
Devilish Deceiver

‘You ended up becoming someone special to me more than that,’ his pupils became snake-like, his once cloudy warm eyes vanished, his eyes just like then. ‘Aytheur-’ How- do you know that name? ‘I've known you longer than you could ever have imagined. It's me vilo. I finally remember’ Wings spread from his back, His wings glossed in the warmest shades of black. It looked as if the moon would carry him away. He slowly turned towards me. ‘I killed your real parents.’

Nebula_Ghost · Fantasy
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9 Chs


But I am still a little bummed out that I couldn't get anything. I couldn't do anything either during that robbery. It didn't really concern me that much, I am not in that department.

As the dusk progressed; I managed to find another convenience store that didn't get attemptedly-robbed and bought some things. I headed home that evening. As it was late I quickly brewed up some noodles, 'I nearly forgot about that thing they were going to send me.' I mumbled to myself as I gently carried my cup over to the tea table, as I quickly hurried next to my mattress, snatching my laptop. I returned to the tea table resting it down on a cushion seated next to me.

As I awaited for my noodles to cool, I began sifting through my emails in hope if they emailed anything yet, nothing. Nothing, like nothing I am. Very funny to me. I laughed. It was funny. I am unwanted, but why do I even try to want to be better than everyone else? Stupid me acting special. I am always alone in this world as I try to barricade myself away from my reality by feeding myself my own lies. It's so hard to keep acting like this and trying to believe it. My parents didn't want me because I was a girl. My foster parents didn't care about me and only wanted money, and abused me for the hell of it. I hate it all. I wish I wasn't alive. A knocking sound rumbled at the door, 'who would come here this late? Probably a mistake. Or the wrong apartment.' I crept open the door. Nothing was there, but a paper bag of food.

Someone probably dropped it here by mistake. This isn't mine, I looked down into the bag; a note? pulled in by the white torn bit of paper, I pulled it out. It read: Do you want to die? I dropped it frightened as I retreated shutting the door. How the hell did that- what the hell is going on? Another knock at the door followed. After I had just slammed it. I was hesitant to open it. My body, trembling.

Unluckily, It was one of my colleagues, did he do this? "Hey Misaki, is this your bag of food?"

"D-did you not bring it here?" If he didnt bring it here then who the hell did?

"No. I came to give you a message about the information about you-know.'' Who even knows my address? It's probably some joker.

"Hey Misaki, are you there? You need to pay attention," stupid colleague.

"Yes I am listening." as I replied sarcastically.

"Well you see that information about that gathering… was a lie, we have no leads on them to be honest. But they do suspect that the cannibal is a male." He rambled on.

"Male you say? How's that really gone to help?" Annoyed I was, by the lack of information. "I don't know you have to figure that out yourself. But why are so interested the killer?" I paused as I bluterted something I made up just in case. "I just wan't to prove myself that I can do good if I can solve this case."

"Ok then." He walked off as he glared back for a moment, something was off, apart from that... I was furious, so the giving of information was a lie. I hate them. I hate them. They probably do know more but they don't want to give it to me. And probably put me on this chase for nothing. They lured me out of their way, while there is probably a proper detective team finding him. Well I guess who can find him first. I guess, I need to start asking people then, but there is no info given this is going to be difficult. I let out a dying sigh.I barely managed to sleep that night. It was overwhelming.

I woke up the next morning drowsy, and tired.

Hearing a repetitive knock at the door, I opened the door expecting to be annoyed, instead I was knocked out cold, I awakened to murmur and chatter. Where the hell was I couldn't see a thing a blind fold, I couldn't move my arms I was tied up?! So I am going to die then? I didn't predict this. We are moving on the road? I am in the back of a truck?! So the 'do you want to die' note was true then they are going to kill me? I was thinking about dying but I didn't expect to be abducted and killed!

The time went by fast as my sight came back, as the blind fold was torn from my face, many stood before me as I looked in fear. Is this some type of cult!? I was set up! I was the bait all long?! I hate them, they lied, those horrible detectives I have to work with. i even was about to consider them good. After a while special police forces stormed the place I was at, and arrested all of them.

They were all indeed a part of the cult, the head detective of our small group suggested, I didn't hear anything from the agency after that they refused to contact me. After one day they contacted me saying that they are laying me off the job. I knew it was enevienalty going to come, money began to thin, I did everything they told me to but I was good enough because they suspected me to be hiding something.

Did they actually find out that I was a girl dammit and related to that case? About my foster parents. Is that why he asked? How the hell could I mess up. How the hell did they find out. it's mustive been you Mister. You bastard you lied to me, you set me up you gave a fake identity and set me up.

I was sent home shortly after, the truth was spread throughout the office that I was a girl. Horrible rumors followed. The truth was that I was fired for lying and deceiving people after my rescue.

I hate myself. Why did I have to be born a girl? I was nothing. I barely had enough money to pay rent. Maybe I can reconsider that letter I received the other day with that food, that one I ended up keeping, unfolding the thin bit of paper once more, "you want to die?" I was wrong, It wasn't from them they would never be nice to me. In the end I ended up bringing that bag of food inside yesterday. As it sat untouched on the bench.

I fished the pen out of my pocket, responding to it with the word 'yes.' as I fell into a daze, smiling with a prickly gaze. Falling to my knees, clenching the note tightly. I wasn't wanted just like my parents or my foster ones. I don't belong here. That's the only option left is it,the world around me will stop hating me if I no longer exist right? I left my room as I dragged myself up the stairs, sobbing within. I climbed and climbed the endless stairs. Finally reached the door to the roof which was blocked off. As I moved the boxes that blocked it. I gazed over the edge, upon the bustling traffic below. I turned back unexpectedly, seeing the blue haired guy standing there. his hair gleaming as the wintery snow began to fall. His mouth was covered by a thick pastel lavender scarf as he wore a dark grey hoodie that shadowed his face. My eyes watered. Smiling. Lost for words. 'thank y-'

*Bang! The doors behind swung open, he charged at me as he pushed me off the building, as he held his hand over my mouth, what the hell was going on I am falling with him? I looked above, police?!

What the? He threw me over his shoulder as he stuck to the glass as he began scaling down the apartment block with rapid force like nothing. I looked down at his feet and they were creating ice at a rapid pace. What the hell is going on? Hes that guy! the one who was at the convenience store. convenience store guy. I fell out of the daze, as I looked up at him. 'hey-'

"shht." I was uttered shutted up. I could feel his glare.

We are close to the ground. In a split second He pounced off the wall into an alleyway. Dropping to the concrete. as I looked about. I could hear muffled sirens in the distance. Were the police after him? I tired to ask once more. nothing would escape my lips, as it was muffled by his gloved hand.

"Shuush," he peered around the corner as he quickly ducked away, as he pulled me by my arm as he dragged me deeper into the alleyway. He seemed agitated in a way. His cold tone was chilling and frightening. I looked back and it seemed we had lost them. just what the hell was happening before me?

He pointed to a spot; he ran away. What? He's leaving me! What the? Lost in confusion, I was worn out with the troubled breathing. I feel like I'm going to fall. Called it, I collapsed on the cold ground, passing out.

I felt dizzy this week being too eventful, it's a dream right? there's no way I met a person who has super human abilities? Also that fact that I got fired right? It never happened didn't it?