

He live a dark life she came as a light in that dark and slowly she take his hand toward light. ... A transaction forced her to dedicate herself to the most respected, most feared man in Dong Ling City. During the day, she is an ordinary girl like any other girl, but at night she becomes his toy …or she thought she's this way. She thought she had been living without dignity. , but did not know that she had already become the envy of all women in Dongling. He pampered her, and no one else could have pampered her. In the whole world, only this stupid woman didn't know.... He falls for her slowly, in the game of winning over her, she wins his heart.Two people from different world, different thought are involved into a game where whoever fall in love will be a loser, in this game see who will win. *** Expert:- She put her hands on his chest and looked panicked "You dare to mess around, I... I will sue you." He pinched her chin and smiled wickedly "The whole Dongling is my world, you sue me?" . . . Instagram:- @missiyashergill

Siya_Shergill · Urban
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119 Chs

100. don't come here *Error

"What are you doing?" No matter how hard Mingke struggled this time, she couldn't get away from Mu Zijin's big palm. In addition, there were still occasional students passing by in twos and threes on the trail. She was afraid that people would see the two of them here. Entangled, had to keep up with his pace.

However, on the path outside the woods, she stopped, and she didn't want to go there anyway.

Mu Zijin looked back at her, she seemed to be inexplicably resisting that piece of wood, and she didn't know that she thought she had experienced something similar to being violated by a man there... Maybe, it's not necessarily true.

His eyes narrowed slightly, looking at her dejected appearance, suddenly approached a little, and asked softly, "Have you and Bei Mingye been here before?"

He knew that this year's school anniversary, Bei Mingye attended, what are they? The cooperation between the society and the imperial group should also start after that day.

Bei Mingye would actually come to such a place and make a fundraising movie with a group of little furry kids. In the past, he wouldn't believe it anyway.

Hearing him mention the three words "North Ming Ye", Ming Ke was obviously taken aback, and the whole person suddenly became a little cold.

"No." She shook her head vigorously, denying.

"I really want to help you." Mu Zijin let out a sigh of relief, ignoring her resistance this time, pulling her hard and walking directly into the woods to the two rockery.

"I'm not going there!" After seeing his destination, Mingke suddenly exclaimed, trying hard to break him away.

Not wanting Mu Zijin to suddenly bend over, he picked her up and walked towards the two rockery: "If you want to be seen, you can scream out loud." tqR1

Her scream just came out of her throat, and she was still stunned. Before he could break it out, he was blocked by his words back into his stomach.

Looking at the two rockeries, her breathing became more and more rapid, and her heart became more and more flustered. She unconsciously clenched his clothes, and tears almost fell.

Is she destined to be bullied by these people and destined to be in this place? What did she do wrong, why were they unwilling to let her go, why?

She was really frightened by her own memories. When Bei Mingye was here, she almost humiliated her, and gave her Shanshan's mobile phone to show her the photos that she could never forget for the rest of her life.

She was inexplicably resistant to this place, and every time she went to the club after that, she always deliberately stayed away from here, away from these two rockeries.

She don't come here!

Because she was too panicked, she was like a trapped rabbit, she only knew how to tighten his clothes tightly, and even forgot to breathe.

The two rockeries are getting closer, little by little.

Just when she panicked and planned to call for help desperately, the two rockery suddenly swept past her. Mu Zijin quickened her pace, bypassed the rockery, and walked towards the retro pavilion not far away.

The two rockeries were gradually receding in sight, and Mingke's consciousness was only returning to the cage. When she reacted, Mu Zijin had already placed her on the stone chair under the gazebo and stood in front of her, condescendingly. look at her.

Ming Ke raised his head subconsciously and met his gaze. Suddenly, he felt that such a tall existence seemed familiar, and this feeling of being oppressed was also familiar.

She inexplicably thought of Bei Mingye, the man who often left her on the bed and then stood beside the bed, looking down at her like a god.

After a long while, she withdrew her gaze, hugged her legs, and stopped looking at him.

Mu Zijin sat down beside her, put his long arms on the back of the stone chair, looked up at the boundless and deep night, his eyes were as deep as water: "How did he force you to stay by his side? Threatening you with your family, Or a photo or something?"

She raised her head abruptly, looking at his more delicate and perfect profile in the moonlight, her lips moved slightly, but she didn't say a word.

"It seems that he really used some tricks." Mu Zijin's eyes retracted from the sky, like the moonlight, falling on her increasingly pale face: "I misunderstood you and almost drove you to death, I'm sorry ...I rarely say sorry to people in my life, in the past few years, probably, you were the first."

His words were still cold, and Mingke couldn't hear how warm it was, she didn't know why, It will make a rich boy like him often appear indifferently.

However, he was indeed cold, but his voice slowly softened: "You are completely different from those women I know. As compensation at that time, tell me why you can't live without him, and I will help you.

" His lips still trembled a few times, and his little hands clenched unconsciously in the dark.

His eyes were cold, and in this June day, not only did he not feel the slightest chill, but instead gave him a refreshing and quiet feeling.

For a moment, Mingke almost blurted out the whole story under his gentle gaze. For more than two weeks, she has been under pressure that no one can imagine, and no one has been able to share it with her, not even the closest one. Dad, best friend Xiao Xiang, none of them can.

When she was under great pressure, she felt a waste of strength even crying, because her strength had to stay to deal with Bei Mingye.

Now suddenly there is such a person, he said, he can help her, as long as she says...

But in the end she just retracted the gaze that fell on his face, and slowly released her tense fingers, let out a sigh of relief, she Said: "You can't help."

She slid off the stone chair, and she looked back at him, her voice was indifferent, a bit naturally cold: "If you sincerely apologize, then I accept it, and we will not owe each other in the future, I hope you will not in the future. Come to me again."

He raised his head, his eyes were still cool, and he was looking at her, without too much turbulence in his eyes: "You can't even be friends?"

"Not from the same world, not suitable for friends." She forced a smile He smiled and turned to leave: "If you really feel sorry for me, it's best not to disturb me again. I have an exam tomorrow morning, so I'll go back first."

"I really like you a little bit." Mu Zijin stood behind him. He got up and walked over: "Don't talk about this, I will come to you in the future. Since there is an exam tomorrow, I will send you back to have a good rest."

Ming Ke didn't say anything, this time walking with him on the path in the forest, A heart is no longer as restless as before.

No matter what you like or not, probably the sons of the rich are the same. Anyway, just like it, don't take responsibility, it's really a fool.

Leaving the woods and walking on the brightly lit campus trail, it was no surprise that there was a super-strong handsome guy by his side, and the rate of return was almost 100%.

It's best not to come to her in the future, she doesn't like living a life that is watched by countless eyes at all.

Mu Zijin finally left, and after finding an excuse to deal with Xiao Xiang, Ming Ke finally lay back in the familiar bed, and then slept until dawn.