
Devils Dungeon

A human that died in an unfortunate accident regained his consciousness in an unfamiliar location with partially missing memory's his goal is to survive and Escape the cursed Dungeon but to his surprise he isn't a human anymore but something absolutely out of his original world. Warning: writing it out of interest don't expect much it's my first novel and I'm a beginner also it's gonna be a bit gory, I mean what would you expect from a dungeon with feral monsters. the Mc will genuinely not be op he will start with bottom tier literally. Also no system, no Bs like unfair cheat abilities from the start *glaring at a certain slime*.

BarneyEnjoyer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


As I found the place where most of the smell of the blood came from which was likely a large wound.

I took my first bite






I couldn't believe it even after all of the things I went trough, it still managed to get worse than it was before this was truly the worst hit for my psyche.

Its not the fact that I stated eating human flesh, but the fact that it tasted so good.

At first I was barely able to even force myself to take the first bite, yet the moment I tasted it, it felt like I reached the epitome of being alive, it felt so natural, no it felt just too natural.

the tender, and filled with blood flesh, the miniature layer of fat, I went through a euphory ran through my body, as if I ate medium rare stake cooked to perfection 'God I cant believe I'm thinking right now of missing the seasonings from my past world'.








I was truthfully disgusted by my own self without even realizing, I started Chewing the flesh in order to savor the flavor in my mouth as I was doing with other foods when I was a human.

My mind screamed with every bite I took that I must stop, it's wrong, I should not enjoy this, I am a psycho, a monster, I will never be able to go back to my human self if I continue this.






I stopped and forced myself to swallow the flesh in my mouth, but I knew it was too late.

I knew very well that what I have done had nothing to do with my instincts forcing me to do it, it was my former human mind that wanted to savor this flavor, wanted to enjoy it's food.




I already came under the looming realization that if I wasn't under the threat of dying to that thing, I would've continued to enjoy the taste of the flesh in a heart beat.

there was truly no way back from this. 

Even so I started perceiving a new feeling was starting to spread throughout the entirety of my body.

It was as if an unreachable and un sizable mass of something was spreading further and further through my body, no it felt different it was going outside too.





Maybe it's my hallucination caused by my body's quick revitalization, but that still didn't make sense.

Yet I could tell that it had to do with that potent acid, the voice talked about and the feeling of my stomachs fullness decreasing

'Was I absorbing the nutrients that quickly? it doesn't make sense'.


'The energy that you feel right now is called Mana on most continent's or Aether by the elf's and dwarfs on the continent of Ancients'-???




'On Most continents? The continent of Ancients? Mana?' I know I shouldn't be distracted now but I can't help it his the one dropping on me sudden lore.

'And wait elf's and dwarfs, are they like the same one's from DND and Lord of the rings?'.

'Wait is the mana the same thing responsible for that invisible pressure I felt back then, when IT finished eating our sibling?' I can't myself help but wonder.

If my theory is true than that explains a lot, it did feel like I was pressured by outside forces back then.


'You better hurry up and eat up because that guy is getting closer to you'-???


The Voice didn't respond to me with an answer, but I couldn't care less right now as I realized that I have no idea what am I supposed to do when IT comes 'should I run?'




'That's probably the best course of action' I thought as I was hastily gobbling up the chunk of flesh in my mouth.

But my hopeful thought's of non combat resolution were cut short the next moment as I could already feel the shivers going through my spine.





'I don't think this guy will let you go after you touched this food, don't underestimate him just because his a young beast'-???

'You're current species is extremely smart as they use baits and even can mimic voices to lure people even though that last part is from a higher evolution'-???


Even though IT was still far away I could feel the pure hatred and animosity it held towards me.

'Is that thing really mad that I am eating this corpse? Or is it just like a child mad that someone has something it wants?' you gotta be kidding me.


'No you are wrong here, it just follows it's instincts of aggression towards others if it involves it's surrounding food'-???

'You are actually lucky right now this little guy is injured on his left side and has a open wound that has most of it's protection skin layer gone'-???





