

Russel: I will die for u Cristine: Go ahead She wants him dead and he will die for her This story involves the dark fate of Cristine and Russel with the opposite personality... Cristine's cold side makes her different from others while Russel's warm personality provides everyone comfort...Will their tragic fate let them be together!??..

itsomega026 · Urban
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31 Chs


As they did their dinner while talking about many things that made them get to know each other more...

Russel: Let's go back to our place..

He said with a smile...while Cristine noded while smiling slightly..he went towards to receptionist to clear the bills while she stood near his car...she felt someone's stare...she was feeling someone's stare at them for so long..she was feeling uneasy about it..she felt someone behind her..she slowly tried to turn around but Russel's voice intrupted her

Russel: Hey...what r u doing here alone.?!u should have wait for me..its dark here..

He said with worried expressions..

Cristine: It's alright i m fine lets go..

She shrugged off her thoughts and reached to their farm house...when she opened her bedroom door she screamed...Russel came towards her running with worried expressions..

When he saw all the mess in the bedroom..he was shocked...the whole bedroom was covered with blood...there was a message on the walls that was I AM BACK SWEETHEART written by blood...floor was covered with blood while their bed was totally messed up by multiple stabs of knife on it... Cristine was freaked out to see the whole mess..she was standing numb while putting hand on her face.. Russel stood in front of her as her protective shield..They immediately understood who that was.. obviously Kai..

Russel: Stay behind me...i m here..

He took slow steps towards the room to see the whole room for any sort of clue..while Cristine was having flashbacks...she was scared of what is happening right now..

Cristine: Will he kill me? or torture me again?

Russel: let them dream...i m right here to fuck up there lives..

He took a step ahead and saw a picture which was torn in half...it was the picture of Cristine that was covered with blood..he hided that picture so that Cristine won't be scared after looking at it..

Cristine: Is that kai ??

He came towards Cristine and took her in his arms by giving her a gentle and warm hug to comfort her...he rubbed her back to calm her down...he can sense that she was thinking of that night again..

Russel: Whoever he is u don't have to thought about it..i m right here to protect u...got it? just stay with me from now on...in front of my eyes.. let's go from here...we have to reach back to our home...my work here is done..i will handle everything..

She hugged him back tightly and rested her face on his chest..his slow and warm voice with calm aura made her normal..

Cristine: Yea... let's go back..

He took out his phone and dialed Jack's number...

On the call..

Russel: Book the tickets for our right now...no matter however they are book it for immediate flight..

Jack: Did something happened boss?.

Russel: Kai is back..and he know where we are..!

Jack took a deep breath before speaking.

Jack: Uh..sorry..boss actually i thought i would tell u about it when u will return.. someone made him escape from jail..and it was a girl..it could be her gf..

Russel was hella angry at him for not doing the job properly..he yelled at him


Jack: I'm sorry boss

Cristine rubbed his back to calm him down..he was so furious at that time..he took a deep breath to calm himself..

Russel: I will deal with u after i come back...just book the tickets.

Jack: Yes boss..

Jack was scared of him as he know he did a big mistake...he looked at jennie in terror...who was laying beside him...they just spent their beautiful yet wild time together..

Jack: Jennie run back to ur home..we r fucked up...boss is coming back..wear ur clothes i will drop u...untill i will book tickets for them..

Jennie: But what the actual fuck happened?

Jack: boss didn't explained they just said Kai is back..

Jennie: Shit.!! we r dead for not telling him first..

Jack: U don't have to show that u know everything alright? i will deal with it..

Jennie: But i was the one who stopped u for telling him...

Jack: It's okay u did for a reason but don't tell him alright? otherwise he will beat the shit out of us if he got to know what we were doing right now..

Jennie: But we just did it one time ! i want more of it..!

she said straight to his face while whinning... while jack turned red

Jack: U really are an animal !! how can u say that directly shameless person !!

Jennie: Oh Comeon! don't be shy like girls..

Jack: I M NOT!! go now fix urself i m coming after booking tickets..

He said in embarrassment while she stood up and started fixing herself

Jennie: Whatever!!

On the other hand Russel and Cristine took their belongings and came towards airport..they took their flight...in whole time she was silent..he holded her hand to make sure that she is comfortable..she smiled at his efforts...