

"I'm missing you here, and the top three of this year's piano competition have been announced. The folks under me did the judging. They say this year's entries aren't all that. I'll send them over for you to check out"

"Alright." Rosemary was also one of the top judges, but she rarely got involved in the judging process, leaving it to her subordinates.

Solterra held a piano competition every year, but this year there were fewer participants as most of them ran off to compete internationally.

"The one who got the first place did so largely because of his family's reputation, plus the other entries were pretty subpar, so he just barely grabbed the first place. Second place is a pity. The first half of his

piece was boring and the latter part wasn't performed well. The climax was okay, but I feel like he added too much. Kind of unnecessary! And the third place, well, let's not even talk about that."