'You know that is actually some helpful information thanks!' I thought in panic as I was taking the last Portion of this quick meal.

I was able to sense IT rapidly approaching me through my enhanced senses that felt even stronger and more refined than before.






'What is wrong with this thing!? IT keeps on screaming as if I killed it's entire family in front of it's non existent eyes!' I can't help myself but complain about this unfair and annoying, child like behavior.

Only to realize as it came closer to me, that I don't feel as much pressure from IT anymore as if we were on closer planes of strength.

This realization gave me a sense of reassurance in my survival, as I already knew that my instincts and senses can't lie to me 'probably with you're exception only'


'thank you'-??? 


'Is this guys proud of himself?'

'Can you help me defeat this guy? like at the very least tell me where to strike and when to avoid' I asked the voice in hopes for some help.

I wasn't as confident about my fighting skills as I was about my Physical strength.


'You know in reality this kind of method doesn't work, you will simply not have enough time to process what I'm telling you amidst you're combat, so it will only drag you down'-???

'I'm gonna be honest you have to fight that thing your self, I wont be always with you so you shouldn't rely on me'-???


His words might be right but right now I felt a mix of emotions such as betrayal, anxiety, disappointment and panic.

I have no idea how to fight but I had to come up with at least something and that thing was already in front of me.




I still didn't completely digest the flesh I ate so I am not sure about how strong I am, but I got an idea of a tactic which if it works it might higher my chances on victory even if by a little margin.

The tactic was Simple 'intimidation or better calling it Gaslighting' this thing relies a lot on it's instincts and perception meaning that if I only manage to exert more of that energy called mana from my body I might scare it off for a while.

I knew that the mana outside of my body was a portion of what I had in total as another portion of it was inside my body.

I might actually convince it that I am stronger than I really am and it's own instincts are gonna keep it from attacking so I can digest the feed and get even a little stronger.




It's getting closer i might have only a few more second before it get's close enough to attack.

I am trying to focus on the mana in my body I can feel it's movement so naturally, it feels as if my current body is partially made of it in it's entirety, it's a really confusing realizations of my own biology.

'I definitely couldn't compare it to my human body as it was absolutely out of this world kind of feeling or should I say out of that world as this is a different one' I must do it.

After a few more seconds of trying to finally move it out of my body I succeeded in doing so.

 The mana was overflowing out of my body a sudden wave of energy was released I could feel it's pressure on my own body, which ment that thing will feel it too.




I then let out a roar of my own to intimidate that thing even further I put everything into it.





Yes my idea worked that thing halted it was growling warily as it was unsure of attacking me anymore.

We were at a stand off facing each other, I couldn't tell the distance as I had no idea as of how big I was, but it was definitely close enough to reach me in only a few more second if it were to move at it's previous rate.




I could only scream at it further on to keep the act, as I felt that the energy I was outputting outwardly was getting smaller and thinner in quantity with every passing second.

Yet the atmosphere around me was getting larger and denser in the contrary to how I felt on the inside.

'I can't keep the act for long'

I institutionally knew that the energy I was exerting won't make me weaker physically, as it might've been connected to my body but not to my stamina though.

I knew it would have a it's toll on me if I exerted everything too quickly.


In the end after a stand off of about what felt like a whole minute, but in reality was probably 20 or 30 seconds I stopped exerting my mana.

I already felt like my stomach content's were pretty much fully digested, so I decided to charge and attack first while IT was still confused by the sudden change of atmosphere.






I managed to slam into IT and bite it's left side of the body but I didn't manage to bite the exact spot were it's wound was located I missed by a little.

I loosened my bite and tried to bite it again, targeting it's injury but that was my biggest mistake yet.




IT screamed in pain before it started moving it's head and body to the opposite direction of where I was targeting it.

It used an unimaginable burst of force in it's tale swipe to hit me with enough force to send me flying into the air.




As I hit the ground laying on my back, I felt shocked and pained from the hit I received.

We were supposed to be near equal in strength yet it managed to send me flying so easily.

