
Devils Chess Board

Years Ago a war between satan and a group known as the sins sent by God to keep balance in the underworld broke out, unfortunately the sins lost with five meeting their demise and two fleeing, the souls of the five sins were reincarnated into five humans who have to fulfil their purpose and defeat Satan.

Okechukwu_Michael_4665 · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Michael continues pleading to air until not one or two but a river of tears start flowing down his cheeks [hehe my boy "cough cough" I mean Host, don't cry]. When Michael heard the system's voice, he felt nothing but burning rage while he shouted, "You caused this, you bastard system; I didn't beg to be saved. I wish I had the power to control people like you!" as Michael made this statement he felt his insides burning like they were placed in a volcano about to erupt into lava [HOST FEELS OUTRAGEOUS ENVY!!].

Once Michael saw the message, he knew it was too late as his vision turned red like that of a thirsty vampire while a snake tattoo grew all over his left hand, his ears long like those of an elf, and his nose elongated like that of Pinocchio [ Host has transformed to identifix, a form which shall destroy all Host identifies as BETTER].

Immediately after this, the goats started running in different directions due to the instinct of fear they were feeling towards Michael. Even the passer-by was running away because the only explanation for what Michael looked like right now was MONSTER; as the people ran away, Michael chased after them at speeds that were invisible to the human eye as he ate, tore every human in sight to pieces of flesh even goats were captured.

He killed everything within a 100-metre radius until the two Towlex officers arrived (THESE ARE GRADUATES FROM TOWLEX COLLEGE WHO DECIDED TO FIGHT CRIME). When Michael saw the two officers, he launched at them until an invisible force smashed Michael into the ground and broke every bone individually.

Michaels's disfigured body heals almost instantly while he goes on all fours like a lion about to pounce on his prey, but before he does so, the officers levitate into the sky while holding a microphone saying, "ANY SINGLE MOVEMENT AND WE WILL EXTERMINATE YOU" Of course Michael wasn't in control and pounced at them as his nails grew 20 inches in length and formed a drill like shape.

But before Michael could reach them again, an invisible force came crashing down while the towlex officer screamed, "1000 kilograms!!" after this, Michael felt not just his bones but his organs being crushed to a pulp to the point his eye was dangling out of his eye socket.[Host has suffered fatal injuries and shall be put into sleep mode]. After this statement, Michael's body lay under the rabbles of stones and debris.

The towlex officers checked around and left after believing he was dead[Host has fully recovered] Michael woke up and found himself in the sewers with torn shorts, no shirt, and his hair dripping with sewer water[Memories being transferred] Michael saw all the damage he had done and started vomiting again before getting himself and standing upright while looking forward and seeing six red eyes looking at him from the other side of the sewer and to confirm his suspicion the system spoke[Host has encountered sergeant level monster].

"Can't I have a break? Ahhhh," Michael lamented as he looked at the six eyes staring at him like he was the monster's upcoming dinner...

As Michael stares back at the six eyes, he contemplates whether to run or fight until [kill the monster for mystery reward]. As Michael sees the system message, he begins to sigh because it is a tempting offer, but the problem is his exhaustion. Michael hadn't slept well or rested after completing the tasks and encountering two officers, and now he faced another challenge he had to face.

Michael thought back to how he ate the rat, got a few traits similar to a rat, and believed his hunch was correct. He should have gained some characteristics from anything he ate, but before Michael could finish his thoughts, he got slammed into the wall while coughing out blood and his two front teeth. He looked up only to see a girl's worst nightmare, an oversized cockroach equipped with boxing gloves as hands and wings made of steel[Host has encountered sergeant-level puncxy].

Due to the magical energy that has amassed in the atmosphere, most living organisms had a transformation that enhanced them by combining them with their environment and other factors.

Michael looks up, staring at the six-foot insect with his battered face and toothless mouth. He runs towards it so he can bite out of it and steal some traits, but all of a sudden, the crocks on to fly up and flaps his wings, causing a mini wave in the sewers, which pushes Michael into the ground, almost drowning him but the crocks on didn't stop there[Host must dodge incoming]...BOOM as the crockson punched Michael in the gut smashing his whole body even deeper into the ground causing Michael's sight to fade away slowly [TIME= 00.00 DAILY TASK= ALL COMPLETED REWARD= ABILITY EXPLANATION] [ABILITY INFORMATION BEING TRANSFERED] [INFORMATION TRANSFERED] [WOULD HOST LIKE TO SACRIFICE SECOND REWARD FOR HIS LIFE Y/N].

Michael, without thinking, said yes [HOST CHOSE YES]. As Michael hears the system's message, his surroundings change from a smelly sewer to his bedroom[HOST IS CRITICALLY INJURED AND SHALL BE PUT TO SLEEP].

Michael wakes up and decides to sit in the corner of his room thinking back to all that happened. After some silence, he got up and started smashing everything in his room out of anger while shouting "It's all your fault maybe if you didn't die or leave, everything would have been normal" from anger to sadness as Michael started to shed tears like a little child till the system interrupted [HOST HAS COMPLETED ALL TASKS-REWARD=ABILITY INFO].

After Michael heard this he felt a little satisfied since he was finally going to understand what he was dealing with [ ABILITY = SNAKE EYES (THIS ALLOWS THE HOST TO STEAL THE TRAITS OF ANYTHING CONSUMED INTO THE STOMACH{host can only use three traits currently}].

As Michael saw these messages he was happy because this would assist him with finding his father until he remembered that he sacrificed information about his father when fighting the oversized cockroach.

Michael was about to check his PC until (knock knock) Michael wondered who could be knocking on his door since he had no friends or family, As he walked up to the door and opened it, and saw a man in a black suit holding an envelope while saying "you have 7 days to reply" And the man walked away.

Michael looked back and hissed because the man didn't even greet after that he proceeded to open the letter.

Dear Michael

You may not know me but I know you and your father, I am also the one who paid for the damages you caused during your rampage, but to get straight to the point I am inviting you to Towels College because I see something big in you Michael so doesn't disappoint me my dear nephew I shall be waiting. ozordikwe.

Michael read the message and couldn't even hold his joy including after seeing the last name ozordikwe [HOST NEW QUEST = GO TO TOWLEX COLLEGE, BUT COMPLETE MUSCULAR TRAINING BEFORE GOING.]

Michael saw all this and smiled because his life was finally going to change for the better, he was going to find his father become strong, and get revenge on all those who wronged him. [7 WEEK CHALLENGE 10K PUSH UPS 10K SIT UPS 100KM JOGGING]Michael saw the message and said "CHALLENGE ACEPTED".