

Seeing the two brothers bickering endlessly, Louisa smiled at Rosemary and said, "Rose, why don't you see Romeo out first? We'll wait for you at the door."


As Romeo walked through the lobby with his arm around Rosemary's shoulders, Yolanda's mouth hung open wide enough to fit two eggs.

Wasn't that the man she'd been pining for?

He was actually walking arm in arm with Rosemary, whispering something to her.

And Rosemary was smiling brightly, her eyes flirting with him!

Hadn't she just been hugging David?

That was way out of line!

She was dating two guys at the same time!

How shameless!

The real question was, how did she manage it? She had two amazing guys attracted to her, and they didn't even notice each other. They were dining in the same restaurant but didn't realize each other's presence!

That was simply mind-blowing.