I knew I couldn't pull the same thing off as it did, or I could if Mana was the reason for it's sudden burst of energy.

I noticed that I didn't take as much damage from the fall as I took from the swipe of the tail itself which I could contribute to my relatively small size compare to the human corpse.

'Did this thing enhanced it's physical body with the help of mana' I finally realized that I made a mistake using my mana so prematurely.

I would've used it in the fight, if only I knew so that it was capable of this.






I could feel it rushing towards me as I was trying to turn my body over and position myself for battle.

Unfortunately it was too late, I felt it bite my neck as it started violently dragging me on the ground and trow me once again, while ripping a large chunk of my flesh at the same time.




I could feel what I could only assume to be blood gushing out from my neck wound.

'F*CK, IT HURTS, IT HURTS SO F*CKING MUCH!' The pain was intense yet for some reason bearable, I could still think straight and now I understand why it was able to react so well after my attack.

I was thankful that at least it only ripped mostly my skin on the neck and didn't reach the throat itself.

Our species body as I can only assume has higher pain tolerance than compare to human body, I had to come up with a plan quickly but I don't know what, then I got an idea.

I feel weaker and weaker I am losing all my stamina at such a fast rate.




I could feel it approaching me while I waited in anticipation pretending to be dead or unconscious thankfully for my plan.

I needed to face the opposite direction this thing which thankfully I was, this was only the first step.

The next step was to gather the rest of my mana inside the body and hope that it takes the bait as I already know it relies on it's sense's a lot, it will likely think that I'm dead and start eating me with it's guard lowered down after the first bite, which I'm hoping for.






I could only curse in my head, even if I have resistance to pain affecting my mind and though process it doesn't nullify as much the body pain, it still hurt's as hell my body.

I can feel IT it's about to tear off a chunk of my tail 'now is my chance'.





As IT finally reaped my flesh off I moved my body to the left while outputting my mana into the tail and hit with it this things head.

I used a lower amount of mana for my tail as I didn't want to send it flying I needed IT in close distance for the next attack, and I also had to save up my mana, I am running out of it.

I am using the last bit's of my reserves, which I can feel is dangerous.

I moved to it's left side as it was disoriented and used my senses to smell the fresh blood from the wound I gave it in our first clash.

As I approached the smell of blood I moved my head little a more to the right, to hit the wound it had from the other fight.

I knew very well that the wound I gave it wasn't useful at all as I didn't manage to tear off any flesh because I let go of my bite back then.





I felt it I didn't just bite it's flesh I bit through it in it's entirety and grabbed some of it's organs.





I could hear it scream in pain and agony as I continued digging dipper into it's insides.

I felt it bite me from my left side and tried to use it's enhanced strength to launch me into the air.

That was it's mistake.



*Splater* *Splater*


Unfortunately for it I used my mana to enhance the strength of the grip for my bite, which caused me to tear out a large chunk of it's organs with the help of the strength from it's own launch of me. 




I could hear it's Scream of pure agony as it was likely starting to die from the intensity it's wounds.

I decided to not wait and launch an attack as I could feel the dizziness that was starting to take over my mind and my body.

'So this were the consequences of over utilization of mana?'




I approached It while it was creaming in pain and convulsing with a mix of emotions.




I felt satisfaction from defeating it, I felt supremacy from outsmarting it, I felt joy from hearing it scream in pain, I felt relief from it's dying screams.

I felt like I was at the top of the world.

but then I felt something else 

I felt 






As I lunged at it's open wound to it's insides and started tearing it's organs apart devouring it in it's last moment's of life, while it was still screaming in pain.








It managed to muster enough strength for it's last scream, as I was already devouring it, which brought intense joy to my ears it was the most satisfying symphony of sound at this exact moment.

It finally stopped moving. 




But I felt weak and tired I started loosing consciousness amidst eating my consciousness was flashing off and on as I continued devouring it thankfully it had no bones this made it easier.







As I finished swallowing the last bit of it's body which was it's head I finally fell unconscious covered all in blood.

Bloody hell

BarneyEnjoyercreators' thoughts