

"Until they're willing to fork it over."

"That guy ain't exactly hurting for cash, Julian added, "Word is he's a top–tier member at LY…"

"We gotta get it by sundown."

"Roger that." Julian knew that whatever the boss wanted, he'd get it. Even though LY claimed the guy had some serious clout, and not someone you'd want to cross…

But then again, was there anyone you'd dare to cross when his boss?

"Oh, by the way, boss. There's a national fashion design competition, and they're hoping to have you as a judge."

Though the Collins family business wasn't exactly fashion–oriented, Hunter Collins was a big shot. He also made a splash in the fashion industry last year with his exceptional design talent. A shirt he

designed back in his younger days was quite the sensation.

But ever since he took over the company, he's been all business all the time, frequently out of the country and barely even home.