

Rose shook her head slightly, no wonder they were here or the fact that they remembered her existence, she quickly pushed the thought out of her head of throwing them all out," so we thought we should invite you to stick around with us during the party" she continued," Ah lila thank you for the invitation but i dont even think I'd go" she said gently turning down the invitation, ''are you sure rosy is going to be much fun" tilda pipe in, '' I'm very sure tilda and even though I would i'd rather skip the part of going with you three of you" she said and gave them a smile," now rose just because.." lila started,shocked by Rose's rude attitude," before you finish lila let me stop you there, I clearly don't remember inviting you to my house nor saying that we could be freinds" she said coldly, she had no intention of being freinds with them again, she didn't even know why they wanted to talk to her or be close to her, lila forced a smile to her lips as she said," lila I see you aren't in a good mood, we'll see you another day" she said and left with, tilda and Sofia, she let out a sigh of relief, she wasn't in for drama at this point, she went up to a room and lay down on her bed, she sat up and got the book she was reading and continued, a few pages in when she heard a knock on the door and heard hilda's voice from the outside,"my lady tis me" she said, " come in hilda" she replied," what is it" Rose asked her when she came inside, she was holding a blue gown and held it out, rose took notice of the gown, it was long and had beautiful wave patterns, the arms were silky and had a faint contrast compared to the rest of the gown, all in all she thought it looked splendid." what is this for hilda" she asked focusing her attention back on the book," for the ball my lady" she answered, rose took a look at her then went back to the book, "i didn't know you where going" she said," not me my lady you and young master richard" she said, rose almost dropped her book," what made you think I was going" she asked, dropping the book on the table and giving hilda complete attention," because you have to, you gave Richard a speech about treason and all that" she said," yes well that was suppose to be a speech about loyalty, so he would know to be loyal and also to respect an invitation" she said trying to discourage hilda from what she was doing" my lady I know you and although social gatherings aren't what you fancy you have to do it, you can't keep sitting home and reading a book"she said," I don't see what's wrong with that" she said," my lady have I ever asked you for anything before" she asked," well no nothing I can think about" she replied," well then I'm finally gong to ask you" she said," hilda please don't " she begged," my lady please" she said taking her hand in hers, rose looked up at the woman who she saw as a mother figure, she tried to strengthen her resolve to say no but wasn't able to," fine then I'll go, but one more thing how much does that dress cost" she asked, realising how expensive the dress might cost,hilda looked perplexed,"you don't need to worry about that,it's not that expensive, I bought it from a freind" she said," hilda I don't pay you already, I can't collect this if I'm going I'm going to wear another dress" she said, hilda looked down at the dress," so you won't accept it" hilda said looking teary eyed, rose knew what she was doing and wasn't going to fall for it," hilda please don't I already agreed to go" she said," you always sai

d you saw me as a mother but when I give you motherly gifts you turn them down " she said, tears falling from her eyes," fine then I'll wear it" she collected the dress from her and hilda smiled at her.

Richard was downstairs waiting for his sister who he knew wouldn't be coming, the carriage that was sent to pick them was already outside and he thought he should just tell the carriage to go on, he looked up at the stairs and saw his sister descending from the stairs in a blue gown, the gown looked beautiful on her, it was sparkling like her eyes and she wore a blue diamond necklace, which he remembered their mother gifted her hair was packed into a bun, that had different pins stuck into it," you look nice " she told him, he was dressed in a white shirt with a black coat," well you look better" he said," thank you" she replied, they both went out together into the carriage.

Hey guys I know I don't write much but I have some major exams so please bear with me, I finally found a character for rose and posted her on my Instagram@ fazrah_._

fazrahxxxxcreators' thoughts