

Russel: I will die for u Cristine: Go ahead She wants him dead and he will die for her This story involves the dark fate of Cristine and Russel with the opposite personality... Cristine's cold side makes her different from others while Russel's warm personality provides everyone comfort...Will their tragic fate let them be together!??..

itsomega026 · Urban
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31 Chs


She shot open her eyes with a scream..she was sweating badly...her whole forehead was drenched..the voice was continuously repeating in her head.. DID U FORGOT ABOUT US?...she closed her eyes tightly while sitting on bed and covered her ears with hand while screaming STOP...SHUTUP.. repeatingly...guess that's what traumatic experiences are...these experiences haunt people for whole lifetime....these are incurable because they exists in minds only...one can overcome these only by themselves...

Russel was working on his files when he heard her yell from her room... he panicked and ran to her room...she wasn't opening her door...he banged the door forcefully that end up broke..he entered the room only to see her in a messy state..he came towards her and hugged her calmy...he spoke sweet and calm words in her ears..

Russel: Cristine...wake up, i am here..look at me..i am Russel..

He gently rubbed her back to calm her panic attacks..she slowly came back to her normal state..she was a crying mess...it was first time he saw her that miserable...he cupped her face..

Russel: u r safe with me...no one is going to come near u alright?? got that?

He said staring straight in her eyes.. while she nodded and hugged him...he was shocked at her sudden change of behaviour but he understood her situation and let her hug him...

Cristine: He is here...he is here with her gf..he will kill me..

She said in between her heavy sobs..while he held her shoulders in a firm way and made her face him..

Russel: Look at me

She slowly looked at his warm deep eyes..with her teary eyes..He gave her a calm and comfort aura with a warm smile

Russel: Nothing will happen..i am here..u r here safe with me...this home is safe for u.. got it? just stay with me..

She looked at him and noded...

Cristine: I.. will

Russel: Good... now sleep i'm sitting here..

He said and sat on the nearby couch..

Cristine: Aren't u going to be uncomfortable sleeping on this couch?.

Russel: I m alright...just take rest okay??

He said and smiled at her before laying down on the couch...she stood up from the bed and gave him the blanket..she didn't met his gaze while he looked at her deeply..

Russel: Do u care about me that much?

Cristine: it's normal...not a big deal...i can't let u die because of cold winds..

She said while maintaining her powerful dominant aura...but Russel smiled and chuckled lightly being aware of that she do care about him...she don't need to say it through words..her actions are enough to prove him..he took blanket from her hands and laid down while smiling happily...she also laid down on her bed and stared at the cealing...no one was slept...she suddenly spoke

Cristine: What do u think? is he really coming for me?

Russel: No shorty...if u r thinking that the penthouse incident was caused by that Kai...then u r overthinking...that was my enemy...he was just saying me...he don't even know about u..

Cristine: Are u telling the truth?

Russel's heart ached...he took a second and spoke

Russel: Yes..

Cristine: Fine i m believing u..

Russel: Sleep now...i m here..no one is gonna hurt u unless i m beside u..sleef safe and sound..

Cristine: Alright...

Next day he was in his office room with jack discussing about Kai when someone knocked the door of his office...he assumed that its Cristine so he opened door with warm smile only to see Nancy..she entered the room and looked at jack..She spoked to him with her tempting and cold voice..

Nancy: Can u leave the room? i have something to talk with Russel..

He was going to leave silently when Russel spoke..

Russel: He can't..we don't have any secrets...talk here what do u wanna talk about..

He said with his stern voice...she rolled her eyes at him..

Nancy: Ur mom wants to meet u..so she told me to company u towards her room...she wanna talk about Cristine..

Russel: what's the matter?

Nancy: Why don't u come and hear it from her?.

He sighed and gave Jack a look to continue work... he went with Nancy..he saw her mom sitting in living room...to his surprise Cristine was also there...maybe his mom was angry about them staying under same roof without any relation...he came and stood with his hands in pocket..

Russel: What is it mom?

Mom: sit here...

She said while wearing her stern expressions...jack and Jennie joined them too...so basically whole family members were there...so he assumed that maybe she is going to announce something big...he sat with his calm expressions and waited for her to continue

Mom: Cristine can't stay with u in same room...u r not married with her..

Russel: I m sorry for that...she was not well yesterday...

His mom didn't Cared about his statement about her illness and she continued further..

Mom: Its better for u to not let another women enter in same room with u...when u r going to marry Nancy..

Everyone except Nancy and his mom were shocked with the statement his mother made... Cristine didn't said anything but her heart ached...she don't want to see Russel with another girl..but here she can't say anything as it was his mother's decision..Russel eyes turned red from anger and he stood up with full anger and spoke in harsh voice...

Russel: What the hell are u saying?.

Mom: U heard it right? or are u deaf?

Russel: I can't marry her...!!! how can u decide without asking me..!??

Nancy smirked and changed her expression to innocent ones..

Nancy: What r u saying Russel.? everyone knows about this...we are meant to be with each other...see our friendship is stronger than ur any other relations

She said while mocking Cristine... Cristine wasn't saying anything she was just looking at the floor blankly.. because she knows that right now she don't have any rights on Russel..

Russel: SHUT THE FUCK UP !! The only woman that deserves me is her!!

He said with fierce voice while pointing at Cristine...he was angry...who was turning into a monster because of her mother's decision... Cristine looked at him as it was first time that he admitted in front of everyone...he claimed her first time as his...