

"I hate the way I Love you" "I hate you, but I can't stop myself from wanting you" Damon King, also known as Dazzle king in the fashion industry. Every and anyone wished to work with him. He is known to be the best. Although he was good at his job, he was also known to be brutal, callous and less concerned of the people around him. His actions earned him another Nickname as the Demon king. But underneath all that icy, cold, ironclad hide, was a broken young man with gynophobia (fear of women) . An ailment he got after an incident in high-school. But what happens when the cause of his problems shows up for the first time after eight long years... Isla Moore, for years had been carrying the burden of what she did way back in high school. His face still haunts her dreams every night. And now after eight years, as if the universe was giving her a chance to make up for her mistakes, she meets him again. The man who once loved her beyond words. She is determined to do whatever it takes to make up for her stupid mistakes. But the question is, what if she's too late, and her mistakes cannot be corrected. What if instead of correcting her mistakes she ends up making more?? Will Damon's hunger for revenge be satisfied, or will Isla's fight for his heart win? Excerpt "Let go of me you big oaf, I said let go!" She screamed as he dragged her along with him. But he wasn't even listening to her. "You told me I'm not allowed to touch you right?? Then why are you touching me?" "BECAUSE!!" he suddenly roared. Pulling her close to his body, staring at that bruised and yet juicy lips of hers. "Because only I should have the right to make you suffer, only I can touch you." He breathed over her lips. "I'm more concerned of somebody else touching you than I am of you touching me." "You're mine to ravage. No one else's. You're mine." *Extra warning* The ML is an angry bull, there's a lot of hating from him toward the FL. And he does some slightly unbearable things to her (no rape). Also check out my WSA 2023 entry "Cloaked in an Enigma" I promise y'all gonna love it. Also follow on Instagram as the story unfolds. @queenanovels08

_Queen_A · Urban
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203 Chs

36. He smiled at me...

Monday morning was here again. She didn't need an alarm for she didn't sleep, so by three thirty she was already getting ready for work. She was probably the only person who left her house so early in the morning just to get to work in time.

By 4:15 she was up and ready. Her big baby was still sleeping and she didn't want to wake him so she just leaves a note, and off to work she went.

Bale the security man wasn't the one on duty today, it was someone else this time, and since her boss has said tryouts don't need ID cards, she has been using the one he gave to her. She had even forgotten she was going to get a card holder for it so it won't get rumpled and she could hang it round her neck.

By the time she reached department 25, not many people had arrived. Non of the three witches were here yet. But Ben was, did he probably live in this building, or how was he always here so freaking early?

"Good morning. She greeted the people on seat as she passed by them.

" Good morning Ben.

"Morning Isla, No morning delay today? He asked with a smile.

" No, so far my morning has been going smoothly and I really hope the rest of the day continues this way.

Who was she kidding, there was no way she'd have a smooth day in this company. Not when she had her boss and those three witches behind her.

Soon enough, the department was starting to boom, it was getting more busy, more workers were coming in. And unfortunately the three witches were among those more workers.

"Good morning people. The three of them echoed together.

" Did you guys come together? One person asked.

"We just kind of met outside the building. Angie said as they settled down into their seats.

Isla was so trying to focus on her laptop, burying her head into it in hopes that they don't notice her. She really didn't wish for their troubles that morning.

" Hey eesh-la, how are you doing this morning? Jennie walked up to her and asked, drawing the attention of the other two witches, and they both stood up and went over to her.

" I'm actually doing okay this morning. Thank you for asking. She faked a weird smile.

" Well that's great, because this morning you have a lot of errands to run for me.

"and me. Angie said. And me too. Shelley added.

" but first thing first, I didn't have the chance to eat anything because I needed to get here on time. So why don't you go out and get something nice and breakfast worthy for me.

"Me too, I don't like skipping breakfast, so can you get me something too. Shelley quickly added. And Angie also chipped in that she wanted something too.

" That's not a problem. She immediately stood up from her seat. Just give me the money and tell me what to get and I'll go get it right away.

" we left our cards at home, and we don't really carry cash.

"All three of you left your purse at home? She so knew they were lying, but what could she do?

" Yes, you have a problem with that? Angie glared.

"So just get us something like a burger and some orange juice, you can afford that from your own purse right? They wanted her to feed them from her own purse, she couldn't even feed herself properly, and now she was to feed three fully grown women.

" I don't think I...

" we'll take that as a yes... Shelley interrupted whatever she had to say.

"well what are you waiting for, get going. Jennie said clapping her hands. Isla couldn't even say anything she just looked at them in disbelief and then looked around at ever other person wondering if she was the only one who thought this was insane.

She picks up her purse and just quietly walks into the elevator. Immediately inside the elevator and the door was shut close...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... She choked for a second and then again... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I don't even spend my own money on myself and these long-necked, weasel looking, crooked legged witches want me to spend it on them. She was so pissed, but there was nothing she could do about it.


She was just rounding up some of the errands Angie gave her when she received the public alert on her phone that the Demon King was around.

She quickly finished what she was doing, handed it to Angie and headed for her seat. She didn't want to give him a reason to pick on her that morning.

Soon the elevator door was opened, and he matched out of it like the mighty king he was. Maybe it was just her, and maybe the brainwaves in her head were waving in the wrong direction, but he was looking really Dashing this morning.

Well he looked ravishing all the time, but today was a different kind of fine. And all he was wearing was a polo shirt and black jeans trousers. Who dresses to work like this on a Monday morning she thought.

Well obviously Damon King does. And she could swear she just noticed the tattoos on his neck. She could remember seeing them before, but they looked really pronounced today, really sexy. And maybe she had really gone mad, but she felt like he just smiled at her before entering his office making her almost have a heart attack. Everyone was already on their seats as he entered his office, but she was still up standing, dumbfounded by what she thought she saw.

Did he really just smile at her, her face was totally flushed with red. Does that mean her texts broke the ice, was he really no longer mad at her, the thought made her heart beat faster than normal.

"Why are you still standing? Ben said, but she didn't hear a word he said.

" Isla., Isla., ISLA.. he tapped her arm and jerked her back to planet earth.

"hmm, did you say something?

" I said why are you still standing up. Sit down. He said pulling her to her seat.

"Ben did you see him smile just now?

" who, the boss? No. Why would he smile?

"i swear I saw him smile at me just now. She was firm and sure about what she saw.

" smile at you? Did that sound right as you said it out loud. He never smiles at anyone except his cousin, and last I checked, you're definitely not Marcel king.

Maybe Ben was right, maybe she was seeing things, maybe she was just seeing what she wished for.

"A delivery for Mr Damon King"