

Jackson : you look stunning babe

Ameli : thank you,

Jackson : Let's go to the room now. Let's have it. I am damn h****. Anyway, tomorrow we are getting married, so what's the difference between today? Please understand na.

Ameli : I know we are going to get married tomorrow, and you are alright, but it's tomorrow when we get married, and I am not ready for it. Please understand Jackson.

Jackson: but 

Ameli : please, jackson, now you are making me feel like you just want my body. You don't want to marry me for love but for lust towards my body.

Jackson: sorry to make you feel like that, but I married you because I love you not only for lust, OK. Don't think like that. It is too beautiful to handle. That's why my love, lust, desire, everything belong to my wife, and you are going to be my wife.

Jackson says it is all annoying, how Ameli rejects him, but he has to be sweet with her till the marriage.

 Ameli : it's okay. Now I am going. Mom had called me 10 minutes before. Another ceremony is going to start. Everyone is waiting for me. Bye.

Jackson : hmm. Bye. Aggg this beauty. I am hard now. Let's go, jackson. '

He was seeing the small fading figure who was going to the side of the mansion with lusty eyes.

Ameli : Mom, what is this all?

Mrs Cassano : ameli, tomorrow is your wedding, so I want you to sit here comfortably. We will all apply turmeric to you and shower you with rose water. It will increase your glow.

Ameli : Mom, are you saying I am ugly?

Mrs Cassano : no sweetie, is the ritual of Asian marriage. Look at this, all the guests are here to give you a blessing.

Ameli : you really are something Mom.

Mrs Cassano : I know. After all, who's mothers-in-law I'm ? 

Ameli : my, of course. She smiled.

Mrs Cassano : hmmm... Now go sit there.

Ameli : OK mom. She sits on sofa.

whith Jackson:  

Jackson : Mom really has to find rituals from all around the world if you don't have a middle between us. Until now, ameli would have been screaming my name on the bed.

He was so busy mumbling that he didn't even realize someone was on his way and ended up dumping on that person.

?. : watch out, Mr, where you are walking.

Jackson : Oh, it's you gorgeous 

? : sana...sana is my name. Call me by my name and don't you dare to call me by this shifty pet name.

Jackson : hey don't be like these Gorgeous... by the way, you're looking stunning, let's have some fun 

Sana : I don't hit on marred men's

Jackson : soon to be marred not marred 

Sana : You will cheat on your wife 

Jackson : well we are not married yet, so how is cheating, and it's also her fault. First, make me h*** by her beauty, then don't allow me to touch her. Then what should I do? 

Sana : you're such a mother f****.

She made a disgusting face and walked away from there.

Jackson : ahh... now I'm more h***. Let's find yourself chick boy

And he walked away from the ceremony.

lily : 1...2...3... annddd...smashhh

Everyone cheered and poured the rose water on Ameli, who was fully covered by the termaric... Mrs Cassano.

Mrs Cassano : my son is lucky to have beauty like you.

mars cassano kiss ameli forehad.

Lady : now call the gro and tell him to take the bride to his room.

Mrs Cassano : but where is jackson?

Lily : I saw him going out of the house.

Mrs Cassano : ho ya he must be with his friend, he told me in the morning., but now how will we do the ritual...

Ameli : it's OK mom, I will walk to my room. It's not a big deal.

lily : no ritual is ritual.

Mrs Cassano : Hendry will do the ritual. After all, he is the brother of a groom.

Hendry : mom, not that scary mafia king he will scold me. 

Mrs Cassano : he wouldn't have to go call Hendry, tell him his mom was calling him. 

ava : yes ma am 

After some time, Hendry got there. 

Hendry : Yes mom, you called me. I was about to go to deal with Mr choi.

Mrs Cassano : Today is also work Hendry 

Hendry : What is the matter, mom, do you want something I will bring while returning? 

Mrs Cassano : I don't want anything, just carry ameli and drop her in her room 

Hendry : why someone broke her bonds... glad someone already did my work 

Mrs Cassano : Hendry, what are you saying? 

Hendry : exactly mom what are you saying 

Mrs Cassano : it's a ritual. Hendry jackson had to take her to her room, but he was nowhere, so you had to do this ritual instead of him.

Hendry : Mom, please don't bevel in these s*** rituals

Mrs Cassano : Hendry, you will not obey your mom  

Hendry : mom you know na I can't say no to you 

Mrs Cassano : Cool now hurry up, take her to her room and don't scold her. She is already scared of you. 

After hearing this lady chuckle, Hendry looks at Ameli, who is looking down because of fear yet embarrassment.  

Hendry : fine and walk towered ameli 

Hendry : hold my solder if you don't want me to trow you down.

He coldly said to Ameli, who nodded and wrapped her arms around Hendry's shoulders. Hendry lifted her up in his arms like a feather.

Hendry walks away with ameli in his arms, but ava is looking at him lovingly.

Ava : I wish ameli you were for Hendry. You were both doing this ritual for yourself. I can see how Hendry Holl's behavior changes when he talks to you. Maybe he is still cold and ruthless, but I can still see how soft he is to you. He would have killed anyone that day when you talked back to him, but he didn't. I have known him since we were teenagers. I can easily understand his behavior, and how soft he is toward you, which he himself doesn't know, but I know. She sadly smiled, seeing Hendry's despair in the mansion.

Jack : What happened babe?

Jack : I know what you are thinking babe, but it can't be you know na because now she is getting marred to that...

Ava : monster, I know she is going to marry that monster who is somewhere, must be f*** his chick or his friend's gf

Jack : babe clam down look al gest are here what if They hear us, and also we can't change fate 

Ava : I know, I just want Hendry to get a little happiness.

other side 

Ava : you can put me down Brother. I will walk towards my room on my own... you don't have to carry me

Hendry : shut your mouth. It's irritating 

He rolled his eyes and climbed the stairs. He reached the hallway of the house. 

Hendry : which one is your room? 

Ameli : last...one... she replied stuttering...

Hendry held tight to Ameli's waist as he walked faster towards the room. Once they reached in front of the door, Hendry kicked the door to open it and took ameli inside. 

ameli : ahhh..... 

Ameli hissed in pain when Hendry threw her down on the floor near the door. 

Hendry : mom just told me to take you to the room, not to bed ... and ya, I just don't look scary. I am actually scary, so careful my soon-to-be sister-in-law, or say, miss angel who walks around to help people. 

Ameli : But... you can put me down on the floor, not on the bed. It's hurts.

Hendry walked from ther while rolling his eyes at Ameli. 

Ameli : he is so bad. I helped him, but still ahhh... my pretty a**