
Devils Chess Board

Years Ago a war between satan and a group known as the sins sent by God to keep balance in the underworld broke out, unfortunately the sins lost with five meeting their demise and two fleeing, the souls of the five sins were reincarnated into five humans who have to fulfil their purpose and defeat Satan.

Okechukwu_Michael_4665 · Fantasy
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42 Chs


As Michael shouts I AM ENVY  while shoving the battery into the hole he tore in his stomach, the system interrupts [HOST HAS FORCED FOURTH TRAIT] [TRAIT GAIN ELECTRICITY MANIPULATION]. As the system makes this statement, Mr.Esho smashes his fist into Michael's body, or so Mr.Esho thought.

Just before impact, Michael's body took the form of pure electricity, which means Michael could manipulate his form as he wished.

As Michael stared at his new form, he was interrupted by the system again [HOST IS BORROWING FOURTH TRAIT AND HAS ONLY 10 MINUTES], but to Michael, that was a lot of time as he stared down at Mr.Esho and the massive crater his fist made in the ground, Mr. echo looked up while saying round three I guess.

Suddenly, Mr. Esho's legs multiplied while increasing in length, his back went outward at an illegal angle, and his eyes fell out, leaving him with no eyes (IN THIS WORLD, SOME OF THOSE WHO LEARN BLACK MAGIC CAN TRANSFORM INTO SPIRITS WHO THEY MAKE CONTRACTS WITH IN THIS CASE MR ESHO HAS TAKEN THE FORM OF  THE WHISTLER).

In exchange for this power, Mr.Esho has given up 20 years of his life, but he doesn't care at all because he wants to kill the brat who is playing on his pride.

Mr.Esho brought staff from thin air while pointing it at Michael, saying as I fire this shot take as many years to erase my opponent as Mr.Esho made this chant, a massive amount of energy was focused on the tip of his staff while pointing it at Michaels direction the energy was so much that all the ground, people, and animals within 10km have all died due to the amount of energy being sucked from the atmosphere even Michael couldn't maintain his electric form as he fell from the sky to the ground.

[HOST HOST HOST! MUST ABSORB ALL THE ELECTRICITY WITHIN THE RADIUS TO COMBAT THIS ATTACK][SYSTEM OVERRIDE, SYSTEM IS TAKING CONTROL OF HOST BODY] As the system took over Michael's, Michael's face lost all emotion as his eyes were blank and empty as he emitted one word in the most empty tone possible IDENTIFIX. Michael's body transformed, except Michael wasn't launching forward this time. He was glowing as static electricity covered the surroundings; the system used Michael's body to absorb the electricity within range.

At this point, even the Government forces were involved in this havoc because one-third of Lagos, which used to be a city, was in shambles and rumbles of rocks and blood.

The whole towel force surrounded the area, but Michael didn't care, and neither did Mr.Esho, as both fired their world-ending attacks at each other.


As Mr.Esho and Michael collided a wave of energy went crashing in all directions causing everything within a 40km radius to turn to nothing but dust, it was so bad that only half of the towlex officers were eradicated while others were exhausted from using the abilities to the fullest just to block the attack.

After three hours of all the wind manipulations clearing the giant dust cloud, the two fighters were now in sight [when one can use a particular element, they are called a manipulate]. Still, what the towlex officers saw shocked them as they saw Mr.Esho holding the body of an unconscious sixteen-year-old whose hands were missing and the bones in his legs were visible, but that wasn't the shocking part. It was the fact that they were a third person known as ozordikwe as he stood next to Mr.Esho unfazed as he addressed the officers. WELCOME THE NEWEST TOWLEX STUDENT, ALSO KNOWN AS MY NEPHEW as he took Michael from Mr.Esho as he vanished into thin air.[Mr. Esho was left unscathed because his spirit, the whistler, took all the damage, but he lost half the years of his life]

Mr.Esho took control since he was second to only ozordikwe in rank, commanding the officers to find any citizen who survived within the range of the attack, even though that was unlikely since all that was in sight was dust.

While in Towlex College...Michael was lying on a hospital bed as ten doctors were struggling to bring him back to shape, even the system was silent currently the room was tense including when ozordikwe swore to kill all the doctors if Michael died.

In the towlex boardroom[This was a room within Towlex College which the top-ranked members of towlex make decisions regarding the welfare of the students and the world because towlex was created to produce individuals who can combat the rapid growth of monsters, supernatural beings, and tasks normal humans can't do]

Please sit, everyone. We are here to talk about the damage one of our own caused and the upcoming entrance exam for the incoming students. Mrs.Vivian said, also known as rank 21 out of the top 100 admins; her nickname is SEDUCTRA. She has been called this since she uses sexual means to torture her victims to death. First, I have arranged a list of punishments for Mr.Esho. Please vote for the one you think she deserves. Voting ends in five minutes.

Mr.Esho, who, in the corner of the room, released a familiar purple aura that scared most admins except a few of the more powerful ones, which made most of them choose the lightest punishment; thank you for all your votes. Results shall be announced after the next topic. Now, the upcoming entrance is scheduled to take place at the end of the week. As she said this, Ozordikwe stood up, which shocked the members since he never interrupted during meetings. He went on to say the entrance shall be postponed by two weeks, giving Michael enough time to recover. Also, I postponed, If you disagree, then fight me. also, make sure to announce the reason for the wait. 

As this was said, everyone was pissed because they already disliked Michael due to the damage he caused but couldn't do anything because even if all a hundred members attacked the boss at the same time, they would still lose, so Vivian took the initiative to speak okay, since no one opposed boss then we shall address Mr.Esho punishment now after reviewing the results Mr.Esho your sentence is to train Michael for the upcoming entrance, if he destroys anything outside training ground you shall be forced to commit suicide.

While ten thousand feet above the hospital where Michael was located, a demon murmured FOUND HIM MASTER.