
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 8-2

The next morning, it was almost business as usual as Noé woke up and went about his usual morning routines. It was a day off from school so he could only ponder how to make use of the free time, what with the sudden change in situation with Asia now suddenly being included into all of this. So, it was as he was busy cooking some French toast, eggs, and bacon that his thoughts were letting themselves run as he went about the task.

[I can't imagine those Fallens are gonna sit quietly now that their little Saint is gone… he figured. It's not hard to assume they'll come after her, especially so they can keep their hands on her Gear. Not like that'd be a problem, considering what happened when they jumped me… still, there's some questions about that. What the hell are some scouts doing pulling a Gear Holder into their cabal? They would've directed her to the Grigori instead of some out-of-the-way place like Kuoh. Something about this feels off…]

It also set him for him he still needed to report in to Rias at some point in the day alongside this. Letting out a sigh, Noé shook his head and focused back on his current task. He'd prefer that over the other thoughts in his head for the time being.

"Uhm… g-good morning!" Looking over, Noé saw Asia entering the kitchen, somewhat nervously at that. Absent her habit, instead she was in a simple white sundress that somewhat miraculously fit her despite belonging to Noé's mother. "I smelled it as I was coming down. I'm uhm… surprised you do the cooking."

"Cooking, cleaning, basically every chore in the house," Noé remarked, getting to setting three plates. "Dad is always busy with his research and is more of slob than he'd admit. Mom taught me everything she knows, since with her being out all the time it's not like she can keep things tidy. So, it falls to me," taking a step to the doorway, Noé leaned out, "Dad! Breakfast is done, get on down here before I drag you down myself!"

"Already up!" Van called back.

Noé nodded and turned back to the table, spreading the plates out as Asia sat down, the girl staring at the arranged dish as Noé also pulled a pot of coffee from the cooker to set at the table.

"You take coffee, or something else?" He asked while grabbing a few mugs.

"I like coffee fine… though uhm, with some milk and sugar in it. Please?"

"So, the way I like it too huh?" Noé mused, Asia raising her brow in surprise as he sat down and started pouring. "Surprised a thug like me likes sweet things?"

"I don't think you're a thug!" Asia responded as if offended, Noé chuckling as he sat down, a finger flicking at one of the earrings he had set in, a pair of small hoops that matched the ones further up. Asia had to admit she found it a tad surprising to know he had piercings.

"Funny thing, even just having simple piercings like these make people think you're a delinquent here in Japan," mused the boy, "So I usually don't wear them. But today's a day off, so I decided to throw them on."

"Well… they're rather fashionable… I think. I don't know much about how boys dress… or fashion in general," as Noé chuckled again, Asia's face flushed a bit. Van then strode in, both teenagers greeting the man as I took his chair.

"Morning you two," Van replied, turning to Asia, "So, how did you sleep, Miss Argento?"

"Fine, thank you," replied the girl, "Honestly, I haven't slept in a proper bed in some time. It was a nice change."

"Good to hear," Van hummed, taking the first bite as he glanced at his phone, "So, Noé, what's the plan today?"

"Well, first I need to report to Gremory," replied the son, "After that… I dunno, come back here, relax? If Tsuno drops by who knows… wait, no, probably a bad idea if he shows up with Asia here."

"Perhaps… well then, I suppose even then you'll be free to take Asia around town afterwards and get her some things," Van stated, Noé flinching, "Since you brought her here, may as well take responsibility and help provide what she needs while we figure out where to go from here."

"Ugh… yeah, sure," Noé groaned, shoving a whole chunk of his French toast into his mouth at once.

"Well… I suppose, since I might be here for a while," Asia finally took a bite of her meal, her eyes lighting up as she chewed. "Wow! This is really good! You're a great cook, Noé!"

"Ah… ahem, th-thanks," Noé coughed into a hand, Van chuckling as the boy's face flushed a bit. "Shut it old man."

The growl only came with Noé's blush deepening. He certainly was not used to that kind of reception to things.