

He live a dark life she came as a light in that dark and slowly she take his hand toward light. ... A transaction forced her to dedicate herself to the most respected, most feared man in Dong Ling City. During the day, she is an ordinary girl like any other girl, but at night she becomes his toy …or she thought she's this way. She thought she had been living without dignity. , but did not know that she had already become the envy of all women in Dongling. He pampered her, and no one else could have pampered her. In the whole world, only this stupid woman didn't know.... He falls for her slowly, in the game of winning over her, she wins his heart.Two people from different world, different thought are involved into a game where whoever fall in love will be a loser, in this game see who will win. *** Expert:- She put her hands on his chest and looked panicked "You dare to mess around, I... I will sue you." He pinched her chin and smiled wickedly "The whole Dongling is my world, you sue me?" . . . Instagram:- @missiyashergill

Siya_Shergill · Urban
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119 Chs

79. My People, Don't Touch

This could be regarded as the longest sentence Ming ke and Xiao Xiang said after seeing Mu Zijin, but the two of them didn't take the matter to heart at all and still walked towards the door.

Mu Zijin just watched them walk out of the door of the banquet slowly, the deep color in those eyes made people completely unable to see what he was thinking at this moment.

Finally, he took out a phone from his pocket, and after dialing the call, he said lightly "The girl with the green skirt and the injured forehead, I want her tonight."


Bei Mingye, Dongfang Chen, and even Nangong Lie all of them. Being surrounded by other guests all the time, it was a bit difficult to escape. As for Mu Zijin, he was the second young master of the Mu family. Because the eldest young master of the Mu family was here, he made an excuse and left the crowd.

When Bei Mingye and the others returned to their seats, they found that Ming ke and Xiao Xiang had left, and even Mu Zijin was gone.

"Could it be that Zijin took the two little beauties to be happy?" Dongfang Chen sat on the chair, looked up at Bei Mingye, seemed to be joking, but paid close attention to his face. The expression on the face "What is the relationship between those two girls and you? The one named Mingke is so beautiful, you won't have it already, right?"

Bei Mingye glanced at him coldly and returned to his own seat, he sat down gracefully, but for some unknown reason, both Ming ke and Mu Zijin disappeared, and suddenly became somewhat inexplicably irritable.

"What? It won't really be told by me, what secrets do you and those two girls have?" Dongfang Chen still stared at him, not letting go of the irritability in his eyes:

"That's a pity , Zijin looks so good-looking, more elegant and gentle than you, even a girl knows who to choose."

Bei Mingye ignored him completely, and Yu Feifan, who was beside him, asked the waiter for a glass of red wine and handed it to him, he grabbed it, raised his hand and gulped it down in one breath.

Even Nangong Lie, who had just returned, couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw this move, his eyes locked on his face "Isn't it really going to be said by this kid Dongfang Chen? You have an affair with those two girls. The one with the water green skirt or the other one?"

"Is it weird?" Bei Mingye leaned back on the chair, his long arms rested on Yu Feifan's shoulders, looked at the two of them, and said in a lazy tone "You look good It looks good to play with, what's so strange about this kind of thing?"

"It's just a student." Yu Feifan next to him looked up at him, and there was a trace of reproach in her words "They're not your type at all, you Shouldn't..."

"Then what type do you think I would like?"

Yu Feifan met his gaze and stopped for some reason.

After having known each other for so long, she really didn't think there was any woman he liked, let alone like her, he didn't even have much affection. In his life, besides work, it seemed that there was only work left.

What is a woman to him? It's not even a plaything, it's at most a tool for venting, plus his coldness, this tool is also dispensable.

She raised her lips, smiled lightly, and looked back at Dongfang Chen, with a trace of rebuke "What's the fun of making fun of him? I saw that the girl in the green skirt just now looks good, if you really like it , have the ability to chase her back and have a look."

The girl looks good and warm...

She is also docile, but based on her years of experience in looking at people, she can see at a glance that it is definitely not a good object to pursue.

She looks docile, like a sheep, but there is a faint coldness in her bones, which is not outstanding, but it exists from beginning to end.

"What? Do you think I can't catch up with such a little girl?" Dongfang Chen also leaned back in the chair, took out a cigarette and lit one for himself.

Nangong Lie frowned, and Yang Yi immediately said "Lie doesn't like the smell of cigarettes, so kill them."

Dongfang Chen glanced at them, and suddenly became a little irritable "Okay, just the two of you. There are women by your side, I am alone, and I can't beat you."

He took the ashtray and put out the cigarette, and then he leaned back in the chair and looked at them "When I turn around, I will catch the girl and let you guys go. See and see my skills."

"Have you been busy lately?" Bei Mingye stared at him, his eyes dark, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry, but his voice seemed to be a little cold again.

Dongfang Chen's eyes flickered, something was flowing under his eyes, he met his gaze calmly, and said with a smile "You should know very well that I am not busy, but I have the greatest advantage, That is when facing a woman, no matter how busy you are, you can still find time."

Bei Mingye's face was gloomy and indistinct, as if there was a bit of chill, but also a bit of indifferent.

After Yu Feifan invited the waiter to bring the red wine, he took the glass and tasted it one by one, as if what Dongfang Chen said just now had nothing to do with him.

Dongfang Chen really wanted to see any strange expressions on his face, but his performance disappointed him, he ripped off his hair, and said in a cynical tone "In advance, you'd better tell me who the girl is It's not yours, if it's not..."

"Yes." Bei Mingye put down the cup, ignoring Yu Feifan's shocking eyes, and said word by word "It's my woman, don't move until I get tired of playing."

He stood up abruptly and walked towards the door, even ignoring Yu Feifan next to him.

After realizing it, Yu Feifan stood up and wanted to chase after him, but he had already walked to the door of the venue. With such a long distance, she had to run to catch up, but her every move was under everyone's attention. Chasing a man with a runner is naturally impossible.

Just watching him leave like this, she haven't reacted from his words for a long time. The girl in the water green skirt just now is actually his women. She really can't think of it. When did he get his hands on this little flower?

"Look what your expression is like now." Dongfang Chen squinted at her, smiling disapprovingly "If he doesn't admit it, there is a problem. If he admits it, you can smile at ease."

Yu Feifan stared at him, her red lips moved slightly, but she didn't speak.

Dongfang Chen smiled again and said "I've seen this girl, and I went back to the imperial Garden with him. It must be his person. If he doesn't admit it, I'm afraid that the girl's place in his heart is really not easy. Since he admits it. It won't be a problem, it won't be long before she will disappear completely from his life like other women."

"But I haven't seen any other irrelevant women who have been to his imperial garden." Yu Feifan's voice was deep. Going down, even his face became silent.

He actually brought the girl back to the imperial Garden. This was something she had never seen before. How could he bring back those irrelevant people?