rooms...whereas we were in our own chaos...then he placed me on my bed and placed a soft kiss on my forehead...

Russel: Sleep well honey...and if u need me then tell me okay?

I smiled at his words as the way of his after care was really good...he then went to kitchen and bought me some snacks and ice cream..he gave it to me...i was too hungry so instead of asking the reason i just digged into the food while he kept massaging my legs and thighs to ease the pain...well he should do this tho as he was too big for me to take... this man sometimes just makes me crazy... sometimes he is really caring and cute but when it comes to fuck...he just.. becomes a beast..still i like his both sides..after that he tugged me into the bed and left from there after showering me with soft kisses all-over my face..i just chuckled at his behaviour...his cringe behaviour is the reason that i melted after so long..

After he left i drifted to sleep...when i was sleeping i again felt the same sensations..that someone is watching me...i opened my eyes and looked here and there...no one was there as i laid down again to sleep i suddenly saw a shadow near my window...it was a tall yet familiar figure..i didn't screamed as before but still my heart was beating like crazy due to nervousness...the figure moved and it was...kai..he walked towards me with the smirk on his face but this time i wasn't scared of him..maybe now Russel became a strength of me...or maybe i just changed myself..i m not scared of him anymore..i looked dead into his eyes..

Cristine: Leave or I'll scream

Kai: I love it when u scream..like a coward..i can't forget that day tho...when u were laying under me begging me to stop while i was fucking you mercilessly...u too enjoyed it right? because u r a whore..

When he said that...there was no mercy in his voice...i opened my mouth to scream as he placed his big and hard palm on my face to shut me down...he took out an injection from his pocket and moved it near my neck..

Kai: Still a brat? aren't u??

I started struggling in his grip and punched his chest but he was still like a rock like he isn't affected at all by my moves...i pushed him and tried each and every thing to come out of his grip but i don't know why he was so strong for me...

Kai: I gave u warning last time...that i am back..and here u are fucking some other guy?? u r being a bad wifey..

I looked at him with wide eyes...he removed his hand from my face and i spoke..

Cristine: That was you?? Russel said...

I was going to speak but suddenly he spoke while gripping my hair..

Kai: Haha that so called agent?? He is my immortal enemy tho..He lied to u...aww ur new man..? man? haha

I was hurt but i can understand he did that for me...i glared at him..

Cristine: Shut the fuck up..he will kill u !!

I spoke to him in the rude voice but suddenly i felt a sharp pain of injection on my neck while he just smirked at my shut mouth...that blurred my vision immediately...he picked me up and after that i don't know what happened with me but everything went black for me...

Kai: Sleep well honey maybe its ur last sleep tonight...

He said and dragged her with him...